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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11061517 No.11061517 [Reply] [Original]

okay, let's clarify something gays

ETHEREUM as ethereum network is great
ETH as Ether is obsolete, unnecessary

>> No.11061523

Based and orangepilled.

>> No.11061537

But how will you compensate miners for processing transactions?

Even with staking and PoS? How will you pay interest on staked eth?

>> No.11061555

>t. retard

>> No.11061572

OP is right. Ethereum the network is fantastic. Ethereum the coin does not need to be worth $1000+ for this network to function.

>> No.11061576

Oh ok thanks for that insight I'll be sure to sell everything

>> No.11062006

who in pic?

>> No.11062038

High volume of contracts does lead to higher demand = higher market price. The same goes for FIAT currencies. The dollar can function even if it’s valued at 0.001 euro, but demand drives up the price.

>> No.11062070

>the dollar can function at 0.0001 EURO. All that matters is demand.
Great! So we can print $25 trillion USD and not tell anyone without any problems. Wonderful.

>> No.11062102

staking on ETH is 2-3 years away idiot. YEARS

>> No.11062104

agreed. ether is a failed experiments. companies don't need it or use it. they can just use the underlying technology, the ethereum blockchain

>> No.11062133

I didn’t mean to turn this into a central banking discussion.. I was just using usd as an example of how currencies are priced.

>> No.11062155

Pretty much, ETH is still needed as gas, so it's definitely not worthless, but at the same time it's definitely not worth $1,000 either. The only reason its price was driven so high was demand by ICOs, but that's gone and probably never coming back. Take the orange pill if you believe in Ethereum.

>> No.11062165

okay, let's clarify something gays

ETHEREUM as ethereum network is overvalued compared to other projects, and this isn't an opinion, it's a Vitalik personality cult (people that understand crypto and the importance of decentralization discount Ethereum value 90% due to the single point of failure risk, kek), so much when ETH's price crashed when someone released a rumor that Vitalik died in a car crash
ETH as Ether is obsolete, unnecessary, bullshit, incredibly overpriced bubble tulip level platform only used for scammy ICO, kitties and Ponzi games with no real usecase, kek

>> No.11062170

Should i sell

>> No.11062197

>demand by ICOs, but that's gone and probably never coming back.

Explain why

>> No.11062207

I am making a token called 0xBTCplus. It will have the decentralisation of ethereum and the fair distribution of 0xbtc, but with supply hardcapped at todays number, to get rid of the risk of eventual centralisation.

>> No.11062228

Tons of people lost their money and they're getting regulated. A judge has already decided that ICOs are securities. I'm not saying that we won't have a single ICO anymore, but the chances of a run like last year repeating are close to zero.

>> No.11062235

You have been making this token for quite a while by now, it shouldn't be so hard to release an ERC20. Are you working for the CoinMetro team by any chance?

>> No.11062257

I'm in talks with exchanges

>> No.11062260

Ether is required for fees.
Vitalik wants to include rent for storage and partial fee burning, forcing eth to be used.
Ether's use as fees makes people use it for other things, because they already need to own it.

>> No.11062359

Sure you are, let us know when they get anywhere.

But imagine if you didn't need to hold Ether to send ERC20 tokens. Imagine not worrying about keeping some specks of ETH in every wallet you own just to be able to use the network. Imagine if you could pay a relayer in ERC20 tokens who would complete the transaction for you. Imagine - the LavaWallet.

>> No.11062378

Will do. One of my main problems with 0xbtc is that it isnt on any good exchanges. They all tell me they're worried about big mining pools taking over and ruining the fair distribution.
I'm going to fix that with a hard cap.

>> No.11062381

right and btc is obsolete too?

you retards never cease to amaze me

>> No.11062399

Better hurry up, since 0xBTC has some new exchange listings coming before EOY

>> No.11062422
File: 24 KB, 466x490, 1536612713441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have brainlets saying this, but yet you still need to use ETH for transactions

>> No.11062438

Individual users won't need to actually hold ETH once LavaWallet is released. ETH will still need to be paid in the background, but that probably won't be enough to justify a price in the hundreds of dollars.

>> No.11062468

it's cool you made a wallet, but your shilling method is absolutely retarded
erc20 owners are overwhelmingly also eth holders. You're attacking eth holders while shilling wallet for erc20. That's retarded, you're alienating 99% of your target market

>> No.11062536

I'm not the creator and what you're saying is totally retarded. Most ERC20 holders are ETH holders because they simply have to be, otherwise they couldn't transact their tokens. It's not that they are definitely huge fans of ETH, they're simply forced to have at least some of it in every single one of their wallets. If you can't see how changing that will be valuable, then you're not paying attention.