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11068392 No.11068392 [Reply] [Original]

sperged out a bit and failed to push the offer up during initial calls. i was trying to push the offer up without explicit leverage. i dont have any leverage, such as other offers, and have a 1 week deadline on this. thinking of bluffing on my call tomorrow with the company recruiter (last we spoke i told them i have one more onsite). thinking of going in and saying i got the offer, even though it doesnt exist.

anyone ever bluffed about an offer and got a sweet raise on an initial offer? this is for a software eng position in US.

>> No.11068405

>negotiating without leverage
you're going to have a bad time

>> No.11068417

if you are a dev and know your shit, 120k should be min. be ready to prove you are worth it though.

>> No.11068420


>> No.11068421

>sorry, our offer is firm, best of luck on your new job!

>> No.11068423

how so?

>> No.11068428

OP is the embodiment of biz...whats to make it so bad that he just fucks it up

>> No.11068457

This is actually the ideal stage to negotiate salary, not beforehand. They just committed to you. That is a lot of leverage. You don’t even need to make an excuse. Just tell them you are really excited about the job but honestly we’re hoping to get $X and ask if they could match that. They will if it’s in ballpark the same range. And on the off chance they say no, it’s not like you can’t still take the job. People who negotiate salary too early are dumb. It makes them look worse as a candidate and they’ll lose offers that way unless they’re low balling themselves to begin with. You’re golden.

>> No.11068475

well i tried to negotiate when i first received the offer. thats where i fucked up.

>> No.11068492

see >>11068421 now you're fucked.
take the job, bust ass, then negotiate when you become indispensable. you'll get much more than you can on your bluff, if it works.

>> No.11068641
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i dont get it. tf is wrong with bluffing. to the recruiter itll be no different.

>> No.11068772

it's not wrong, it's just stupid to do so

>> No.11068867
