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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11049728 No.11049728 [Reply] [Original]

Name ONE (1) legitimate use for crypto that isn't crime.

Hint: you can't.

>> No.11050432

That is all I use it for

>> No.11050446
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I unironically can't think of anything

A-are we going sub 4k?

>> No.11050448

i use it for crime

>> No.11050477

A forum that requires payment before shit4brains can post FUD.

>> No.11050486

You don't need money for anything but crime tbqh desu

>> No.11050504
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p2p lending

>> No.11050553

Store of value that cannot be confiscated or censored, you fucking retard newbie.

>> No.11050582

>that cannot be confiscated or censored
It can be marginalized, though.
That's it's major weakness.

>> No.11050600

There's localbitcoins

And the only way it could be marginalized is through government pressure

But that pressure would only catalyze crypto as it would prove the need for it!

Actually I'm more worried about total acceptance from gov'ts than I am of their attempts of supressing it. Those are good for price.

>> No.11050655

>through government pressure
Yep, that's how they'll do it.

>it would prove the need for it!
Won't stop it from being marginalized.
You can bet that if the Fed says they plan to audit any company processing (non-approved) crypto payments, they'll fall in line quick.

>> No.11050736

Another country will then seize the opportunity to adopt crypto,... EU, or Russia or China... and will get all crypto capital. It's not a smart economic move to make. That is what is nice about a multi polar world with many superpowers.

Back in the Bill Clinton days when USA was more powerful worldwide, maybe it would be possible to clamp down on it worldwide, protecting petrodollar. Today it's harder.

>> No.11050756

Full control over your money.

>> No.11050787

>Another country will then seize the opportunity
Don't get me wrong, I believe our government will accept it (maybe not, 'totally'), just on their own terms.
It's really not so different from the time in which there was no centralized state currency. People created their own money.
Once the government realized state controlled currency was a necessity, they moved to create an official version, which (surprise, surprise) everyone ended up using.

>> No.11050822

Not correlated with finance

>> No.11050836
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This. Genesis Vision

>> No.11050859

Crime is a good enough reason.
Individuals and companies will start avoiding tax with it.

>> No.11050927

paying an individual for a service on the other side of the world without having to use paypal.

paying for a service without middleman (SaaS)

buying physical goods from the other side of the world without giving out credit card

these with bitcoin and many years ago

>> No.11051036

H-hi hi hi
This is great discussion btw.
Just seems like the kind of thing that should have been fully vetted out before anyone puts a single penny into this shitshow huh? I mean if this were a regulated trading asset you would think this would be written up someplace.
>blockchain secure trading credits specific for supply chain infrastructure yadda yadda
Yeah no. It's trash. Sell it all yesterday

>> No.11051145
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>> No.11051186

>regulated trading asset
This is probably the biggest thing keeping me out.
It's not that there isn't (or wasn't) lots of money to be made. It's that the utter lack of regulation makes it like Wall Street circa 1900.

>> No.11051254

yea.. how you get crypto now? through middleman like Coinbase so its the same..

>> No.11051288
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>Keeping your profit to yourself and out of Goldshekelstien's pocket is a crime

>> No.11052192
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>fully automating payment processing on a transparent, non-negiotable ledger all using smart contracts to determine conditions, drawing from various APIs and information sources, improving on or destroying banks as we understand them

haha it's just crime dude

>> No.11052683
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Non-fungible tokens and digital scarcity. ERC-721 tokens being the current example, many more coming - this is just the first wave.

That and decentralized applications e.g. distributed computing / platforms.

>> No.11052779

Yeah. I mean there are plenty of shitty public companies out there and the process to IPO isn't perfect but at least it's something. Its def still possible to buy shit stock and lose money but I don't go out of my way to buy imaginary stocks just for huge volatility. Just saying.

>> No.11053047

It's more that people want it both ways. You don't get outsize rewards without accompanying risk.
The gains that come with stable (and hence, protected to some degree) instruments don't appeal to them.
They might be willing to accept monstrous gains in a stroke of sheer luck, but if they eat shit on a stock watch them turn around and bitch about how the markets are rigged.

>> No.11053063
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getting rich to get a TayTay gf

>> No.11053993


buying Bitcoins

>> No.11054395

SpankChain is letting porn stars break free from the exploitative 50% cuts the camming industry takes from them, and providing them with a level of indirection to protect them from morally discriminatory big banks.

>> No.11054420


>> No.11054448

buy a 4chan pass and shitpost comfortably

>> No.11054452

i use nano to send to friends to pay for stuff. they accept it like regular money. they even prefer to get nano cause it will probably appreciate in value.

digital cryptocurrencies are the better money.
fiat is doomed.

>> No.11054512

So basically the argument is something like no one uses crypto because no one uses crypto. How the fuck do you get over that? It's been 10 years and people still see 1 bitcoin = $6300 instead of 1 bitcoin = 1 bitcoin.

>> No.11055271

travel abroad and pay nothing to banks
companies can use bitcoin to transfer huge quantities of money for next to no tax

>> No.11055490

>Underestimating the potential of the crime market, a trillion dollar industry.
>Hacker servicies

OP, you must be a retard.

If you find someone that wants to buy coffee with Bitcoin, stay away from him, he's probably a faggot from Reddit.