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11079847 No.11079847 [Reply] [Original]

I have a good job and make a decent amount of money, but I still live with my parents and sleep in a small room on the floor.

Would buying a $8000 Rolex and a classic car be a poor life decision? I'm very materialistic and don't really see the sense in moving out due to the additional expenditures and inconveniences.

>> No.11079880

if it makes u happy do eet

>> No.11079890

you're a beta male.

>> No.11079917

>classic car

If you know nothing about cars you're more than likely going to end up buying a bodge that will spend most of its time either in the shop or in your driveway ($40,000 lawn ornament)

know what you're buying, do the research, have a mechanic check the car BEFORE you buy it (yeah it'll probably cost you but its worth it), document EVERYTHING, don't even think about paying cash (DON'T)

>> No.11079965


also go over the paperwork with a fine toothed comb, make sure there are zero discrepancies. a single digit off on the VIN number from the paperwork? enjoy not being able to register your car and having to get a lawyer

>> No.11079998

Do whatever you want fuck people's opinions

>> No.11080021

Do it man... You only live once... just continue to save as you have been. Don't get carried away. Hahah

>> No.11080132

Go for the rolex, and you should just buy a brand new mercedes E class.

>> No.11080183
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>have a nice oldtimer
>show it to a roastie
>"ew that car is old"

>> No.11080223


>> No.11080241

Girls that will notice a Rolex, etc, want guys that are loaded, not guys that can barely afford a Rolex, sorry bro
Girls are stupid but they aren't that stupid

>> No.11080322


Will these purchases induce your parents to kick you out?

>> No.11080484

Not at all.

>> No.11080797

What's wrong with them?

>> No.11080811

They are that stupid you fucking idiot
Assuming they have any idea what a Rolex even is

>> No.11080899

I'd personally not waste my money on that expensive of a watch on your position. As for the car the classic car collector boom will end soon. All the older people are dying off who really care about those cars. Both are extremely poor invesments. Buy a nice bed so you don't end up with a terrible back when you're 30.

>> No.11080980

this anon, buy things that are useful, let go of your materialism, it has held you back for too long it seems

>> No.11081046
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Speaking of roasties what's the real reason you're still at home? Is your dad close to death or is your mom a milf?
You could drive a nicer car than your dad ever drove and wear a nicer watch than he could ever afford. Cuck your dad and you will be the alpha at last. Give her another baby Op you can do it

>> No.11081064


I'm pretty fresh out of university and have never had a well paying job before, so I've never had the money to move out.

>> No.11081113


Heh.. I've been making 70k for the past year and also live at my parents and sleep on a mattress on the floor. You are a fucking idiot for considering such a retarded purchase. Enjoy driving your shitty car to the pawn shop to sell your rolex while I keep stacking bricks and getting rich. Suck my dick faggot.

>> No.11081336
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>I'm very materialistic and don't really see the sense in moving out
You clearly need to up your materialistic game buddy, it's not what you drive, it's where you park it

>> No.11081753
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Shopped and gay

>> No.11082249

If you don't hang around rich people then there's no real point. If you want to splurge then you can buy a $20,000 car, but I'd recommend just saving that shit. If you're trying to pick up chicks then that's a bit different. You'll want to dress like a preppy faggot, drive a good car, and be well groomed. If you really want a rolex then just buy a 4k one. I would just buy a fake because I'm a stingy jew.

If you want it just because, then it's an awful decision. Save your money. I'll presume you're making 70-120 thousand dollars a year. You should be putting away tens of thousands a year. That money is going to add up overtime, and you can get extremely wealthy.

>> No.11082257

It's your money, who cares, do what you want

>> No.11082317

Definitely save your money to buy property. Property is A+ because it retains its value, so your actual networth doesn't change much.

>> No.11082373

But isn't properly due a correction soon?

>> No.11082971
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, edc9cb1378d589ca60d3cb0fa6254692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deutschsprachige Schwuchtel detektiert. It's called a classic car you brainlet. Also your W123 or E34 doesn't count. If you want to impress roasties with a classic car, you need something like pic related. (You'll probably end up only impressing other boomers anyway)

>> No.11083169

That doesn't matter too much if you plan on living in the house long-term. If you were to buy it now on a loan then it would recover and then increase by the time you paid it off. You're also able to just sort of walk away or renegotiate a loan. If you're saving money then you'd probably be able to buy the house by the time the next correction hits.

Even then, don't expect 2008 2.0. If the stock market hit 30k then the correction would be pretty nasty, but drumpf has given the economy several small corrections already.