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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 538 KB, 1712x2288, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11073089 No.11073089 [Reply] [Original]

How many credit cards do you have?

I have about 38 with a total available credit line of about $1,000,000

>> No.11073102

0, I’ll never fall for that scam.

>> No.11073107

I have 5 with a credit line of about 20k to 30k, but I'm also 23

>> No.11073111

None. I refuse to get one of those things even though it'd imporve my good goy score.

>> No.11073120

I hardly use them, and always pay them off right away, but I want to get a good deal on a mortgage in a few deals and any other auto loans that I may ever get, so that's why I have them.

>> No.11073127

I have a few, but I rarely, if ever, use them. They're just to have a line of credit on my history.

>> No.11073136

None, why should I have one?
I have a debit card and if I need money for a costly project, I will take a loan and negociate the %.
Credit card are a scam anon.

>> No.11073142

I have about 20 with a credit line of $150k. I only signed up for a majority of them for the bonus.

>> No.11073144

God fucking damnit, Marc. Get your shit together. Nobody needs that much debt.

>> No.11073146

Itt: butthurt no-carders who don't realize you can exit scam the fiat pyramid scheme approximately every 7 years by maxing out a bunch of cards and then declaring chapter 11 bankruptcy.

>> No.11073151
File: 76 KB, 349x356, 32538377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy, Marc Schoenfeld

>> No.11073235

You need to give them back Tyrone.

>> No.11073251

cash em all out and fake your death, live like a king in asia for a few months and then kill urself

>> No.11073270
File: 87 KB, 572x627, 1433452007180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not have 39 with a total available credit line of $1,050,000?

>> No.11073272

This is the gayest shit

>> No.11073400

Good for you dude. That’s much better than how most people use them.

I’d only ever get an airline one if there were no annual fees to milk it for the miles. I’d literally buy everything with it and then pay it off the minute I get home from the store lmao.

But seriously though, credit card debt has fucked my parents and my aunt who aren’t the financially smart people out there. I must get 2-3 letters a week asking to sign up for a credit card and my parents encourage it. I never will unless I know I can play them instead of having them play me.

>> No.11073432

1m in crypto sure is gonna make u rich in 3 years time.

>> No.11073442


>> No.11073655

Two. amx and a visa if they don't take amx. Simple cash back no fees no fuckery

>> No.11073667

Based and redpilled

>> No.11073671

>be eurocuck
>no credit cards
if I were you op i'll max all of them and yolo on link. then move to thailand

>> No.11073681

>the year of our lord 2018
>biz users claiming cc's are a scam
Top kek, classic biz retards that don't know shit about money. Not utilizing a credit card for purchases is missing out on L I T E R A L free money.

>> No.11073705

3 with a total line of about 40k. Usually use about $1000 every cycle

>> No.11073712

This. It's because they are neets. I get around $200-300 a month in free money from my cc.

>> No.11073713

the fuck someone has 38 cards.

why just not upper the limit on one card to 1million

>> No.11073762

Go ahead and call your cc company and request a credit limit increase to 1 million. Report back the results

>> No.11073775
