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11083038 No.11083038 [Reply] [Original]

I may never forgive myself for not buying Eth in 2016. I was looking right at it.

>> No.11083047

I feel the same way of btc in 2012/13

>> No.11083049
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miss bitcoin, miss etherium, life is not good

>> No.11083051

Heads up mate, what coins are you looking at now and not buying? Lets get into those, Im with you shill me something.

>> No.11083052

ETH will reach $20k one day. Why aren't you accumulating right now?

>> No.11083058

You remind me of this guy who killed himself one time

>> No.11083059
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There’s always hope fren

>> No.11083061

>BTC was $250
>LTC was at $1
>Thought was too late to buy

>> No.11083062

Remember right after the dao hack thinking that was the time to buy but didn't, ended up buying at 290 in june 2017

>> No.11083064


men are fucked, the majority of us will die poor trading, while any bitch can be rich open his legs to the right rich dude

>> No.11083067

Don't miss the next one

>> No.11083078

Alright this thread has some good people in here.. what do I do? I got 1,250USD thats all I can spend, broke as fuck otherwise. Please help.

>> No.11083095

Buy eth

>> No.11083098

when do you get more money? i would dca into coins you believe in or just btc while you learn more about crypto

>> No.11083103

Buy TRX and hold for the next 2 years.

>> No.11083105

JUSTin Bieber lol
Can't wait for the memes

>> No.11083106

I got into this space in February with 5,000, I'm really worried now putting more money in.

>> No.11083111

I seriously just want to get back to my original investment now.. it's not even about making it anymore.

>> No.11083127

You can still buy Holo. >>11079760

>> No.11083138

Imagine being this fucking delusional.

>> No.11083145

Just hold until the next bullrun and make a promise to yourself to sell at a certain point.

>> No.11083152

I’ve gone all in Link. The memes are awesome. But a quick shill: ChainLink works with IC3 (specifically top security expert Ari Juels). Ari works with Digital Assets Blythe Masters, she was the head of her asset department at JP Morgan. She recruited one of the top guys from Goldman Sachs to be the VP. Why? The banking industry is one of the most regulated legal industries in the world. If the fat bankers are going to listen to anyone with regards to implementing blockchain to their legacy system, it will be from their own cloak. Masters is also the owner of Hyperledger, a cross platform initiative (IBM, Microsoft) to implement private based blockchains. So security is a big key in all of this. Masters needs end to end security to convince Wall Street. Here lies Chainlinks decentralized oracle solution.

The connections between DA and ChainLink are too clear to ignore.

Man... wait till i tell you about MasterCard + Microsoft + ChainLink.

All in fren. All in. I will not kick myself over the head again as I’ve done with bitcoin. I’m researching and connecting the dots with the help of other anons. At least now I can say I put the effort it in making wise investments. If it goes to shit, it was a cool ride. If it moons. Well damn fucking right, we earned our right.

>> No.11083183

What do you honestly think LINK will be eoy? Realistic please.

>> No.11083246

Masters has said (speaking with regards to the banking industry) it will be a slow and gradual process to transfer all that data into the blockchain. She has said in her conferences that it will take anywhere from 5-10 years. So that’s when I expect the 1-5k prediction.

As for now the only factors that can create a huge spike would be
1) all the Big players acknowledge their using link- unlikely
2) Accord makes a huge jump on some tech we haven’t heard of- unlikely
3) big played realize link importance, connect the dots, -start to fomo in- somewhat likely
4) bitcoin starts rallying again- who knows?

Eoy 1-5 bucks if none of my predictions play out.
If predictions play out 10-100 bucks eoy.
That’s just my gut feeling. I may be totally wrong

I do know this. This is a long term hold. Nothing overnight. Ima hold and accumulate til 2025

>> No.11083289

i remember eth being 30usd and thinking it was too much

>> No.11083329

How do people not realize that link is just a meme. It's so obvious.

>> No.11083332

Would it be smart to throw all of my 1500 into link and forget about it?

>> No.11083346

Don't worry, you'll get the chance again. Vitalik is literally going to release a second ETH because he's changing the code too much to be able to integrate it into the current system. Old ETH will drop to 0 and everyone will switch to new ETH. Buy as soon as its released and get the gains you missed out on the first time around.

>> No.11083352

link is a meme is a meme

>> No.11083372

If another crypto bullrun happens, ETH can quite easily do a 10x from current prices. Bearish right now hardly means it's dead for good.

>> No.11083373

Anon, I will give you a hint:
BCH is the real bitcoin. Imagine buying the real bitcoin at only $450 / coin. Each $450 you invest today will yield you $1 million by 2020. Why do you think NPC's hate BCH? Social Media campaign against BCH because it's the real Bitcoin.

>> No.11083381
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Thank you for that insightful and well researched idea. I’ll look into it. Kek

I’ve thrown in all my savings + part of my paycheck each time, (which isn’t much). I haven’t been able to forget about it. Kek. If you can forget about link- good for you. But once you enter the rabbit hole. Holy shit. It’s a rush. I hope you keep digging and dyor (here and every important life decision). It’s totally worth it.

Good luck fren

>> No.11083385

When? Name? Moooooooon?

>> No.11083390

Not a bad call desu

>> No.11083402

At least a year away. It's literally just going to be called Ethereum, because it is what Ethereum is supposed to be. Exchanges will drop old Ethereum to avoid confusion. Of course it will moon.

>> No.11083491

Same here. Shit! My friend told me about it right when it came out. I was like lol get the fuck out of here with gambling. Fucking JUST

>> No.11083540
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Btc in 2009...I was trying to get some but all the normies made fun of me for even thinking about it. Got into real estate when I was 19...things turned out ok but man I can’t believe I was so close to being a multi millionaire. I’ll never forgive myself for being so stupid to listen to “normal” people.

>> No.11083577

I had a friend who was urging me to buy into BTC in 2011, when I first started working.
Fucking hell do I regret not listening to him now

>> No.11083580


here's your second chance:

i'm dead serious, you better research it if you don't want to miss another boat

>> No.11083645

Spilt it between eos and bcash

>> No.11083649
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>they missed out on Ethereum
>they missed out on Bitcoin
>they're going to miss out on Bitcoin on Ethereum

Or are they? Do your research guys, and do it fast. I guarantee if you don't you will want to graphically kill yourself in six months. I give this warning out of love.

Good luck fellas.


High IQ.

>> No.11083687

Damn. That’s rough 09. It’s always that “what if”. A normie also fucked it up and put fear into me. He kept highlighting the Silk Road, terrorism, illegal shit and all the bullshit. Scared me into believing the FBI would bust my door in for having any. What an idiot I was for not dyor

>> No.11083693

Doge is a meme and look what happened.

>> No.11083752

Could EOS be new ETH? Are we going to see EOS at $100+?

>> No.11083795

I had over 10k eth but the dao hack made me sell all of it

>> No.11083941
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thank you for your input. i value it

>> No.11083952

This. Buy 0xBTC

>> No.11083962

Think about how much worse you'll feel in 2020 that you didn't buy ether in 2018 when it was still under$5,000

>> No.11083974

we already hit peak eth
don't feel bad OP it's treading to 0

>> No.11084173

i saw it at $1, then at $3, then forgot all about it until $300, feels bad man

>> No.11084307

100 a month into btc and meth

>> No.11084765
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if you dotn buy NIMIQ now, you will regret not buying NIMIQ in 2021

>> No.11084783

Stop spamming this you pajeet

>> No.11084823

imagine unironically missing link

>> No.11084843

It is

>> No.11084869
File: 158 KB, 578x613, 1532281081463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them buy in at 1$ mate don't give brainlets free tickets to retirement