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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11091648 No.11091648 [Reply] [Original]

The dump yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering HOTheads that run this scam. Price has already tanked 15%. Once it breaks through the $0.001 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $0.00075 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all HOTheads. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing binance. The $0.0005 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded holoports will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their gender studies salaries loaded up in HOT will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.00025, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the deluded HOTheaded wagecucking gender studies feminists who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Deluded HOTheads will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you HOTheads . There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be deluded, don’t be an HOThead .

>> No.11091686


>have to pass KYC + credit check for every coin on holochain. The whitepaper calls it the "membrane function." Holochain is ultimately based on trust, which means when you join a new subchain you have to have someone vouch for you. The only way to get money in holochain is through debt. Meaning you can spend money even if your balance is zero. You end up with negative balance and the other guy ends up with positive balance. If it was someone completely random with no KYC the debtor could just delete their account and make a new one over and over to get infinite money; a sybil attack. The membrane function prevents that from happening. You have to reveal who you are and prove you aren't a scammer. You have to prove that you are worthy of being issued credit. Its KYC or a credit check, however you want to call it. You cant just show up with your dick in your hand like bitcoin. Joining a coin on holochain requires social interaction. So you better practice your firm handshake and look them in the eye.

>have to either maintain your own personal blockchain history, or trust that someone else is storing it for you. If either party loses the chain data you lose all your money. It doesn't have guaranteed permanence like bitcoin. If being a notary (a node that maintains records) ever becomes unprofitable they will dump your records and bail in a heartbeat.

>have to pay fees to notaries any time you do anything. Its ethereum all over again. This incentivizes the notary to maintain and preserve the Distributed Hash Table. The DHT is a database that prevents people from double spending.

>> No.11091707
File: 117 KB, 1234x1070, 1536774360850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it does truly go that low I will be buying.

>> No.11091766

My meme is catching on. Holotrans assemble

>> No.11091999


If it truly goes that low, you’d be a fool not to buy. It’s dipped because ETH swing traders have come to view Holo as a safe, stable coin with a future to trade into while ETH dips, but right now they are FOMOing back into ETH as it’s pumped to liquidate shorts. The big thing to notice is how stable the price has been—no one is letting it go below $0.001. This is actually extremely bullish long-term and Holo is all about the long game.

This retarded made up copypasta FUD that keeps getting posted in every thread is retarded and the original author must have been high while reading the white paper to put together such word salad.