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File: 225 KB, 816x1056, 1534185447259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11094145 No.11094145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nigga why do you waste time tradin dat crypto shieet?
Be like our nigga king Arthur stealin dem bucks off ur lazy whitebois ass thinkin u can margin x100 ur way up.

Das right go make sum money while I bang ur future wife i be stealin it when ur done aayyy

Dem cryptos being hot with these pussy lazy bum ass cracker.

Bitch ass nigguh

>> No.11094154
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Where are his balls

>> No.11094156

Jesus Christ that's hot

>> No.11094161

Good question jeez

>> No.11094184

Racist me is disgusted. But degenerate me would lowkey pay money to watch him plow my Aryan gf.

>> No.11094205

Same here. On the one hand I'm turned on, but on the other hand I'm disgusted at myself for being turned on...

>> No.11094231
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>> No.11094238

What kind of fucking autist are you? You just displayed that you are "racist" but just said you would pay him to fuck your woman.

Acknowledging that races have inherent differences doesn't mean you are going out of your way to persecute others, pointing out differences is not racist nor is it "hate speech".

A man who values the identity of his people can't also value the miscegenation of his people's children.

>> No.11094244

>calls someone an autist
>says some autistic shit

>> No.11094249

Why are white people cuckolds?

>> No.11094252

>(((pay money)))

Good goyim. You are a product of simulated patriotic capitalism, molded by yours truly

Master Zionist

>> No.11094256

in a way it can be true.. the longer the cock, the deeper it goes, the more chance the sperm reaches the egg. The smaller the cock, the further sperm has to travel so it can get killed faster.

>> No.11094263

Kek at all these fags taking bait.
It were Asians all the time trying to trigger us, Whites with baits like this so we stop taking their girls like Blacks take ours. Kek on all of you

>> No.11094267

>he said didn't contradict himself like the other cuck did, better call him autistic

>> No.11094288

>A man who values the identity of his people can't also value the miscegenation of his people's children.
No, but he can still find it hot as fuck and bust a nut to it.

>> No.11094308

>a man can't.....
>no, but I can still accept the miscegenation of the next generation and bust a nut to it because I'm a selfish traitor

>> No.11094318

You know that pornstars don't actually get pregnant from scenes right?

>> No.11094340

Don't get me wrong guys, I hate black people too. It's just sometimes I just want to see my wife take a huge BBC with no condom.

>> No.11094347

>t. Op or one of those who are doing the ride

>> No.11094349

They do and get abortions.
They also get tons of stds because they get fucked by homos actor that do crossing and have tons of stds from fucking men anuses 24/7.

>> No.11094367

Hahahahaaha oh fuckin boy, you're either being disingenuous or you're a complete moron if you don't see how the (((porn machine))) isn't trying to condition society via the garbage they produce.

You like watching Blacked? Good for you, but please go all in and be very vocal about your love for Jewish-produced porn once the United States become the Fascist States

>> No.11094382

Fucking kill yourself if your wife isn't already planning on it for whatever meager life insurance policy you have, you poor bastard

>> No.11094410

Do you guys think porn stars get fucked over long term?

Like could they take too much cialis that they become dependent on it or like the women completely fake every aspect of it

>> No.11094436

>once the United States become the Fascist States
Which will never happen. Sorry to break it to you...

>> No.11094440

ok here's the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi's AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.
Back to hash power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen..

>> No.11094461

>which will never happen

People said the same thing about Trump becoming president and look where we are now.

Once White America wakes up to the fact Trump is part of the ZOG, we'll get the man we need.

>> No.11094468

Bunch of virgins here, 99% of real life women unironically doln't even care at all about dick size. It would be like if a man cared about the size of a clit. Only people who care about dicks are other men.

>> No.11094473

You know that most white people aren't supporters of fascism. I know this is hard for you to hear sweetie but you're in a tiny minority.

The day of the rope will never happen. You will die a country surrounded by brown people.

>> No.11094485

>Only people who care about dicks are other men

You don't think the (((media))) pushes the the idea that cock size is important?

>> No.11094490

so what your saying is, as long as its not super small or super big its fine? like if a chick had a massive, humungous clit it would be weird but any other size is normal?

sorry. dont believe you, kys

>> No.11094496

The left is constantly freaking the fuck out as if full blown fascism is just around the corner.

I'll let them know you said everything is chill and Trump can have a second term.

>> No.11094517

>most white people aren't supporters of fascism

Yeah, until they realize scum like you are actively trying and supporting to make them minorites in their own countries. You will be taken care of someday soon.

>> No.11094539

You're boring. You guys won't do shit. You'll be 90 years old in the nursing home surrounded by black and brown people and still proclaiming that the day of the rope is just around the corner.

>> No.11094550

If we weren't boring, why do you liberal faggots see Nazis around every corner?

>> No.11094568

I don't. I've never seen any of you IRL. You pol cucks must never leave the basement. You lack the balls to air your beliefs in public because we both know what would happen...

>> No.11094576
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>> No.11094579

Thats the thing champ, more and more whites are becoming enlightend of the liberal blight on the world, and the Jews who are orchestrating it.

>> No.11094581
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>> No.11094589

Ou veeyyyyyyyy!!!! You're against the breakdown of the traditional homogenous family? What kind of antisemite are you?

>> No.11094591
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>> No.11094604
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>> No.11094608

Not really. You got Trump elected because people were disillusioned with mainstream politicians after the 2008 crash.

It had nothing to do with Jews or saving the white race or any of that nonsense. Trump himself is the most pro Jewish president in history you stupid redneck moron.

>> No.11094614
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>> No.11094616

They got removed because the white woman's husband didn't the cum of another man in her wife's body.

>> No.11094621
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>> No.11094622

Where the fuck are mods???

>> No.11094626

Fapping of course

>> No.11094628
File: 90 KB, 480x590, 1488118109348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey
busy counting shekels

>> No.11094631

Here's a very simple breakdown of the 2016 election for a brainlet such as yourself;

>elect ZOG puppet who likes Israel and America
>elect ZOG puppet who likes Israel but dislikes America for its whiteness even though Israel is over 75% white

>> No.11094635
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> even though Israel is over 75% white

>> No.11094646
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>> No.11094652
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>> No.11094677

Haha did I say white? I meant non-black.

>> No.11094697
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Pathetic faggots kill yourselves

>> No.11094702
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some anon postet a 100picture imgur album with "fellow white people" posts.
If that doesn't open anyones eyes....

>> No.11094706
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>> No.11094716

t. brainlet

>> No.11094719
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>> No.11094725

How much LINK do I need to own to be a guaranteed millionaire after it moons?

>> No.11094726
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>> No.11094734
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>> No.11094745

1k only

>> No.11094749
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perpetrating this myth is the most evil thing white extremists can do, it makes 99% of the blacks that just have a normal size dick feel more and more insecure

>> No.11094769
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>> No.11094779
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>> No.11094783
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>> No.11094785

When the rest of the world stops being antisemetic

>> No.11094788
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>> No.11094789

Well I mean, I'm a bit ashamed that watching niggers fuck white girls turns me on. Not as much tho as the fact that watching dogs fuck white girls make me even hornier kek

>> No.11094797
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>> No.11094805

Because they are fully in control, so they don't have to seriously worry about black/brown people taking their things. They know it ain't gonna happen. It's just a playful fantasy.

>> No.11094806
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>> No.11094815
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>> No.11094824

So if i as an arian christian believe in caring for refugees do i also deserve to be thrown out of my country?

>> No.11094825
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>> No.11094832
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>> No.11094843
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>> No.11094851

Don't bother arguing with poltards. They are incapable of critical thought. This guy is just dumping his "redpill" folder in the hopes that will accomplish something.

All religious leaders across all faiths have urged people to do more for refugees.

>> No.11094853
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>> No.11094858
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Lets finish it with:

>> No.11094865

lmao the 2 kikes