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11076582 No.11076582 [Reply] [Original]

How can Hiro make any money from 4chan? Look at the dental ads, the link is dead and they are up for months already.

What should Hiro change?

>> No.11076584

Literally who

>> No.11076588

BAT verified publisher

>> No.11076595

Owner of 4chan

you newfag

>> No.11076613
File: 150 KB, 1224x714, 1525315146178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm no sweetie

>> No.11076614

sell user tracking data

>> No.11076619

also a gift this user 4chan gold button

>> No.11076645

Hiroshima Nagazaki makes more money from 4chan in a month than Moot used to in a year

>> No.11076657

How? How many of these faggots buy a 4chan pass?

>> No.11076704

it's $20 a year, it's the only way to support this site and it gets rid of the captcha letting me block all of google from this site

you are literally supporting reddit if you dont have a pass while being able to easily afford one

>> No.11076863

Make a cryptocoin that you can use to tip other posters and then take a cut of every tip.

>> No.11076877

he should add a checkbox 'visible only for pass users' when image uploading

>> No.11076886

Gets subsidized by alaphabet agencies

>> No.11076908


>> No.11076942

i bet you used chrome to post how you're 'getting rid of google'

>> No.11077080

>chooses to solve Jewgles captchas to post

$20 is nothing

>> No.11077145

can you send me $20 every week ?

>> No.11077291

add all hours you spent solving captchas, and you will realize you're working for google below the indian minimal hourly wage

>> No.11077299

ugh wrong field

>> No.11077317
File: 40 KB, 956x417, hiro on profitablilty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan isn't for profit. People who buy it are doing a service to the community, helping keep it alive.
Also it was sold to Pavel. >>>/pol/185591459

>> No.11077430

4chan is a test- and trainingground for advanced bot AI. All of you are basically having their own, unique tailor made 4chan experience. You are having conversations with bots which you yourself trained

>> No.11077435

>solving captchas

I click a tick box to "solve" the captcha
even back in the day it took like 2 seconds to solve a captcha by writing "nigger' instead of the hard part

>> No.11077492

If you don't stay signed in to the jewgle botnet forever you need to do the annoying "select a million busses that fade away slowly and don't you dare use the audio captcha, fucking robot" circus
I miss the days of text captchas everyone bitched and moaned about now look where we are.
>sabotaging it
Makes it harder on you in the future because it teaches the AI incorrect answers.

>> No.11077507

yeah you got me :)

>> No.11077528

it takes time and it is disctracting your mind

>> No.11077543

>gets tracked by a credit card over an e-mail account you can fake

>now look where we are
complains about tickbox captchas

>> No.11077558

lol you cant make this shit up

I guess solving captchas really is hard and I'm just 400 IQ to not get distracted

>> No.11077563

how? it's asking me to click a button when no cars are left or some shit, then that repeats 3-5 times... one captcha can easily take 5 minutes

>> No.11077564

>implying I have a pass
>implying I don't use prepaid cards bought with cash whenever I make online purchases

>> No.11077570

you know you can pay the pass with crypto right

>> No.11077579

If your captchas are that easy you're exposing yourself too much (third party cookies / Jewgle analytics)

>> No.11077591

wait are you telling me you are the idiot too ?

>> No.11077598

is this your opinion or a fact ?

>> No.11077601

You don't seem to understand that it isn't just clicking a box. It's clicking a box and solving a puzzle that is designed to take multiple attempts even with correct solutions.

>> No.11077622

wait let me stand up, go get a prepaid card and buy me a 4chan pass because i can't solve a captcha

>inb4 you are a robot

>> No.11077629

Yes it is. If you never have anything but a check box it's because you have a cookie that confirms you've signed into a google account on that browser/machine. Ie they know who you are, at least can relate it to the google account.
I'm guessing you have that set to automatically sign in. How do you think it knows to do that/knows you aren't someone else?
>inconvenience is incompetence

>> No.11077630

Uncensored user data is worth trillions

Obviously you don't watch Westworld, stupid npcs

>> No.11077646

do you even have ad blocking and tracking protection enabled?

>> No.11077675


>implying i use the same computer to post on 4chan and read my mails

>ad protection
I bet you're using Adblock Plus xDxD

>> No.11077685

>never gets a captcha challenge and thinks there is no cookie
It's one or the other anon

>> No.11077714

>Adblock Plus xDxD
I have:
ublock origin
WebRTC disabler (to stop js rtc script from leaking my ip)
Google container tab that launches all google-related content in a separate sandbox with separate cookies, html5 storage etc

In firefox options I also have tracking protection enabled, which by itself cuts like 90% of ads.

>> No.11077722
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one or the other

let me give you a quick rundown.
1. browse craigslist for free laptop
2. stop for a 5$ prepaid cellphone card on the way back
3. make a gmail account with said card
4. solve couple of captchas
5. ???
6. clearly not profit

>> No.11077739

I forgot
removes google tracking in search results

>> No.11077765
File: 8 KB, 260x194, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you using for a phone ?
pic is related, costs $20

>> No.11077816
File: 14 KB, 600x384, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait let me stand up, go get a burner laptop and phone to make a gmail account because i can't solve a captcha

>> No.11077884 [DELETED] 

What's your point?
I have xiaomi mi mix 2

>> No.11077889

it isn't hack leaks aren't worth that much

>> No.11077896

lol I'm so normal I don't even need a burner laptop in 2018

>> No.11077904

my point is you need the same google account for an even more personal device

you are fooling yourself with collecting small icons in the upper right of your browser

>> No.11077909

ok I read your previous post, you mean you use a burner phone to write on 4chan? Why?

>> No.11077927

Hiro is selling 4chan to Putin, get with the times comrade. Also new /cath/ for best cathedral discussions.

>> No.11077935

i mean i use a burner laptop/phone to not have stuff tracked if i dont want it tracked.

hell i dont even mean that, i mean you *CAN* use

you put things on the internet willingly, have you forgotten ?

>> No.11077949
File: 42 KB, 640x642, mackey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putin will remove captcha for us, screencap this

>> No.11077994

/Cath/ is dumb we need /oss/ for dat dere ossuary appreciation

>> No.11078119
File: 128 KB, 1083x889, Павел Дуров о Биткоине.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's more handsome, Poole or Durov?

>> No.11078233


after posting here for the last hour i had to solve captcha 5 times (made a lot of posts, about 50% of what i ever posted to 4chan)

i got one that forced me to guess again 4 times and it still took me less time than writing this post

>> No.11078246

Something like this would unironically be a great idea. He could probably raise quite a bit by doing an ICO. Unlike the shitcoin BAT people would probably use it.

>> No.11078283
File: 292 KB, 1423x2136, CrILrEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets subsidized by (((govt))) agencies
I can surely say 90% of future white male serial killers/genocides are or will be using this site.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.11078303

>using unironically ironically

>> No.11078325
File: 76 KB, 289x191, bu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
