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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11074869 No.11074869 [Reply] [Original]

Are you part of the smart money?

>> No.11074901

shhhhhhh i'm still accumulating

>> No.11074903

500k Nim-Man reporting in. cant wait to reach 10$ end of 2021 and to become a multimillionaire.

>> No.11074991
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1$ eoy 2018.
5$ eoy 2019
10$ eoy 2021

>> No.11075489

Finally over 100k legit volume on hitbtc. Miners need to finish unloading their bags from last couple of months, then we can start the journey to $1.

>> No.11075503


This, no need to shill anymore. People who get it are already in and the rest will FOMO in later anyway.

>> No.11076296

You guys sound like linkies. I hope you're roght though.
As much as I like what you're saying it was a /biz/ that turned me on to Nimiq. More people buying miner's NIM is always a good thing.

>> No.11076378

Also, when making Nimiq threads please try to include good information
>New browser based blockchain developed in Javascript/NodeJS and Rust
>Mining/setting up a node/creating a wallet is completely installation-free
>Uses NiPoPow for near instant blockchain sync on light clients (<10s)
>IBAN address system so that you can’t send funds to the wrong address because of a typo
>Contact Lists for addresses
>Ultra user-friendly design
>Algo PoW: Argon2d (memory-hard, GPU and ASIC resistant) with 1 minute block time
>Compatibility with Ethereum smart-contracts through HTLC
>Schnorr signatures
>Marketcap: <5 millions USD
>Ledger support (browser support, no installs required)

Create your wallet in 20sc (it’s encrypted locally in your browser):

Browser miner (Supports mining pools):

One-click Windows miner (Optimized - AVX2/AVX512 Support for 10x faster speeds):

Average CPU Hashrates Report:

API Stats Gateway w/Mobile SDKs


Incoming features:
>Keyguard for third parties: Metamask equivalent but without anything to install
>Upcoming shop to showcase Wordpress/WooCommerce wallet integration
>Cashlinks: send NIM through an URL to any users even if they don't have a wallet yet

Current Exchanges:

>> No.11076658
File: 95 KB, 274x487, 08865CEE-F1F7-4D71-BFE8-FD06D1063BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use link logo
>no thanks

>> No.11077113

Yep our memes r total shit.
800k nim man here

>> No.11077159

t. discord bagholders

>> No.11077181

80k nim let here. Been mining since the start and profits made from other coins go into this one. My aim is to get 500k by years end at least depending on how much profit I get out of it

>> No.11077185

21k nimlet here. Trying to mine 100k before the rocket takes off. Making 550 NIM a day rn

>> No.11077205

you mean killyourself.network?

>> No.11077329
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Gonna make it

>> No.11077428

What setup are you using to mine? That's pretty sweet

>> No.11077504

Love the community, when Rust implementation is done we will hopefully see a bunch of new amazing projects that will catch some wandering eyes.

>> No.11077639
File: 597 KB, 750x754, 92EDE86E-FCAE-482E-99BC-FA3A327C5BA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300k nim man reporting in, this is going to be big - taking out loans to buy more, not kidding

>> No.11077797

raiblocks was and is still a fucking shitcoin destined to fall into obscurity

it is the definitive "ask-jeeves" currency

>> No.11078103

Yea I’d like to keep this on the dl for as long as possible

>> No.11078691

Ryzen 1700x
Ryzen 1400
i7 3770k
Then some mobile i7 that's on part of the time

>> No.11079183

Rejoice nimlets, Nimiq will take us to the moon and beyond. Sinners, you still have time to repent.