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11119120 No.11119120 [Reply] [Original]

Every fucking day I sit on this train on my trip to work, and every fucking day, some smelly middle aged sweatpants wearing bum sits in the seat next to me and pressed their thigh into mine. I’ve tried putting wet umbrellas on the seat, and they’ll wipe it off with their bare hands. I’m not gonna make it much longer, almost snapped today. When will we make it so I can never have to deal with these fucking garbage human beings ever again?

>> No.11119133
File: 124 KB, 1200x943, 1517746200520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drive

>> No.11119135

Have them arrested for manspreading at the next station.

>> No.11119146

I’m a guy lol, I keep my leg exactly at the border of where my seat ends, and if they try to encroach on my space, I just hold my leg exactly where it is. I almost lost it today on this disgusting boomer in track pants

>> No.11119158

Nice dubs, but also I’m working on that soon. I was out of uni when I took this job, because I had to take whatever decent job that would hire me.

>> No.11119186

Are you the London anon with the homemade Link tshirt? Or is this Dave?

>> No.11119251

No link mutt detected

>> No.11119652

you're one of those guys that would just sob and be quiet as he was getting raped and then tell the raper you were sorry. just man the fuck up and tell him to move his fucking leg or just stand up and leave fool

>> No.11119661

wowing at your life problems

>> No.11119674
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>I keep my leg exactly at the border of where my seat ends, and if they try to encroach on my space, I just hold my leg exactly where it is.

>> No.11119689

where is this? Chicago or something? Boston?

>> No.11119707

what would you do faggot? screech and moan? "YEAH DADDY GIVE IT TO ME GOOD"

>> No.11119742

Real men do not sit in public transport
You have to be ready for everything
Learnt it during army
You never sit

>> No.11119944

I wouldn't wind up in that position in the first place. Once someone steps on your foot you tell them to fuck off, not withdraw it like a beta male

>> No.11119996

how would you know? what if was a tall muscular black man like Idris Elba and he charmed you? what if he held the door for you and took you to a nice restaurant and told you that you were beautiful? are you still telling me you wouldn't wind up in that position?

>> No.11120250

>dating tall black muscular men that tell you you are beautiful

I think you need to talk to your parents about your sexual orientation and bestiality fetish

>> No.11120251

relax tough guy

>> No.11120289


This. Glare at them. Seriously anon, you know how people don't fuck with that overly aggressive psycho on the train? Be that guy if need be. Point is, man the fuck up - nobody likes you anyway, who are you trying to impress by being nice to disgusting bums?

>> No.11120322


Nice larp. Actual soldiers know to rest as much as possible & not constantly draw attention to themselves. Just control your surroundings & maintain situational awareness. But sit the fuck down, looming by the door just makes you extremely visible in a high traffic area with little cover (on an unstable moving surface no less).

>> No.11120347

>look at that, an excuse
You're poor, lazy, and untalented

>> No.11120350
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>> No.11120368
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I thought everyone did this

>> No.11120375

nothing wrong with salivating over a big charming muscular black man you prudish boomer

>> No.11120382

Just tell them the seat is taken, how hard is it?

>> No.11120395
File: 37 KB, 359x555, 47A3D6E4-1E5B-4304-9E7D-B42646CEE250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public transport cucks


>> No.11120418

Why do you want to be fucked my another species anon?
That isn't healthy.

>> No.11120420
File: 31 KB, 480x270, p01bv0rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalstar test train
Looks like you're better at trainspotting than making money friendo

>> No.11120424


Suddenly driving a shitbox is an achievement , my life is not a complete failure

>> No.11120515

Nice train. CoinMetro $100k EOY