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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11084145 No.11084145 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey Dad, should I rob a Bank?
>No son, you'll go to jail.
>What about cocaine or heroin, should I do cocaine or heroin?
>No son, those are bad for you.
>Hey Mom, should I eat healthy and exercise?
>Of course son, you will live longer and enjoy life more.
>Hey Dad, I want to open my own PC shop where I can build and sell computers. You think this is a good idea?
>Well son, that's your decision, I can't tell you whether you should or not.
>But I respect you and would really like to hear your opinion.
>I'm sorry son, I just don't know. You should do what you enjoy doing.
>Mom, I got a few grand saved up in my bank account for my small business. Do you think I should go through with the loan?
>I don't know son, do what your heart tells you.
But I really want to know if there is a better use for the money, please tell me what you think..
>Well, you know son, business is tough, I'm not sure if your cut out for it. But if this is what you want to do then you should do it.
>Thats literally why I'm asking you. I want to know what you think my chances are.
>Oh son, you should just do what you feel, and not care what I think.

>> No.11084167

I swear I have the most passive aggressive fucking parents. They always seem to insinuate that I'm going to fail, but they never just come out and say, "No, thats a bad idea," or "Your better off doing this instead."

My whole life, every decision I've ever made, from college, to my career, to my relationships, they have always tried to dodge accountability and avoid taking responsibility, while implying that I'm going to fail no matter what I do.

I really want my parents respect, but they always blow me off like this.

>> No.11084181

If you have to ask your mom permission to start a business then you're a cuck that's not cut out to start a business.
In their own way they are testing to see if you can do it or not, and the first step towards doing something is assuming responsibility instead of trying to throw it onto your parents. You fucking retard.

>> No.11084182

I just think of all the heartache and loss and frustration I could have avoided if they had just come out and said it, but they always hide behind this, "Do what you feel, you know whats best for yourself," nonsense.

>> No.11084193

I'm not asking for her permission, I'm asking for her opinion and her blessing. If she wanted to test me, there are other ways that don't make me doubt myself or my abilities.

>> No.11084208

grow up kiddo.

they support you and let you find your own path, and you are crying about them not taking responsibility?

you clearly should not open a business.

>> No.11084216

Never ask people where they’re going to start a new business is it good or bad idea .

The people that love you will tell you things you want to hear, the people who want to see you fail it will tell you things to discourage you. They are both wrong, you won’t know until you actually start making excuses and start whatever you’re thinking of

Stop using your mom as a crutch to not start your business

>> No.11084223

Oh please, your dad probably gives you shit all the time for your pigheaded decisions. I doubt your parents are afraid to tell you what they think, you are just more afraid of their criticisms than their praise.

>> No.11084234
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lmao @ op asking to start a business with his own money..

been operating and launching businesses since i was 15, i never asked. never actually cared what my parents opinion on my path was either.

don't do it op. your parents don't have the guts to tell you you're not cut out for it. you sound like a pussy

>> No.11084248

> I need them to decide for me if I should go into business with an idea that I have
> "they" have always tried to dodge accountability and avoid taking responsibility.
You are a spineless coward, and *you* are the one who is trying to avoid accountability and responsibility. I also noticed your formatting, so you're basically a reddit tourist who wandered in here from /CC or /esist or whatever cesspool you came from. You need to go back there.

>> No.11084254

If I have kids, I'm never putting them through this shit. I'm just going to tell them flat out what I think and own up to it as a man and father.

>No son, I don't think you should be a fucking ballerina.
>No daughter, you're a C average student, I don't think you should apply to med school.

At the end of the fucking day I can say I counselled my children and gave them the best advice that I could, instead of hiding behind this, "My children's decisions are not my problem" philosophy that you KNOW ain't true.

>> No.11084255

>son, get a job
>apply for a job
>no son, you shouldn't get that job. It means you we be outside in the cold a lot.
>ehh, I like being outside, but sure, I'll skip the job
>son, why don't you have a job yet?
Had this a couple times. Until I learned to stop listening to them.

>> No.11084261


Yeah right, if you had kids you'd just let them piss away their fortunes without a word?

>> No.11084274

See, thats what I mean, you can disagree with your parents and still assume responsibility for your own actions.

Your not going to agree with everything your parents say, but if you respect them then you will want to hear their opinion.

>> No.11084275

You ask your parents so you have someone to blame if your shit fails. Your parents are just dodging the upcoming "FUCK YOU DAD ITS ALL YOUR FAULT WHY DID YOU TELL ME IT WAS A GOOD IDEA" bullet.

No one will ever be able if your business will work, in fact 90% of all businesses wont make it. You will have to try, fail, start again. Multiple times.

>> No.11084281

I also studied something incredibly boring because I listened to them.

>> No.11084284

You know what, if my parents can't give me a straight answer, I'm going to be frank with them and tell them that they are going to lose my respect.

>> No.11084296
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> asking moms for advice
ruined the first 10 years of my adulthood

>> No.11084300

I feel like I could post the exact opposite thread about overbearing parents who are constantly telling me what to do and giving bad advice and you dicks would be just as contrarian and nonsensical as you are now.

>> No.11084305

Thanks for relating your experiences.

>> No.11084321

You're really a fucking dumbass.
Your parents are exactly like they should be. Instead of deluding you by telling you lies to makes you feel better they tell you the truth : they don't know about your business except it's going to be tough.
You're still a mommy's boy, so you should wait a good 10 years before trying to start your business.

>> No.11084325

Your parents probably honestly have no idea. Have they tried starting a business before? How would they know if you could or not?
No one knows. You will never know by asking. You just need to stop being a pussy and try. You will never have an answer until you succeed or give up.

>> No.11084326

Why the fuck should they know anything about what it's like to open and run a business? You're expecting too much from them. Remember that most adults don't actually know shit outside their own field and are just winging life. If you want to know whether opening a PC shop is a good idea, you need to do the research yourself from knowledgeable sources.

>> No.11084333

And what will that accomplish

>> No.11084338

Your right gaiz. You're absolutely right. Wanting the advice of people who are older, more experienced and financially stable is dumb. Wanting your parents to respect you is stupid, you should just flounder around in the dark hoping you somehow succeed, after which they are guaranteed to respect you.

>> No.11084348

▲ ▲

You can ask them help on HOW to do it, but in my experience my parents are naysayers. Constantly saying "you can't do this" and "you can't do that" and "you don't have the required skills", but they turn out wrong a lot of times. Sounds like your parents don't want to be negative. Also, how old are you? After a certain age YOU should be able to outshine them by making your own good decisions.

>> No.11084349

I'll no longer feel obligated to ask them what they think and no longer feel guilty for doing something they tell me not to do.

If they don't want to accept responsibility, then they will lose my respect.

>> No.11084350

You're fucking stupid omg.
Your parents are just admitting that they don't know everything, and they can't just pretend they know if a particular thing is good for you or not...
You're just going to be a horrible parent. Your kids will tell you themselves how you destroyed their dreams based on your stupid preconceived ideas about everything.

>> No.11084360

>Your right gaiz. You're absolutely right. Wanting the advice of people who are older, more experienced and financially stable is dumb. Wanting your parents to respect you is stupid, you should just flounder around in the dark hoping you somehow succeed, after which they are guaranteed to respect you.

Passive agressive irony. Typically the reaction of an entitled faggot.

>> No.11084362

What are you even talking about? You're asking them something they honestly don't know and have no way of knowing, and when they tell you that they don't know, you get mad and lose respect for them?

>> No.11084368

I'm prepared for that. But I at least want to know why they think I'm going to fail. I think my parents don't actually want me succeed.

>> No.11084374

>passive aggressive
Where do you think I got it from?

>> No.11084384

>Where do you think I got it from?
Yes of course everything is your parent's fault.
I understand what kind of person you are. I was like you at a lesser level before my parents die.
Let me tell you life for you in your 20s is gonna be harder than for the average person.

>> No.11084387

is there anyhing you dont blame your folks for?

>> No.11084397

You sound like a cunt and your parents sound nice.
Seriously, it's impossible to know beforehand if you will succeed and have what it takes. Your parents are being honest
Try it faggot
And don't shoot down your own kids when you won't know for sure they'll fail

>> No.11084405

oh come on, they have an opinion, they are just too chickenshit to share it with me. They are hoping I fail because if I succeed it will make them look like assholes.

For them, its win / win. If I succeed they can jump in and claim all the credit, because they 'encouraged' me despite thinking it was a bad idea, if I fail, they can pin the blame on me despite having their misgivings.

You share in your families success and fortunes regardless of whether you take responsibility or not.

>> No.11084414
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>> No.11084425

Stop listening to your normie parents lmao.

>> No.11084426

He reminds me of this guy on /adv/ who was blaming his parents for a cysts on his balls because he wanted permission from his parents to go to the doctor and they told him not to go...


>> No.11084443

You should unironically kill yourself and remove your genes from the gene pool. Never ever have a kid. NEVER.

>> No.11084448

>For them, its win / win. If I succeed they can jump in and claim all the credit, because they 'encouraged' me despite thinking it was a bad idea, if I fail, they can pin the blame on me despite having their misgivings.

But it's your fucking life you dumbshit. They shouldn't be involved...

>> No.11084451

If they make a definite statement, you'll do what they insinuate like the npc drone that you are. Then you'll blame them for any failure or take all the credit like most oblivious autists like you usually do. It's the same with giving crypto investment advice - you just don't give any because of the very same reasons.
>Mom should I take a loan
Buahahaahha. Pathetic

>> No.11084846

OP doesn't actually want our opinions, he just wants to hear he is right.

>> No.11084907

you have NPC parents
this dialogue you presented is literal NPC speak

if you're unplugged then why would you ask them their opinons?
if you were dedicated to the truth of the universe then you would know what you should do

>> No.11084942

Time to grow up and take responsibility for yourself, anon.

>> No.11084943

What kind of NPC cuck are you, he was asking his parents for there opinion

>> No.11084952

The parents want the shitstain to wake up from his npc status. He's incapable of thinking, only reacting.

>> No.11084964

He wants to absolve himself of responsibility and the need to think. You know he'd blame his mother for his failure.

>> No.11084968

>have retarded cuck son that cant make his own decisions
>one day he asks me about some business he wants to start and asks me for opinion
>I could tell him how good it is and pretend that it will all workout well
>I could tell that little bitch what a cuck he is for asking me and make him realize that he is a failure for persuing some crazy shit he found on the internet
>I could tell him that I just dont know, hoping he would fuck off and leave me alone with John Olivers friday night

>> No.11085034

Op you sound like an autistic screecher. I think your parents are afraid of you so they can't give an honest answer.

>> No.11085039
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So you are unsure about your decision and so you ask your parents and they are unsure about it as well. These are decisions you should be making by yourself anyway.
My parents never helped me with anything outside of the basics, yet they loved to criticize and put me down. You have to become confident enough to where you have the mindset that you know you are right. If i make a big choice on something, and someone disses my decision, I'm going to assume that they are just wrong. I'm not going to have second thoughts and become indecisive.

I really hope you are just underage and not just baiting. If you can't get any advice out of your parents, don't forget about google and counsellors.

>> No.11085127

Youre a weak dork OP

>> No.11085383

OP if you are still here I just want to give you my 2 cents as a business owner:
>stop being sunch an entitled ungrateful little shit, your parents don't have clue about business so asking them is the same aa asking someone on the street, age and them knowing doesn't mean shit, relevant experience does. And they have none. Grow a pair and take control of your own life

For what it's worth i think it's a terrible idea, very likely to fail, not least because of your immature character.

>> No.11085465

Son, it's hard to tell you this in person because you are a giant faggot autist that takes everything too literal. I'll break it down on this forum board for you in front of your Internet friends..

You have and will always fail, we don't want you throwing away your monies. Try putting it somewhere better:
Use the money to finally get laid by one of the women men your comic books are full of.
Buy some non velcro shoes after you have learnt to tie shoelaces
Replace the bathroom towels and buy new socks, the current are ruined from you jacking off into them.
Pay off your tendies credit, we both known you have eaten far more than your gbp allow.
Give some to your sister, so she can replace all the underwear you have stolen and defiled.

Love dad.

>> No.11085481

If you want respect from your parents then stop asking them what you should do and show them that YOU can make good decisions.

>> No.11085505
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All pussiefags in this thread.

-Yes, they wont assure you will have sucess because the average business or investment tends to fail, to make money and accumulate wealth is something exceptional and not "average/normal".
Yes, if you avoid drugs you have more chances to have a "longer life", they didnt lie to you, and if you rob a bank YOU WILL go to jail because of fingerprints, facial recognition and yada yada.
The father of mine friend stole a bank 20 years ago and got arrested this year.

Your parents cant say "hey son you gun be billionaire just invest everything" because they know the price that life asks if fuck everything.

You are delusional, far from reality, with a distorted perspective and mindset.

>> No.11085542

Also, stop being a pussy. I was constantly told by my parents that my career choice was a really bad and risky decision and that I should go for a safe career. 6 years later and I’m a lot richer than my parents who both are doctors. It was/is a great feeling to show them (and everyone else) that I was right even though most people doubted me.

>> No.11085564

>deliberately seeking and taking advice from actual boomers
This some kind of new meme?

>> No.11085617

OP is so self obsessed he thinks his parents know about the current business practices of computer hardware shops.
They don't know shit about computer hardware shops so don't know if it's a good idea to start one.

The end.


>> No.11085632

they just sound stoic with a good grip on reality. you shouldnt expect to make it.

>> No.11085655



Was praying this thread was larp but obv not. This board is 18+

>> No.11085826

What your career anon?