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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11063088 No.11063088 [Reply] [Original]

AAAAAAH it's so aggravating. "Buy the dip" "Buying the dip" "You buying the dip, anon". We are def not early adopters. The cool kids, the nerds, the jocks, drug heads, techies. The whole fucking school. Not one subgroup excluded. Even the goths are buying alt coins because they think it's less conventional than money. This whole shit is cringe. Every kid has a crypto sticker in his backpack, even see occasional pepes and wojacks. Every soundcloud rapper talks about crypto and bitcoin. What the fuck is up with you assholes? You don't think this whole space is over valued? My little brother that's 13 holds 12000 stellar lumens. Everyone thinks trading crypto will prepare them for real trading. You assholes are going to get rekt I hope you lose everything. Bitcoin fever in highschool = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4nZipPrVAY [Embed]

they even got crypto classes in college, how gullible are you retards Sorry if I sound skeptical I just can't believe something Jerome and Jamall is investing in will ever make me a sizable profit. It's done.

>> No.11063098

literally this. in my school literally almost every single guy holds crypto. most of the girls dont tho

>> No.11063126

High school kids don't got any money.

Most boomers I know are only aware of Bitcorn.

There is no EFT yet.

I think there will be an other pump

>> No.11063128

I don't know if this is a joke because I'm so out of touch, but if it's not then that's actually a good thing

>> No.11063226
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they dont know what mining is

or asic

how about ZER

check cmc

$100 eoy

zero coin protocol

zcash fork

gpu only

not manipulated

>> No.11063248

Is Crypto really that popular between people aged 12-20?

>> No.11063284
File: 85 KB, 936x850, 1536790302817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This crypto sounds like an npc thing

>> No.11063295

This, if you bought btc after 50$ you're a normie, there's is no more room to grow, you can get 2-3x but that's it. Everyone already knows about crypto

>> No.11063307

This is good pasta

>> No.11063478

> year 2025
> paying gen z sluts with doge coin
; )

>> No.11063565

no, nobody gives a shit about crypto but 25+ yo boomers

>> No.11063606

you're describing the birth of a new asset class that's going to consume and assimilate everything else
of course the youngest generation adopts it the first, they are least attached to the status quo.

boomers with their index etfs and reits will see the light too

>> No.11063649


No lol. In that one high school maybe, but that's why it's news.

>they even got crypto classes in college

This is true though. I was in one. You had to make your own ERC-20 shitcoin to pass. I think it's like 18% of college students in crypto. Most of them are propably CS students since the blockchain classes are computer science of course.

>> No.11063652

Real estate? Where does crypto come in regarding RE investment trusts?

>t.RE broker

>> No.11063671

they are going to be tokenized too

>> No.11063688

pretty stupid

>> No.11063690

>1 post by this ID

y'all been had

>> No.11063709

I started using crypto in 2016 for various nefarious transactions (not drug related) and ended up with a few extra hundred k out of it, hehe

>> No.11063726

Haha epic my dude, making the same shitty thread for the 5th time now!! Haha upboat to you sir!

>> No.11063727

all of my baby cousins in my family already made it from the winter rally, but it gets worse!
They also hold link! It was supposed to be /ourtoken/ but now even babies know about it!!!!
How could the government let this happen?

>> No.11063729

If you think it's a bad thing that college students are all over crypto I don't know what to say. What do you think they're gonna do when they get a job and start getting some actual money?

>> No.11063853


>> No.11064046

>adoption is bad for crypto
yes you are correct. go back to fiat. good goy.

>> No.11064151

>btc around for a decade
>bull run already took place
>bag holders even highschool students buying “the dip”