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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 405x233, iphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11058354 No.11058354 [Reply] [Original]

>No big deal, just skip a car payment, pick up a little overtime, and maybe skip a few meals and you can afford the new iPhone
>There's now literally no way for the average wagecuck to be able to afford this, but don't worry you can finance it.
>Not so bad in and of itself, but your carrier is already charging you an arm and a leg for data. >Also you need to pay for insurance because you're GOING to break the piece of shit.
>Now you have two jobs and you're struggling to put food on the table, but it's alright. You've got the new top of the line Instagram machine.
>2 years later
>Apple board of directors are having a meeting.
>"Tim, can you believe this? We removed the headphone jack, put this ugly ass notch on the top of the screen, and now the phone is too big to fit in your pocket. These fucking cattle won't stop eating this shit up."
>They all begin falling over each other in laughter.
>All while they use shitty Nokias from the 00s and their bank accounts tripple by the minute.
>1700 USfuckingD
We need to gas ifag NPCs.

>> No.11058395

subprime housing market
subprime auto market
subprime cell phone market

what could go wrong?

>> No.11058397


you could always just not buy it

>> No.11058460

why the fuck do people have to waste their money on these stupid phones every 4 months?
I buy a $100 phone on ebay and it works great for like 3 years, this is why America isn't wealthy anymore.

>> No.11059245

Fuck if I know. You'd have to be the dumbest motherfucker on earth to pay that much for a phone that does nothing a 3 year old 6S can't do practically as good. Oh except for have a fucking headphone jack and a perfectly functional touch id button. And most of the idiots who buy this will finance it. While working some shit McDonald's tier job. It's like ghetto kids on welfare with $250 Nikes. Shit is damn ludicrous.

>> No.11059294

>t.ironically typing away on their crapbook pros.
>b-but muh OS
>it’s s-superior
>muh build quality
>muh 9gorillion usd price

No sweetie fuck off back to plebbit, biz is only for Lenovo thinkpad chads

>> No.11059299
File: 28 KB, 367x358, 1482278261143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just walk in a store and buy the newest freshest iphone
>qt cashier girl is in awe as I pull out my fat moneyclip and drop a couple benjamins on the counter
>walk off into the sunset while poorfags have to live on the edge to afford this shitty phone

>> No.11059305

T420 master race reporting in

>> No.11059316


T440p Chad reporting in, unironically upgraded my laptops processor with an i7, was so freaking easy.

>> No.11059317

> Posted from my IPhone.

>> No.11059341

Why would I need the newest phone? I’m fine with my 6s, and once that shits out on me I’ll buy a 7.

>> No.11059370

I've been using SE's. Stoked to get the new version once my current dies for good (it's been brought back to life 3x in china)

>> No.11059379


>> No.11059380


>> No.11059401

>a couple benjamins
>"SIR, you owe us $600, SECURITY!".

>> No.11059422

Only reason I want an iPhone is for better instagram selfies

>> No.11059429
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 1508730313123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t420 mustard paste reporting in, just got a hard drive replacement for my CD drive

>> No.11059443

It's not 1700 USD, where are you seeing that?
More importantly, why does it bother you how others spend their money? A cell phone is something you use all fucking day long. It's your way to plug into not just all of the worlds information, but breaking news and events, and to keep in touch with family and friends. If there is one device to do that, wouldn't you want the best? Great camera, battery life, screen etc. If you can't afford it then there are dozens of options out there.

>> No.11059447
File: 101 KB, 480x337, D3588B2D-F2ED-4F59-8B6B-5E55D60E7EDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait faggot, we both know you have no social media or friends

>> No.11059477

Whats your IG

>> No.11059864


>> No.11059899
File: 71 KB, 1197x540, motherofgoditstimeomgitshappennig omfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a t440s pretty shitty to bre honest have like 4 of em track pads always break

went back to ol reliable t430s

>> No.11059913

pajeet confirmed

>> No.11059940

wait, people buy these new? I thought fiscally responsible people that bought their own phones just got two-year-old iphones from swappa or ebay or something.