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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11109853 No.11109853 [Reply] [Original]

American /biz/ guys don't realise how good they have it

>those high wages
>those low taxes
>actually possible to make it

>> No.11109867

we acknowledge our superiority

>> No.11109880

True I'm 24 making $22/hr 40-60hrs a week and constantly pissed off at how under paid I am

>> No.11110222

Don't forget loli is actually legal in many states here

>> No.11111420
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I will never get my ass whupped by girls in wok hats

>> No.11111457

guerrilla warfare is a powerful opponent when you have a superior invading force but home territory is far away.

guess why the revolution succeeded

>> No.11111479

>guess why the revolution succeeded
Because the people we put in power were corrupt and gave all our weapons to the Viet Minh as bribes?

>> No.11111511

He is talking about our secession from the British empire.

>> No.11111537

Are you sure?
He sounds like NVA to me.

>> No.11111561

I'm about 90% sure that's what he's talking about.

Hey faggot is that what you were talking about

>> No.11111577

yeah, that's what i'm talking about - time of US revolution the british empire was the fucking shit

guess why we pulled that shit off? similar guerrilla tactics

>> No.11111681
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Meme magic is modern guerilla warfare

>> No.11111770

>ugh American wages are so high
>completely disregard the cost of life here

This is your brain on brown people

>> No.11111782

>t. mutt in denial

Thanks for the daily dose of cringe OP. Later at night before going to sleep dont forget to say "thank you based kikes for owning my country's currency!"

>> No.11111850
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True, I'm a codemonkey that puts in no effort in life and makes 80k with 26 vacation days a years at a big enterprise company. I'm 24. I work 2-3 hours a day doing extremely boring work while listening to history podcasts, and spend the rest of the "work" time writing shitty poetry and drawing.

The programming meme will end soon, so might as well milk it while it lasts.

>> No.11111891

It is so easy to migrate here, why not be an American?

>> No.11111984

You have zero room to talk if you live in any nation that is currently occupied by the globalist bureaucratic nightmare known as the (((EU)))
Yes goy that will be 2000% VAT on a vehicle and every single gasoline purchase, don't like it? Let us herd you onto public transportation like the sheep you are. VAT on everything

>> No.11111997

>completely disregard the cost of life here
Really depends on which state/city you live in.

>> No.11112036

It's not about wages. It's about assets.

>> No.11113121

>tfw baubles have continuously gone down in price (computers, TVs, gadgets, etc.)
>but the cost of necessities has far outpaced wage growth (housing, education, healthcare)
>and wages have stagnated since the '70s
>sending inequality to the highest it's been since the Gilded Age

At least Europoors don't have to worry about coming down with a chronic illness and being financially ruined for the rest of your lives.

>> No.11113230

Right. They’re already all mentally ill and have no assets, job prospects, and shit wages.

>> No.11113709

never got this
non burgers
why arent you coming here
youre basically retarded to live in any other country

>> No.11113741
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At least you have "free" healthcare lol

>> No.11113758
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Cause I love this country goddamnit

>> No.11113807

live in other country
less freedom
less innovative people
faggot military

its like training mode in other countries or something

>> No.11113827
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>> No.11113849


Not a burger, but that's a myth. The US is it's own worst enemy, they defeated themselves lol. No political will to fight it properly, and it was basically a scam war with a ton of shady shit going on (like shipping heroin in the bodies of dead marines). Had they actually wanted to win they'd have crushed the VC easily, but that wasn't the purpose of the war.

>> No.11113880


It's not that easy if you're White. I'd happily move to burgerland, but it's surprisingly tough.

>> No.11113894

>muh wages
>muh inequality
Are europoors all just retarded NPC wageslaves? Lmao

>> No.11113907

The US is the GOAT country if you’re in the top 10% of the income distribution. If not, your real wage (after taxes and net transfers) would most likely be higher in Northern Europe. In my country wagekeks at Mcdonals make $20/hour + pension and ~1.5 months of paid vacation per year.

T. Rich scandifag looking to move to the US for my master in 2 years.

>> No.11113936
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i love being from the us even though that fucking pumpkin pillsbury doughboy is currently in charge, was bluepilled on europe a few years ago but stuck through it and the unification against trump redpilled me on america. then
>made it with eth last year and bought link in march
I may buy a mountain bunker in one of the countries with mountains that start w/ S just in case shit does go down.

>> No.11113986

I’m 24 making $28.06 plus paid healthcare, dental, and vision.

>> No.11113993

Based quad and trip fag loli poster

>> No.11114063

US is great if you're an above average worker. Sucks for the lower half.

>> No.11114188
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>>those high wages


>> No.11114203


vietnam was a police action
if we used our full power it would have been flattened...

>> No.11114281
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Best post. Being rich in America gives you almost absolute freedom with only a few things like murder as punishable, but being a legal working man in America isn't as rewarding as it is in Northern Europe. I'm low 20's with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and only making $25 working ~10 hours a day, and my dollars are starting to get me less.

I'll help you make decisions/the move in exchange for a few drinks anon

>> No.11114337

Haha thanks. I won’t move until 2020 though. And I’m still not 100% sure about it just because education is free here (AND you get money for living expenses).

>> No.11114427


I agree, but my issue with America is:

> The healthcare problem
> Student loans
> The American "work is life" mentality

I own my own business, and when a boomer asks me how I'm doing and I say "well we're extremely busy right now so I'm working hard" and they respond with "well that's great".

It's like, yes financially it is great, but I don't want to work my fucking life away. That's how many Americans think, just work your fucking life away, buy a house much bigger than you need and fill it with shit you don't need.

I'd rather have a good job in Germany, than a good job in America.

>> No.11114451
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you fell for the kids meme, didn't you anon
>t. 30yrold boomer, smoke weed and bang bunda all night, work remote comfy shitpost about link.
you should sell you business, buy chainlink and work less. feelsgood

>> No.11114493

Very this.

In terms of income inequality, we're rapidly heading toward 3rd World status.

>> No.11114507

>Completely disregards wages/cost of living balance everywhere else
Try moving literally anywhere, motherfucker, and sustain the same standards of life, I dare you.

>> No.11114526

It's not easy to move at all. I can't find a programming job that does not require you already having h1b visa or a green card. And all the quotas are filled with pajeets.

>> No.11114580

>>11113709 >>> >>11114526

I couldn't care less about the well being of the brainlets.

>> No.11114593
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bro, are you me?
>t. 27yo boomer banging bunda in SA while remotely and rarely working

>> No.11114598

I'm not saying I care all that much, but when you're a high income earner you count your blessings, especially as I watch others work shit jobs for much less.

>> No.11114663

Don't know about you anons but I was making six figures by 25.

>> No.11114828


Doing what?

>> No.11114913
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>ugh American wages are so high
>completely disregard the cost of life here
What are you talkin about mate. You dont have to be an NPC like everyone else and spend shitton of money on rent. You can sleep in your car and invest almost all of your income in btc. I dont think food is expensive in the US either. So the cost of living is close to nothing. Someone from a shitty country who makes 200$ a month doesnt have that option.

>> No.11114925

Web infrastructure (e.g. not websites, but the platforms they run on and the pieces that link them together).

Started out as a C-student in uni, started at 60k -> 80K at job A, then jumped to 120k at job B. These were in New England.

>> No.11114972


That's great. I really wish I had done computers.

I'm a contractor now, and it's decent. But I have to work pretty damn hard for the 80k I get a year. And I'm 31.

>> No.11114979

trump also will never be my president.
great feels.

>> No.11115022
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>> No.11115097

Nice. Yeah I choose to work for moreax places but that involves lower pay

>> No.11115765

Teach me your ways, anon. I make the same amount as you but its soul crushing/back crushing blue collar work with zero bennies in a high COL area.

>> No.11115868

Hi fren I also work for an IaaS company and make bank