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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 269 KB, 1554x1416, Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 06.24.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11045492 No.11045492 [Reply] [Original]

its literally over.
pic related is active unique addresses.
aka adoption.
red is bitcoin
purple is eth
grey is EOS
as you can see, pretty much all of them have plateaued starting around 2017.
when will you fucking retards learn this. literally everyone and their grandma bought in 2017.
>inb4 only 1% of the world owns crypto
>implying thats a small amount
>implying 1% is somehow "bullish bro!"

>> No.11045498

where are you seeing this? link?

>> No.11045499


>> No.11045504

Yes. Everyone’s grandma already bought cryptokitties in 2016.

The blockchain is finished.

Time to exit all markets

>> No.11045516

Nice log chart, faggot

>> No.11045525

they all plateaued around jan 2018, you dont need to be sherlock holmes to realise less people are using the last 9 months than the previous 9 month or that less money is in the market.Its called a bear market for a reason!

>> No.11045534

t. 2017 buyer
do you know how i can tell?
>the blockchain
crypto is not blockchain. crypto is decentralisation. blockchain just happens to be a stepping stone to getting there. tfw almost every single normie has been tricked into the "blockchain technology" meme. blockchains are literally just lists with hashes at each index... kys. probably fell for the "IBM blockchain solution is good for crypto!"

>> No.11045541
File: 120 KB, 1500x1500, down-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volume down
>No new registrations at exchanges
>Everyone holding bags
>Crypto communities are dying

No choice but to sell, even if it's at a 80% lost. It's going to crash even harder tomorrow.

>> No.11045588

don't try to reason with them

>> No.11045601

>What is the Trough of Disillusionment.

>> No.11045603
File: 368 KB, 894x894, 1536038828709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 1 million active addresses for each
7 billion people in the world
>Literally EVERYONE bought

>> No.11045646

are you retarded? addresses dont have to be active for it to equal a person buying. majority of people who bought bitcoin are speculators who hold it in exchanges or just "hodl" and never move them. the active addresses is just a nice comparison to compare with total unique buyers because it would normally grow in the same ratio to total unique buyers.

>> No.11045672
File: 195 KB, 220x258, 1524557933392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded