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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11087748 No.11087748 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you brainlets keep talking about selling chainlink or at what price you'll cash out? All you have to do is stake it for passive income. That's the price that really matters: How much we're gonna get paid every month for staking our stinky linkies.

So biz, any estimates? The (((bankers))) are gonna need their trustless data to offer smartcontracts to their customers. How bad will they want it?

>> No.11087760
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>> No.11087779

they are called stinky linky because they are shit moron

>> No.11087784


>> No.11087834

Wait you're gonna be able to stake your links?

>> No.11087879

no no he meant steak.

>> No.11088535


>> No.11088561

Linkpool ftw

>> No.11088576

link will be obsolete in three years

>> No.11088849

I've been asking around and it seems like nobody knows if there is a minimum needed

>> No.11088875

>I've been asking around and it seems like nobody knows if there is a minimum needed
No minimum needed. But you will only be able to run the collateral free contracts

>> No.11089062

Assume that smart contracts requiring external data become mainstream and the crypto API economy reaches the same size as the regular API economy now.
Let’s take the “hobbyist” from nordicapis.com as equivalent to a NEET running a chainlink node. That’s 688,991 calls per month. Per year it’s 8,267,892 calls. Say you charge $0.01 per call, which nordicapi reports, and is the minimum Oraclize charges. That’s $82,678.92 a year. IBM Watson charges $0.0025 per call which would be $20,669.73 per year.

Docusign says for their API that "You may not exceed 1,000 API requests per account per hour". Lol, ok so 1000 per hour is 24,000 a day, times 1 cent per job is $87,600 per year per node operator. With 19,000 node operators (Sergey's number) serving 1000 API requests per hour that's a total revenue of all nodes of $1,664,400,000 per year. That’s only 0.08% of $2.2 trillion (estimated total value of API economy in 2018).

Btw RapidApi, which is OWNED BY MULESOFT, does 400 Billion API requests a MONTH.

>> No.11089139

You’ve been asking around? Everyone knows there is no minimum requirement and how the collateral system works.