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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11090486 No.11090486 [Reply] [Original]

I will be graduating this spring/summer with a double major in econ and finance. GPA around 3.0 from a decent but not prestigious state college.
I haven't been active in any of the on campus clubs but i have "interned" at a law firm for the past couple summers because I know the owner.

Wat do? I know i'm not gonna make it competing for a top job against a bunch of psycho nerds with 4.0s who were president of the Faggot Club all 4 years, but I need to get a decent job somewhere. I don't know where to start, or even what kind of jobs i should look for with my degree. The way I see it, I just need to get a decent position somewhere that sort of utilizes my degree so that I can get a taste for the real world and then adjust from there. That would be the cornerstone that I can build off of as a professional. The problem is getting to that step because, like I said, my resume isn't stunning.
pls help

>> No.11090533

Learn to suck cock good and be a uncucked people person. Uber-nerds usually fail hard in the real world, start of in a ok entry-level position with poo-jets while morons like you can become the office chad by being moderately smart and going for a management position.

>> No.11090540

I need some legit advice that isn't "if you aren't the son of a Fortune 500 CEO and graduated top of your class at an Ivy League, you don't stand a chance". I know there are jobs out there, especially with the economy booming right now. I also know that I'm probably not going to get one of them just by submitting resumes online.
Some more info: I'm pretty smart and i'm good looking and not a sperg, so that should help, right? How do i get an in person interview, and how do i explain away my subpar GPA?

>> No.11090554
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i can give a decent blowie. where do I look for these ok-entry level positions? What kind of job titles are these?

>> No.11090613

No idea what title and positions would be finance or econ, just know my comp-sci friend started out with european poo-jeets (anything east of germany) and they went for management once they hit their late 20s. Going on early 30s they were pushing the poo-jets around and crawling up the ladder, shitting down kids and all that.

As for sucking dick or giving good head, it's a handy skill in any office environment, just like knowing how to build a fire in the wilderness.

>> No.11090629

Join the military as an officer

>> No.11090637
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>tfw i can both suck cock and build fires
is this what making it feels like

>> No.11090677

Provided you can not be a complete frogposter in real life and spend time on being social with others you'll be fine then.

Plus, always show good fucking manners, be always polite and never fucking join in on some petty gossip, you can listen to it but don't actively join. You can be firm and clear without resulting to vulgar words.

>> No.11090733
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i'm confident that I'll do well once I get the job, and can build from there. I'm just worried that my shit gpa will preclude me from ever getting started. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic. I think I'll head for my university's job center on monday and tell them i want a job lined up by my graduation day. Are they helpful? anyone have experience with that?