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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11130375 No.11130375 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone that didn't buy qnt

>> No.11130381

qnt is just link but a npc version.

>> No.11130384

expand with a serious answer

>> No.11130434

Q: how $qnt different from other competing tokens

A: Well, we're not a blockchain firstly. Secondly, we don't limit how people connect (we're the only tech that has ANY:ANY interoperability). Thirdly we're enterprise grade allowing for enterprises to use multiple blockchains simultaneously as an Operating System

>> No.11130443


>> No.11130450

go on?

>> No.11130466

SDK kit released end of month. You will be able to build shit on there.

>> No.11130474

That's about it? What do they have right now? Another shitcoin project in a sea of shitcoin projects

>> No.11130486

A SDK is worth several millions nowadays? Classic crypto valuations.

>> No.11130530
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>tfw it's true

>> No.11130544
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lel 'about it'

>mfw already integrated hyperledger, eth and btc
>mfw sdk and exchange listing coming end of sept
>mfw so many legit partnerships i cant greentext them
>mfw impeccable team with ties to government bodies, accord, mastercard, etc

>> No.11130546

Brought to you by the same fags that shilled hot and link

>> No.11130552

lmao this conspiracy

>nothing is real

>> No.11130562

What are the biggest problems in crypto projects right now? Would you agree that scaling and adoption are two major concerns?

>> No.11130572

Basically nothing, thanks for confirming. Especially if you have to greentext an upcoming exchange listing. Lmao

>> No.11130577

lel i wish i was a paid shill by multiple projects, i'd whore myself out anyday

>> No.11130589

care to ellaborate?

>> No.11130594

Obviously it is one of the bigger Ines, yes.

But QNT wont solve this issue. There are dozen of projects with crazy valuations, sick connections and autistic devs,....and the same amount is on the way.

I am just trying to help you. This shit will end in a confido.

>> No.11130669

confido lel

>> No.11131116 [DELETED] 

SDK will allow developers to build apps that run across multiple blockchains (public and private) Few projects exist that allow this. Its a gamechanger. It wont matter which blockchain project solves muh TX per second problem, because Overledger can utilise them all. Cryptokitties for example clogged up the Ethereum network, but what if it was built using Overledger utilising both Ethereums decentralisation features and Ripples settlement speed at the same time? Boom, muh scaling issues sorted. Many blockchain projects will fail, so rather than commiting to one single blockchain project, it is better to have options and Overledger provides that. SDK will allow connection to Bitcoin, Hyperledger, Ethereum and Ripple blockchains.This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for developers. Stellar will be next on the list and in the future ANY blockchain project can be connected.

Many enterprise and organisations are interested in blockchain, but they dont want to commit to one single blockchain, because many are still in experiemental stage. It costs a shit tonne of money and time for enterprise companies to update their existing legcacy networks to blockchain, so what happens if a company shifted their operations to use Ethereum, but Vitalik is unable to solve the scaling issues? The company would have to make massive changes and replace that shit. Unless they use Overledger operating system, which provides a more flexible solution. Overledger is cheaper for existing companies to implement, its lightweight and faster to use, and it doesn’t tie you down to one blockchain.

>> No.11131132

SDK will allow developers to build apps that run across multiple blockchains (public and private) Few projects exist that allow this. Its a gamechanger. It wont matter which blockchain project solves muh TX per second problem, because Overledger can utilise them all. Cryptokitties for example clogged up the Ethereum network, but what if it was built using Overledger utilising both Ethereums decentralisation features and Ripples settlement speed at the same time? Boom, muh scaling issues sorted. Many blockchain projects will fail, so rather than commiting to one single blockchain project, it is better to have options and Overledger provides that. SDK will allow connection to Bitcoin, Hyperledger, Ethereum and Ripple blockchains.This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for developers. Stellar will be next on the list and in the future ANY blockchain project can be connected.

Many enterprise and organisations are interested in blockchain, but they dont want to commit to one single blockchain, because many are still in experiemental stage. It costs a shit tonne of money and time for enterprise companies to update their existing legcacy networks to blockchain, so what happens if a company shifted their operations to use Ethereum, but Vitalik is unable to solve the scaling issues? The company would have to make massive changes and replace that shit. Unless they use Overledger operating system, which provides a more flexible solution. Overledger is cheaper for existing companies to implement, its lightweight and faster to use, and it doesn’t tie you down to one blockchain.

>> No.11131138

The CEO has broad experience working in large enterprise and governments and has witnessed first hand how these organisations work. He knows these places are sensitive to risk and costs. Overledger has been designed with these things in mind. The CEO is an important part of this project, just like any other blockchain project, But he is very different, because he knows how to CEO. He isnt some autist developer who calls himeself a CEO because he is leader of the project.

The CEO, Gilbert Verdian has years of experience working with the likes of HSBC, BP, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Ernst & Young as well as roles in UK and Australia government. He currently has a role in the US Federal Reserve! He knows how to engage with big wig executive types. He is the man with the connections and engages with key decision makers of organisations which want to use blockchain.

Last week he was in talks with the US Department of Homeland Security (who wish to use Overledger to connect smart grids). The other week he was presenting to Lloyds Bank UK and it has been confirmed the bank are paying clients. The team have already signed shitloads of clients and partnerships but they are under NDA in fact.

He is also founder of the Blockchain ISO Standard TC307 where 40 countries and organisations are working to create blockchain standards and interoperability. On the team we also have Paolo Tasca who is blockchain advisors to EU Parliament and United Nations. The team are well connected and the project is well positioned to enable blockchain adoption on a large scale.

>> No.11131153 [DELETED] 


With respect to market valuations. QNT is currently at around $10 million. This is not a crazy valuation. It’s actually undervalued compared to similarish interoperability projects like AION and ICON which are 10 times higher. QNT has more growth potential. Yes I agree that its just another project. Theres too many projects out there. But this project, has all the right ingredients. Good tech that solves existing problems + Experienced team that understands how to engage with influential people + Low marketcap valuation. Ive been in this project since it was at 2 million, so the growth left in this for me personally has reduced, but I'm confident QNT will be 500 million marketcap by 2019 bull run. Screenshot this. It ticks all the right speculative boxes which is the primary driver of crypto valuation. Bye.

>> No.11131178 [DELETED] 

With respect to market valuations. QNT is currently at around $10 million. This is not a crazy valuation. It’s actually undervalued compared to similarish interoperability projects like AION and ICON which are 10 times higher. QNT has more growth potential. Yes I agree that its just another project. Theres too many projects out there. But this project, has all the right ingredients. Good tech that solves existing problems + Experienced team that understands how to engage with influential people + Low marketcap valuation. Im confident QNT will be 500 million marketcap by 2019 bull run. Screenshot this. It ticks all the right specilative boxes which is the primary driver of crypto valuation. Bye.

>> No.11131188

With respect to market valuations, QNT is currently at around $10 million. This is not a crazy valuation. It’s actually undervalued compared to similarish interoperability projects like AION and ICON which are 10 times higher. QNT has more growth potential. Yes I agree that its just another project. Theres too many projects out there. But this project, has all the right ingredients. Good tech that solves existing problems + Experienced team that understands how to engage with influential people + Low marketcap valuation. Im confident QNT will be 500 million marketcap by 2019 bull run. Screenshot this. It ticks all the right speculative boxes which is the primary driver of crypto valuation. Bye.

>> No.11131189

Is this the dip or are we going to bleed lower

>> No.11131232

this is gonna dump to zer00000

>> No.11131257

I sense this thread is being deliberately fudded.

>> No.11131278


>> No.11131618

Quant is literally unfuddable, I have yet to see any legitimate criticisms. Remember the long fud thread while it was consolidating around 375? "Scam office address" etc.

Fucking lol.

You will not find a better risk:return in crypto right now. This is a new breed of project, not just a handful of autistic devs who wouldn't even be able to get a meeting with their drug dealer.

>> No.11131663

I wonder how many people bought it at the top yesterday, poor guys

>> No.11131755

This is the gif my ex posted in >>>/fit/ complaining tfw no bf... And that's how I met her

I don't have anything to add to the topic, though

>> No.11131895 [DELETED] 
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