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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 490x586, 1536526093835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11038248 No.11038248 [Reply] [Original]

>Where are you going for lunch anon? I think I might try that taco place across the street.

>> No.11038258

your face looks like shooting target

>> No.11038310
File: 55 KB, 971x546, 1C499433-B280-4418-9D6D-FDAB5BEB75B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at work
>”anon, have you tried the new place down the street? They just opened!”
>oh is it good?
>it’s alright but, they just opened so it’s new, you got to try it.
>5 people approach me saying basically the same thing throughout the day.

>> No.11038358

>"Hey, hey hey, I hear it's taco tuesday, have tried it yet?"

>> No.11038389
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>> No.11038437

There's a guy at my work - must be 45-50 or so.

Every fucking day at around 10am he walks to the locker, gets our his mug, comes to my desk, says "ya alright? how's things going", then says "right, just going to make a brew" and walks off

Literally every day

>> No.11038487

Maybe your system too shitty for complex ai routines

>> No.11038491

Really nice, NPC is this the evolution of Wojak. There is no hope, only days of work until death.

>> No.11038500

Like the fucking Truman show

>> No.11038521

I get asked this every day at work. Lunch is a big deal there. They usually eat out every single day. Every single one of them. Often they will order from the same place and send one guy to go get it. It's quite nice, I actually enjoy eating with them from time to time. I think it's just a bright point in an otherwise dull workday; something tasty to look forward to and enjoy.

>> No.11038905

i love this meme

>> No.11039053

Fuckin lmao

>> No.11039066


>> No.11039478

Hey how's it going?

Great! and you?

Good good...


>> No.11039498

we got a live one boys

>> No.11039520

you aren't smarter or deeper than these people, they're just making an effort in some small way to interact with you and build a rapport. They probably think you faggots are gonna come in on a Friday with a shotgun or something because you autistically can't do what every normal adult does and put a little effort into it, even if it's banal and fake.

fucking retards

>> No.11040163
File: 112 KB, 414x750, 1506039167995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize most people aren't NPCs, per se, but just conditioned to be a bit boring.
This post is a great example of what I don't enjoy in a conversation. This mindless question with the predictable response. What are two people really supposed to learn about each other with a question like this? >>11039478
If you were to answer honestly, or with a response that's ambiguously different from what they're expecting, no doubt it could spread around the office and be used against you in someway if your answer deviates too far from what's socially expected.

I always try and ask questions that I'm genuinely curious about the other person. Unless I just want to be done with them quickly.

>> No.11040227

No one like doing this shit, it’s just friendly and shows you have at least a modicum of social skills. They’re trying to acknowledge you. People you’re on bad terms with don’t do it.

>> No.11040246

What are they suppose to talk about? their political opinions? so you can get triggered and start talking about how jews run the world to smarten them up?

>> No.11040256

Basically this, I do it so my co-workers don't think I'm a sociopath. I always give simple responses. If I could get through the day without saying a single word I would.

>> No.11040257


Hey how's it going?


Good-oh I'm uh sorry...

Fuck yourself queerbait

>> No.11040281

And what would you enlighten them with hmmm? How Blump is a KGB agent sent by Russia, the most homophobic country in the world, not like the tolerant Saudi Arabia, in order to help Russians rule the world and white people r evil???

>> No.11040304
File: 731 KB, 499x499, 1491342635535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont short a circuit NPC

>> No.11040314

>nahh, but I heard it's good, you should check it out. I brought today.

$10 saved and invested

>> No.11040321

>be receptionist of hotel
>npc coworkers you have to greet everyday same time same question
>npc guests you tell the same stuff / small talk / weather for check in without exception.
>Im basically an npc at this point
>crazy mailman comes inside and has deep connection with me through eye sight... No homo
>he knows

>> No.11040345

How big of a fucking autist are you, that you even worry about this? Most people talk about mundane shit - their kids, their significant other, TV shows, weather, just light bullshit to pass the time. If you can't handle simple smalltalk without bringing your bullshit "jews" conspiracy theory nonsense into it, you're basically broken.

>> No.11040643

There's a guy at my work - must be 25-30 or so.

Every fucking day at around 10am he watches me walk to the locker where I get my mug. I come to his desk, ask "ya alright? how's things going". He just sits there and gives a response that immediately kills the conversation. I give up, say "right, just going to make a brew" and walk off

Literally every day

>> No.11040672

The npc meme is phase two of whatever psyop the boomer memes were. Don't be a patsy, every life is sacred under the law; self determined exceptions are not a burden worth carrying. Be happy, healthy and well anons. We will all make it.

>> No.11040677
File: 271 KB, 600x579, 1534564142428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this predisposed to aggression, such that you verbally attack strangers over the internet. Perhaps it's from working a 9-5?

>> No.11040854

Hello there npc, got any quests for me?

>> No.11040907

>go into upscale hotel in nashville
>being checked in
>vietnamese receiptionist asks if im chinese but im clearly just a white guy
what did he mean by this

>> No.11040958

>being THIS fucking retarded

>> No.11041003

You're a slav

>> No.11041023


This sort of daily interaction is not even about being friendly. It's kind of like when a friend is telling you a long story you have to go "uh-huh" from time to time just to keep it going. These exchanges of pleasantries serve to check if things are normal on both sides. The objective is to know if it's going to be just another day at the office. It's a way of assessing if a coworker or boss is out of it (stressed, sick, personal issues). You don't even have to be overly friendly (that's why your first days in the office are so important), you just have to establish a line of communication and keep it going for as long as things are alright on your side like >>11038437 does. Y'all a bunch of NPC's too and you don't even realize it.

>> No.11041076

I’m a slave to the wage
And will be forever
Too smart to enjoy it
Too dumb to do better

>> No.11042110

>ITT NPCs who actually believe they are real beings
>Doesn't realize they are NPCs

>> No.11042130

What's the final solution to the NPC problem?

>> No.11042152

Can we ban this meme already?

>> No.11042161

This is probably something an NPC would say

>> No.11042173

Yes, could you please retrieve the excel document I printed out from the printer. Also I would be nice if you could stop watching anime at work.

Thank you,

Manager NPC

>> No.11042174

automation and machine learning

>> No.11042188
File: 61 KB, 300x351, 1505865660460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this new meme?

>> No.11042205


>> No.11042219
File: 216 KB, 660x720, 1516724306102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11042224

not until bizonacci makes money off of it

>> No.11042234

its a pol meme

>> No.11042239


>> No.11042242
File: 52 KB, 800x668, 1536582625184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter "reluctant kneepad girl" into the Name field to unlock the RKG player skin.

>> No.11042249
File: 159 KB, 500x281, 1526846692417g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems more like /r9k/ to me.

>> No.11042251
File: 160 KB, 1304x890, 1536592207231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11042254

wageslave threads got too boring so now we have this

>> No.11042263
File: 367 KB, 1265x604, 1524081534272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly. but i have seen it primarily in pol. it started with this post this was from years ago but it became popular again

>> No.11042267

>greet coworker
>ask how hes going
>just small talk
>remember this fresh new meme
>ask him if he heard any latest rumours in hopes of a quest
>blank NPC stare
i dont think those procedural quests are in the simulation yet guys

>> No.11042273

t. Invested in crypto because he thought it was the future and not just a pump and dump

>> No.11042497

What is this meme

>> No.11042750
File: 413 KB, 811x767, Nervous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple people asking about me walking to work

I-I just want to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

>> No.11042902

This meme will be dead faster than Fresco

>> No.11042916

fuck fresco wasn't even funny. at least this meme makes me laugh.

>> No.11042942

I actually enjoy this one anon, fresco can suck dick.

>> No.11042989

>it’s all just fun and games around here

>> No.11042997

Something something dive bar something cookie lollipops, I like something a good scotch

>> No.11043013

fresco was an npc

>> No.11043025

Worse. He became one.

>> No.11043153

This meme is growing on me.

>> No.11043190
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 4C469E08-EFBD-4CFE-8DDC-D802D10D37D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there really is at least some merit to this meme. There is a whole generation of 30-50 year olds who are content with routine, mundane daily work and have the same schedule every day. They aren’t dumb, but rather just content with the way they live their lives and aren’t intent on changing it until they retire.
Although, a lot of 4chan just assumes this meme is anyone trying to start some minimal smalltalk, but knowing how socially dysfunctional most channers are, it’s expected. They are going to pick fun at anything anf everything around them for the sake of memery, real relationships don’t matter to them, just the “you”s on the Chan.

>> No.11043336

this. most people have a goal or two in their mind and just live their life on auto pilot while heading towards them. anyone with common sense knows this

>> No.11043362


While I agree in part I also don't want to encourage the edgy teenage faggots who want to think they're smarter or deeper than everyone else due to first person bias and communication barriers

Most people are a lot more interesting than you think the more you pick at their brain, our culture simply has a way of smoothing out interactions to the point where no one reveals all of their thoughts, or really knows how to express them properly anyway.

>> No.11043458
File: 1.19 MB, 898x628, 1506226812399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The NPC meme only confirms that everyone is a real person. Sure there can be mundane habitual conversations, but that doesn't mean that person isn't real. Just that they're trying to get by.
>If I could go without talking to some people I would though desu

>> No.11043487

>your face when AI has already been invented
>your face when it has been implemented in NPCs
>your face when >>11038310 are NPCs specifically programmed to advertise "the new place down the street"

>> No.11043520

It's a game for them just like you, but (usually) without 4chan

Depending on how/if you've made them feel, they will consort with others in their lives (usually whom have no chance of dialogue with you, think spouse/roommate) about your work interpersonals, how they felt about them, how they think you feel etc.

Depending on the previous experiences of the people discussing, the goal is laughter/releaseofsemiprivatefeels over your cringiness (younger), or to help you because they are worried/don't understand you (likely older)

The result of this conversation is advice given on how to deal with you going forward. You don't know the type of person your coworker has these conversations with, but an educated guess can be made after you've seen the initial, v2,v3,etc. if you're not a brainlet.

If you have perceived they are speaking about you with their spouse, that's probably the ticket to improving your relationship with them.
>effectively discuss feels and goals related to monogamy, make them think your decisions will ultimately mimic theirs, making them feel more secure in those decisions

if you have perceived they are speaking about you with a friend/roommate, pretty much the same
>believable mimic of their behavior, tease back if being teased, act as though you have ppl in your corner feeding you scenarios/lines, basically be confident

if you've done this alright, they'll leave you well enough alone. If you've done this very well, they'll want be your friend.

>> No.11043630

Craft Beer
my wife...
what kind of mileage do you get?
powerball is getting up there...

>> No.11043641

unironically based & redpilled
good for you, anon
we're all on this together

>> No.11043715

HOLY SHIT you've connected a major dot
thank you, anon

>> No.11043730
File: 61 KB, 756x354, img_logo_incorrect02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw current year

>> No.11043766


Fair enough, but you could nitpick every meme, and this one is better than the boomer meme that last for-fucking-ever.

>> No.11043791
File: 39 KB, 640x400, 9857858760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get called an NPC by a boring autist who spends all his free time on 4chan because you don't want to waste your time talking to him at work

>> No.11043814
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, 1479683387999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did this dumb NPC meme pic come from?

Why the hell are all the new memes just variations on Wojak?

Is 4chan THAT bankrupt now?

>> No.11043835

Who cares, most memes are cancer anyway.

>> No.11043851

t. NPC newfag

>> No.11043857

I'm starting a software dev job next week. How do I come off as a normal person? I'm not a turbo autist or anything but I've been a neet for the past year and I have bad social anxiety sometimes

>> No.11043873

What do you waste, sorry, use efficiently your time on wagie kun?

>> No.11043890

Painting. You wouldn't know anything about that though. You're too busy following all the other NEET ants on /biz/.

>> No.11044614


>Needs to make an eleborate fabrication of human interaction...just to see if someone is off sick to draw some arm chair psychological line
>He thinks this isn't a scripted NPC event triggered at the same time every day

NPCs man.

>> No.11044629


Talk slowly, practice maintaining a friendly expression rather than a grimace or stern look. If you're going to be an autist it is miles better to be the approachable, friendly autist than the stern one.

>> No.11044698

Fucking kek my sides

>> No.11044805

Get out of here Lord Business

>> No.11044841

Think of it like a friendly ping that you still acknowledge their existence. People think its weird when you don't. That's how I think about it at least

>> No.11044907

Literally just smile at people, and smile alone to yourself to trick your body into thinking its content there. If people talk to you just make light conversation

>> No.11044948
File: 29 KB, 660x574, 11531413413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw been silent at the office too long and now it'd be weird if I started trying to talk to people.

>> No.11044951

>If you're going to be an autist it is miles better to be the approachable, friendly autist than the stern one.
Excuse me but explain. I'm an extreme autist unironically and had problems interacting with people all my life no matter how I approached the situation. We're talking elliot rodger level.

>> No.11045172


Did you just get triggered because an anon made a joke about how easily /pol/acks are triggered?

>> No.11045310


4chan autists are just as unspectacular and interchangeable as "NPC"s. It's just that normie dominance is higher in the general population so they end up thinking that they're "special" or rare.

>> No.11045377

>I always try and ask questions that I'm genuinely curious about the other person. Unless I just want to be done with them quickly.
genius underrated post.

>> No.11046097
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, 1522309915155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think anon might be on to something here

>> No.11046202

then fucking say that instead of trying to connect antennae with me like a fucking bugman
fucking normies

>> No.11046313

We've heard this dialogue already. Pressing A to skip.

>> No.11046363

If you work you're an npc

>> No.11046377

Makes sense. The heroes are out going on quests and shit.

>> No.11046439

List some examples of your approaches

>> No.11046591
File: 28 KB, 740x652, minion7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Receive email from kooky annoying lady at work
>It's sent to everyone
>open it
>it's another office appropriate meme
>"Hey, did you get that meme I sent the whole office?"

>> No.11046613
File: 12 KB, 692x684, κηδεια.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens when an npc becomes self aware?

>> No.11046762

Looks /x/ to me

>> No.11046778

This is 100% correct.
You idiots repeat the same meme 500 times a day but OTHER PEOPLE are the NPCs?

>> No.11046851

>ID: Me
literally me

>> No.11046989

There's this Boomer at my work - must be 25-30 or so.

Every fucking day at around 10am he's in the breakroom sipping his monster energy drink, I try to sit next to him at the table, but he kicks the chair out of the way. "ya alright?" I ask. "how's things going?", ...He just sits there breathing heavily...Occassionally he crumples his monster can before tossing it across the room into the corner trash can and presenting another one. I can never get a straight response out of this fucko, so i just say "right, just going to make a brew" and hurry back to work...

Literally every day

>> No.11047024

>damn I'm so poor
>Right time to buy that £8 salad from Planet Organic, lol it's just so delish!

>> No.11047045

Haha very funny. Great meme keep up the good work buddy!

>> No.11047109

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