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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11118834 No.11118834 [Reply] [Original]

how do you even do the DOYR meme anymore, every website is a copy paste with thesame buzzwords "scalable" "future" "enterprise"

is it all just a gamble?

>> No.11118844

>is it all just a gamble?
Yes and it always has been. No one gives a fuck about the technology. So even if you back the most advanced horse, some pajeet shitcoin is going to outperform you anyway.

>> No.11118857


>> No.11118914

then how do i make it anon? how do i increase m eth stack? do i just gamble it all on a ponzi?

>> No.11118918

You increase your ETH stack by keeping your money in fiat and then buy ETH when it's $20.

>> No.11118921
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Do research doesnt mean just read whatever the fuck it said on the website, use your damn brain to question the projects.

What does this shitcoins actually do, what kind of assets/value they represent? What aspect of life/technology.. they are engaging in and does it actually need a blockchain? Even if they do need a blockchain then does it necessary to have a token/coins/hashpower for it ? If they do then does the ecosystem of that shitcoins legal for company in US, EU, SEA....to use it? If they arenr then are there any business, enterprise, financial Institutions talk about it or currently testing/using it. If it actually somehow pass all of those standard then how do u benefit from it, hold, masternode,mining...etc? All of that shit is fit best for ultility shitcoins, it work for other shitcoins too but all of them.

That's how DYOR work u brainlet.
Protip: buy btc, it's the only one that worth.

>> No.11118932

too late for that anon i fell for the hodl meme and i refuse to fall for the sell low meme too

i guess im fucked

>> No.11118937

First thing's first. Learn what blockchains are good for and what they're not good at.

Ignore the "enterprise" meme. You don't know shit about enterprise, don't pretend you do.

Listen to the use case. Would you use it. Even if it's slow and perhaps dangerous to use. If you're answer is no, then don't even bother.

If the answer is yes, then do some research on the team. Unless the team is legendary, then you should consider them exit scammers.

If the team is legendary and you actually want to use the technology, then look into their governance model. If they control the network, then it's just a website.

>is it all just a gamble?

Yes. There are poker hands worth pushing your chips in for. But bluffers still do pretty well for themselves. This board is full of them.

>> No.11118956

Anons im starting a Telegram group for people with good insights, a group with usefull info and analytics, interested in joining?

>> No.11118970

Why would anyone be so arrogant as to describe their company as "game changer", "scalable"(when they don't even have a testnet, etc...
Instead focus on the ones who have a scientific paper like Link or Hot and few buzzwords/marketing, those are the ones who can make it since they don't care about the price of the token (else they'd shill) so they don't do it for money.

>> No.11119154

its unironically too difficult to just do normal due diligance nowadays since the scams are so advanced. the only way is to read through the code on the github. even then, chinks are now copy-pasting shit like monero and just doing rewrites in different langs and saying its "original" so you have to hava good grasp of cryptography and shit to properly vet it.

all in all, unless you have a cs degree or are just autistic enough to learn this shit in your free time, buying anything but bitcoin is a gamble.

>> No.11119308

>a scientific paper like Link or Hot
HOT's paper is unironically shit and would not survive peer review.