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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 732 KB, 1287x1763, 1536375328076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11120674 No.11120674 [Reply] [Original]


>LegalZoom + Clause and Accord >>/biz/thread/11112334
>DocuSign + loads of dots, great thread >>/biz/thread/11105943
>ContractPen legal contracts + Oracles - finding sources of truth >>/biz/thread/11104804
>LandlordLink larp >>/biz/thread/11078898
>Clause major upgrade to platform on Sept26 >>/biz/thread/11077460
>September 15 puzzle larper posts again Do Sa He Co Ch? >>/biz/thread/11069768#p11069950
>Nothing happened on September 15 though, unless it was "artificiallawyer adds chainlink article"
>Cryplet + Chainlink speculation >>/biz/thread/11067138

ESSENTIAL INFO (WP, How to buy, etc.):
How to filter LINK threads:
How LINK will increase in value:

Official Partners:
> @swiftcommunity
> @AccordHQ (Hyperledger, IBM connection?)
> @OpenLawOfficial (Consensys)
> @initc3org (Town Crier and Ari Juels)
> @zeppelin_os @factom @MarketProtocol @requestnetwork
> @officialgamedex @origami_network @ClinTexCTi @CEEK

Pasta and shit:
Compilation of previous notable LINK threads:

Previous thread:

I probably won't be able to do this shit until October when I get back from vacation. I tried doing it while away from home but it's too much of a hassle. Sorry to anyone who cares.

>> No.11120678
File: 838 KB, 1388x926, 1532302021965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart Contracts are a type of digital agreement that automatically executes whenever certain pre-determined conditions are met, this allows to make cheaper, more secure and reliable digital agreements without needing to trust a third party
The problem is that Smart Contracts cannot communicate with off-chain data (interest rates, FIAT values, the time, et cetera)
This makes something as revolutionary as Smart Contracts limited to exchanging ERC-20 tokens mostly, and certain Dapps like cryptokitties (on-chain data; example: X amount of ETH = Y amount of ERC-20 tokens/kitties)
To make more appealing Smart Contracts you need something called an "oracle" that is basically a middle man that connects off-chain data to the smart contract, this person has a certain power since they can change the data to their favor (we're back to trusting a middle man, which is not the point)
ChainLink aims to become the leader Oracle service by creating a trust-less, decentralized oracle network, where you don't need to trust an oracle but rather the protocol of the network (think about it like Uber, you don't trust the driver, the driver dosen't trust you, but you both win by using the app, that is trust-less in nature)

This would allow financial institutions to save BILLIONS (Sources: Capgemini and WEF) and that would be just the first implementation of the network

They're working with Accord and OpenLaw so it works with the current legal framework and they've worked with SWIFT so they're compatible with legacy systems (ISO 20022)

>I recommend you read the whitepaper and the god protocol by Nick Szabo if you're interested in what I've said

>> No.11120696

I wondered what happened to these threads! Vacation huh? I didn't know you we're still doing that.

>> No.11120709
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It is crashiiiiiiiiing !!!!!
Exit scam confirmed !!!!!
Seeeeeeel !!!!

>> No.11120722

OP... i care and screencap every one of these posts. Appreciate you senpai. Enjoy your vacation. May you come back rich.

>> No.11120763

>+3.59% 24h
OK faggot

>> No.11120764
File: 61 KB, 359x183, september.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find the attached task/comment in pivitol anymore. Anyone else?

>> No.11120775

It's because they're exit scamming

>> No.11120807
File: 662 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exit scam KKKonfirmed!!!

>> No.11120823
File: 10 KB, 320x278, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost 1 year went by and the price is at $0.28
when are you guys going to accept that it's over

>> No.11121034

I care, keep it up

>> No.11121090

>Entire team still on board
>Quality new hires
>Pounding out project milestones, working in the middle of the night and on weekends
>Real partnerships with real organisations
What the fuck else do you want? Do you realise what's happening in the crypto market?
Do you have any idea how shit BTC looks right now?
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11121140

>Vacation huh?
Well not exactly but I don't know how else to word it, I'm just out of the country until October.

Thanks frens
If you check the pivotaltracker daily you'll see that they remove tasks sporadically (or put it in the icebox? idk) in case you're doubting that the pic related ever existed. Beyond that, I don't think there's an archive provided by pivotaltracker for the tasks removed so you can't really know for sure.

>> No.11121141
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>> No.11121177
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don't forget we have teeka hype in the mix now too: >>11114642

>> No.11121201

>Well not exactly but I don't know how else to word it, I'm just out of the country until October.
let me guess. germany, to give a speech?

>> No.11121203

Fake hype is actually fud. Link needs a miracle just to hit a dollar.

>> No.11121214

Could have added
>Peter Hunn FUDing the Accord/LINK partnership following the LegalZoom announcement >>/biz/thread/S11117460
>link mentioned in a new whitepaper, which mentions swift partnership >>/biz/thread/S11110792#p11111852
>long review about link either written by Teeka Tiwari and leaked in advance here, or a very dedicated LARPer, in any case it's a comfy read >>/biz/thread/S11114642
>new get, 11111111, seems trivial but gets are a relevant indicator of social darwinism and general board consensus >>/biz/thread/S11110792#p11111111
Also a reminder that Thomas replies to all technical questions on the Discord in a dedicated channel

>> No.11121229

>Peter Hunn FUDing the Accord/LINK partnership following the LegalZoom announcement
what did you make of that? why fud when his own company put out the graphic with LINK on it? seems weird, yet bullish to me.

>> No.11121287

We are pumping in a bear market. Wtf

>> No.11121333

Accord is an open source project so anybody could join, I assume they're also talking with centralized oracles for different use cases or IBM may be working on another decentralized solution... IOTA is part of APPG alongside Accord so there's a good chance they talked. OpenLaw mentioned they also would be working with other oracle providers in the fiat relay article. Maybe there's a rivalry between Accord and OpenLaw and Hunn doesn't like that link is also working with OL, maybe he'd prefer a centralized solution but others at Clause like Selman prefer decentralized, maybe he just doesn't like that the link community is mostly 4chan...

What graphic? Can you post it?

>> No.11121349

I also wonder if they planned on announcing the LegalZoom thing so soon, seems like a response to OL & RocketLawyer.

>> No.11121359
File: 85 KB, 720x582, 52484D4C-E011-4F82-A113-D26E968F1548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for always making these threads

>> No.11122326

strap in

>> No.11122343
File: 89 KB, 439x615, rekkt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legal zoom was a lie

>> No.11122461
File: 558 KB, 1068x800, 1536943502916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are as based as those making the threads you're collecting to be easily viewed. Thanks anon, you will make it.

>> No.11122555

Ahh jail huh?

>> No.11122857

Full House confirms OP in jail and link $1000 eoy