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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11119399 No.11119399 [Reply] [Original]

I'm telling you fucking brainlets, ACM is still only 100K marketcap. Nerva 2.0 coming, and you are blowing it.

See you at $1.

>> No.11119415

Why will this pump soon, what is nerva 2.0

>> No.11119421

Look at the chart. Literally nobody is talking about this. It's 100K market-cap. TOR, Lightning Network, Smart Contracts, Privacy. Start reading. Join the Discord.

>> No.11119435

QNT / HOLO had market makers / whales and hype, does this have that "hype"

>> No.11119463

Extremely, ridiculously low cap. Solid, committed dev who's not a moon-boi. 100x potential within Q4. SPECULATION.

>> No.11119505

stop shilling us your bags nigger, no ones going to buy and pump your holdings networth so you can just unload on us

>> No.11119525

As I said in the first thread, I will likely sell 25% at a 20x, 25% at a 50x, and the rest I will roll the dice on and see if it makes me rich. These are the (very) early days. We're not even 3x yet.

>> No.11119540

Also, I'm sorry you don't want to trust people, but biz isn't all shit-head moonbois. My name is TWU, and though I made a bad call (NTWK) the other month, I have unironically called QUANT, NERVA, and now this all in the last 4 weeks. If you don't believe me I could give a fuck less, but that's why I left my name off those calls.

Get in or get out. I don't give a shit, but don't be such a dick.


>> No.11119607

Give me Discord Link

>> No.11119640

discord dot gg slash 5nynhp

but don't expect insider info. as i've said from the beginning, all calls are posted simultaneously here, and there, to be fair.

>> No.11119767

it's only on tradeOgre? I don't do tradeogre

>> No.11119784
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ahahahahaha, this is worthless

>> No.11119868


>> No.11119896

>smart contracts
What smart contract platform is this compatible with?

>> No.11120199

Do some reading.

>> No.11120248


>> No.11120280

Somebody clear these 6's so we can crack 10's as a floor for fucks sake, stop fucking around.

>> No.11120293

Call a semi non wussy, big dick please.

>> No.11120493

No mention of your ORI call? People dont forget, go dump on someone else Rajesh

>> No.11120517

>less than 1BTC volume