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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 400x400, relex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11111769 No.11111769 [Reply] [Original]

its over

>> No.11111808

Nah, It's gonna get pumped again.

>> No.11111825

The devs have exit scammed fuck me for holding this shit.

>> No.11111833

its dumper harder than taking a shit after eating a bad street taco.

>> No.11111911


>> No.11111946

this thread is so fucked up because I don't know who I'm talking to but we all know each other from TG. I'm not gonna throw my cards down here. just gonna say, it's gonna pump again.

>> No.11111950

How the FUCK did I let you fags talk me into buying this shit I'm gonna fucking cry RELEXCONNEEEEEEEEEEEEEC

>> No.11111979

Dude this project is giving everyone Confido vibes. Its dumping now and will continue to dump. Shame on those who shilled this shit on 4chan.


>> No.11112131

The fix is in. Better sell now before the team does.

JT's wallet :


He sent 47M rlx to this wallet, which was also originally connected to main team wallet(s).


And this wallet is responsible for all the dumps

Check out by yourself -

His all Idex trades:


Some important dumps :









>> No.11112157

hey fag...you're posting day old pasta that someone else wrote, but you haven't bothered to do your own research. go back and take a harder look at that addresses transactions.

>> No.11112212

you do get paid to shill RLX or are you sweating buckets from holding on to your heavy bags?

>> No.11112227

Katipult are working with exit scammers, really makes one think. Anon fudders did we ever get to the bottom of whether Polymath was legit or not?

>> No.11112374

do you think the dumpers are exiting anon? why? I get it, your upset about getting fucked and selling the bottom. Don't cry to me about it though. I just bought in.

>> No.11112397

no one cares what you do or that you bought 2 bucks worth of RLX.

>> No.11112410

Yeah no shit it's over, it was never started because this shit is garbage.

>> No.11112481

dont bother telling that to >>11112374
he is a member of the rlx telegram shill team. True believers it is almost a cult the way these shills act.

>> No.11112830

This wallet is MacMac007's not JT's
You made a logical mistake and now you're acting as your own little cult, hmm?

>> No.11113277

blockchain never lies and always remembers

if someone makes a thorough research on telegrams or youtube(in case of macmac) one can figure out who holds which address...the truth will reveal itself eventually

we are in a bear market we have time

>> No.11113867

Brainlets are back trying to fud this again.

Kids, here are a few hints:

- You don't have a physical office you can visit if you're a scam.
- You don't have a no ICO approach to market if you're a scam.
- You don't register with the SEC and FINRA if you're a scam.
- You don't talk to the US government if you're a scam.
- You don't talk to the Russian government if you're a scam.
- You don't do business with registered and highly revered businesses if you're a scam.
- You don't employ multiple people versed in specific industries if you're a scam.
- You don't employ people that have been on TV for years if you're a scam.
- You don't openly talk to and about your partners and encourage users to contact them if you're a scam.
- Your multi million/billion dollar partners don't talk about you if you're a scam.
- You don't host an event in another country and pay for all expenses if you're a scam.

I could go on, but brainlets would tell me I'm wrong anyway. You can look everything up yourself and see all this shit is real.

You don't do all this shit to try to scam for a mere 50-100k. You can't make a connection to a wallet to any single person with any coin and you're already been told you are wrong from the horse's mouth. That's not how this works. You brainlets need to get your head out of your asses and stop trying to come up with the dumbest shit to attempt to label Relex a scam.

Also you dimwits worried about dumps and those "big sell walls" have no idea that the people Relex is targeting would laugh at you and your McDonald's lunch money. All this shit is literally peanuts for where they are going.

Fud away, you're wrong and you know it.

>> No.11113917

ohh look, its the same fucktard who likes to swear and call everyone "brainlet".

Did you just get home from your wagecuck job to defend this shitcoin?

Watch this shit dump even lower. Those bags must be getting awfully heavy.

>> No.11113976

Oh noes, some swear words for your virgin ears? My apologies, I should be more mindful of the children around here. I stand corrected.

>> No.11114113

The telegram is imploding with the news that they've sold over 100 million tokens at a 50% discount to investors without vesting agreements. Absolute retards on the team with no understanding of cryptocurrency or economics.

>> No.11114149

I'm the contrary, they understand everything. It is you who are confused.

>> No.11114155

I bet the Russian government has talked to plenty of scams

>> No.11114230


Can you even explain what the fuck the purpose of the token is?

>> No.11114295

to make the devs rich. like every other eth shit token.

Hire some pajeet for 20 rupees to copy and paste a ETH token.

Get added to EtherDelta and Idex

Dump on pink wojaks.

Spend the money on blow and trips to Vietnam.

>> No.11114462
File: 67 KB, 511x428, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11114518

I warned all you brainlets about shitcoins with connection to Vietnam (Bitconnect).

>> No.11114547

Oh yeah. We’re comfy with our Relex.

>> No.11114822

Nice Relex you got there. Would be a shame if the price dropped 20%.

For 1 week straight.

>> No.11114844

We know about the orchestrated fudding so you guys can buy in lower. Relex skeptics group? Pathetic. Only 6 people too. So BM, you sappling?

>> No.11114847


>> No.11114938

You don't know shit actually, cause Phester is full of shit. we're wallet autists....no more than that.
BM is a fag though

>> No.11114999

i've been seeing this shitcoin for months but never looked at it. open the website and see pic related. yeah im gonna give millions of dollars to a developer in a hyper volatile shitcoin LOL this is your brain on NEET. if you thought this would ever work you literally dont understand how real world agreements work

>> No.11115014
File: 87 KB, 705x248, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot file. trips still count. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF BIZ

>> No.11115036
File: 1.31 MB, 1291x649, oie_7u2rEmEvY13p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ruined but buying more 100%

>> No.11115080

im a civil engineer and i can guarantee to you that this will NEVER work. you're either a shill (my guess) or just dumb

>> No.11115104

holy shit I am glad I clicked that. There are so many pink wojaks in the telegram group, I suspect they will dump what RLX bags they have left so they can buy rope to neck themselves.

>> No.11115201

I am an accountant and this will work you faggot

>> No.11115216

same fag here. don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.11115331

wow an accountant! damn you must be right then! you know who else got an acountant degree? the fucking hodgetwins lmao

>> No.11115426

I work at McDonald’s. Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese. Bottom bun, meat, cheese, special sauce, lettuce, middle bun, meat, cheese special sauce, lettuce.