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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.11111894

>stellar "not useful"
>holochain, literally doesn't exist yet and still an erc-20 token, "really interesting"

>> No.11111912
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>> No.11111923

The funny thing is you can also create new tokens on Stellar. Which he praises about holo.

>> No.11111949
File: 56 KB, 500x638, 1535673498646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish AF

>> No.11112828


Holochain is functioning and you can build on it right now.

Holo is an app that runs on top of Holochain and uses the ERC20 tokens, which are placeholders until Holo is live.

Think of Holochain like Blockchain and then re-read the article, fren.

>> No.11113471

They don't want to build "tokens," they want to create a circular economy with mutual credit currencies so it's responsive to the underlying asset and stable value. It amazes me how long it is taking you fucking idiots to understand how revolutionary this stuff is. This kind of article is making it so fucking easy to see, but you're so stubborn in your stupidity, jesus.

>> No.11113491

all you're doing is plotting ETH/BTC here

>> No.11113499

Holochain is shit for brainlets

>> No.11114004

>And it’s worth pointing out that Clause has also always seen the potential for smart contracts to work without the need for a blockchain platform.
Keep digging around, there are more little nuggets around. Holo would be pretty perfect to run smart contracts on as well.

>> No.11114017


>> No.11114043

perfect just the way a regular server would be perfect for running code: with zero assurances.

>> No.11114119

Does your server have signed headers referencing past headers reinforced by every node on your app?

>> No.11114135

Oh and every node needs to be a server and geo distributed.

Ok get back to me.

>> No.11114165

He's not getting back to you...

>> No.11114216

>Does your server have signed headers referencing past headers reinforced by every node on your app?
doesn't matter because it's not sequential

>> No.11114336


Possibly. Time will tell, I still think there's a few edge cases where you'd want a true global consensus, and financial or legal services using smart contracts would be one of them. So a dedicated platform might be better. Maybe. So that's fine, Holo can run the 98% of other use cases lol.

>> No.11114376

Stellar is dogshit and not even Turing complete so you can't have any good smart contracts.

Ethereum is never going to scale.

All Ethereum clones (NEO, EOS, Cardano, QTUM, VeChain etc.) are all piles of shit NOBODY will ever fucking use.

Holochain is the future. It's really that fucking simple. Think outside the blocks.

>> No.11114390

vet holdeers btfo

>> No.11114391

Dude it is sequential... It's on the front of the website holy shit

>> No.11114393


>> No.11114418


Cardano isn't an Ethereum clone, it's built from the ground up, albeit by people who built Ethereum.

>> No.11114428

Prove me wrong then. When H2 references H1 and H1 is distributed and you are kicked off if your version of H1 is different then the rest of the neighborhoods, tell me how

a) It is not sequential
b) you game that

>> No.11114432

It's a general purpose blockchain with a different consensus mechanism, it's more or less an Ethereum clone.

>> No.11114437

It's worse then ETH, it has no horizontal scaling, slower blocks then ETH with have and lower computational power.

ADA is for illiterate people like many in this thread.

>> No.11114439

not gonna FUD it too hard since I have Skin in the Game but when I dump my stack I will post my full review dont you worry.

>> No.11114458

No respond now you LARPing faggot. What you said doesn't even make sense and is disproven from the literal front of the website.

>> No.11114463

it's like you didn't read the most basic fucking info

>> No.11114475

>global forced state
>dapp definded state

gurrr babby never worked on network b4, you are illiterate and have no understanding fundamentally of how a distributed system works

>> No.11114486

So again, post something real because I gave you three points to talk on and you have brought nothing.

>> No.11114502


I get it, you're mad about the Hoskinson interview where he namedropped Holochain

I get it

Skelly is changing their consensus to PoS after Cardano was already doing it

Cardano also can scale horizontally, who told you that? Wait a minute...Dan...?

>> No.11114511

Ok tell me how the forced state VM scales horizontally?

>> No.11114535

Does anyone remember tron sentiment before it popped off? Biz HATED tron ... just like what’s happening with holo now, so much fud... from what I’ve read and seen, I’d say eth is to btc as holo is to eth. Vitalik wont be ready for this. Holo dosnt have the flaws of tron or others their tech is ahead of the curve imo.

>> No.11114538


Crickets, fuck this board. Low IQ ingrates.
See you tomorrow.

>> No.11114560

Holo fuel isn't even needed for the platform lmao, they only added it afterward to raise funds. It's just an old school P2P protocol that was in development and they realized they could jump on the crypto bandwagon. You guys are so damn stupid.

>> No.11114565

do you even know what tron is? can you share with the class? i bet you don't

>> No.11114566

>An example of a ‘forward contract’ could be an agreement between a wheat farmer and a grain processor for the sale of the farmer’s crop, at a certain price on a certain date. The currency minted by the farmer would act as a receipt for the future delivery of the shipment of wheat. This food-backed cryptocurrency, tied to an asset with real value, would be more stable than blockchain-based tokens that are notorious for their volatility.

Why the fuck would anyone do this?

>> No.11114646

I know that justin copy/pasted half the white paper

>> No.11114803


>> No.11115063
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Side. Chains.

Are you having a seizure?