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11086316 No.11086316 [Reply] [Original]

How did the sleep Jew convince us we need 8 hours instead of 4 hours of sleep

>tfw when 4 hour sleep master race literally doubling my non sleep gains vs the sleep goyims
>literally awoke
>sleep Jew literally stealing a day a week from extra sleep from sleepy goyim

When discussing sleep, there are always two sides of the coin: the body and the soul. For the body's perspective, the Talmud refers to sleep as 1/60th of death — and for good reason. Our eyes are closed. Conscious powers become weakened, and we lose control of many of our faculties.
Even amongst our conscious faculties, many of them are still very much present during sleep, but the hierarchy which normally governs them is absent. The mind no longer controls the heart, and we no longer think before we speak or act. This is because all our powers are elevated to the way they exist – in a united state, in potential – within the essence of our soul. And in this "embryonic state," there is no above or below, earlier or later.

Based on all the above, the Kabbala often refers to the state of galut (exile) as sleep. During exile, our eyes are closed from seeing G‑dliness. Our spiritual senses, which allow us to understand Torah, appreciate a miracle, and love and fear G‑d, are greatly weakened. Our priorities are confused as we often have difficulty realizing the true purpose of life.
Why biz ? You can literally be twice as productive that 8 hour slee shit is to make you docile and complacent

>> No.11086510

Guys please

>> No.11086613

Kys you fucking subverter
have you actually tried?
I'm sleeping 4hrs weekdays, then 2x10 on the weekend
You function llike a zombie. Slurred speech, depressed. Everyone is looking at you like you are retarded or something.
Strangely, the productivity per hour is not worse.

>> No.11086852

you need to get some sleep

>> No.11086869

Your brain will slow over time compared to my well slept brain

>> No.11086889

You may be the CEO type OP.

I think the average CEO's sleep time is like 4-5 hours while the general population needs 7-8.

Good for you OP.

>> No.11086963

I work 50-60hrs a week and do just fine on 6 hours a day

>> No.11086992

When I came off my fast a few weeks ago I only slept 3 hours a night, now eating one vegan meal a day (no processed anything) I have only been able to sleep 5 hours max, and I'm almost never tired. Last night I got 4 hours in, and I woke up excited wanting to go outside for a while. It's absolutely life changing. How I was eating before was literally leeching the life from me. Our bodies did not evolve for 3 meals a day, and we cannot efficiently process that much food, which for example is why when we eat too much we get sleepy

>> No.11086996
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>Strangely, the productivity per hour is not worse.
this is an illusions as studies show
i'm not gonna cite them because i'm not reddit

>> No.11087001

It's all habitual. Train your body to need less sleep and your body will focus more REM into your sleep cycle, with obvious limitations of course.

But who fucking cares- enjoy your sleep. Dreams are more important than you realise

>> No.11087051

the absolute state
bug man with a 7-day time horizon. can't think long term

>> No.11087072
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Good goy sleeping 4hrs a day I'll stick w/ my Accelerated Uberman Schedule aka 5.5hrs a week

Never felt better

>> No.11087219

>Be OP
>IQ of 50

>> No.11087406

Yes go to sleep goyims sleep is good

>> No.11087474
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>the juice
>better trust their satanic grimoire
OP you disgusting kike. Repent at once!

>> No.11087486

I usually go to sleep around midnight and wake up a 6 am.

>> No.11087493

Good goyims

>> No.11087496

Most definetly a kabalist satanic kike. I didn't even read the ntire post before replying the first time. You're in deep shit if you think you can fuck with things you can't even comprehend and u come here to spread ur cancerous. noxious, satanic doctrines.
Get thee behind me, Satan!

>> No.11087758

So instead you post an unrelated chart?

>> No.11088291

This old pasta

>> No.11088478

Sleeepy sleep goyims

>> No.11088792


>> No.11089914


bezos is an 8 hour guy

>> No.11089987


Now you want to shoe horn jews into sleep? Fuck you.

>> No.11089999

Reminder that missing out on sleep causes Alzheimer's. Make sure you get your eight hours.

>> No.11090046

How the fuck can you just sleep between 2 and 4 ? The most quiet times. 5 am is the most beautiful productive time are you guys ducking stupid the Jews make those studies they want you sleep so you don’t figure out reality and still in the monotony of life go to sleep early wake up go to work and be productive! No jewery here you guys are literally ASLEEP need to wake the fuck up already

>> No.11090089
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how come Jews even tell each other to sleep for 8+ hours

>> No.11090112

Here’s the truth during the “wake” hours goyim are more easily manipulated, cohersed and tricked into misalligning with the wicked