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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11110590 No.11110590 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck VeChain and Fuck you shrimp dicked chink scam shillers.
MUH VET $1 EOY STFU vechain is a china hustke scam bitch!!
If you are new to crypto, STAY away from China HustleChain

>Masternode token economics making Vechain essentially a ponzi scheme
>creating a news cycle by manufacturing your own (medium) and paying for Nasdaq PR wire articles
>cult of personality CEO, has Sun in his name meaning Chink Blockchain scammer. (Justin Sun and the Elastos scammer is named sunny as well)
>ICO's are pure bottom of the barrel gutter scams (DBET which was a dying cryptopia scamcoin and tracking horse semen on the blockchain)
>Copy and Paste ETH code with a centralized consesus algorithm (Proof of Authority), literally no point of using Vechain if you want a centralized blockchain might as well use SQL
>no blockchain immutability, (Sunny Lu was able to revert 100 mill VTHO transactions without any controversy, Vecucks forgot about the implications of the DAO hack because they're deluded 15 year olds redditors who think corporations will be buying their bags)
>absurdly long whitepapers and financial "reporting" riddled with jargon meant to confuse people that are impossible to verify
>based out of Signapore, the motherland of all ICO scams
>changing the rules and parameters as you go
>hype marketing (CCK and CREAM who also shill on /biz/)
>constantly implying thing are happening tomorrow, or next week
>claim to be China's coin when China banned Crypto purchasing
>insider trading pump and dumps on redditors (insiders buying up and then telling CCK to tweet some bullshit)

>> No.11110611

water is wet op. lmao @ falling for this junk

>> No.11110906
File: 88 KB, 547x361, fake-walnuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Eating a walnut in China and finding it's fake and filled with cement KEK

Anyone that invests in Chinese crypto deserves to lose money
