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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11037122 No.11037122 [Reply] [Original]

When did you start lurking the site?
> 9 Years here.

>> No.11037157

>6 years of 4chan
>1 month of biz

>> No.11037167

What changed in your life?

>> No.11037186
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I think around 2007. Between 2010-13 I didn't come here much. It was a fun time.

>> No.11037241

Around 2004. 14 years ago, jesus.

>> No.11037252

When the pool was closed.

>> No.11037266


>> No.11037311

2006, i salute you

remember tom green show raids? Hal Turner?

>> No.11037351

I was just thinking about Hal Turner and LOIC earlier today. I believe that was mostly some other chan though, I can't remember which one.

>> No.11037372

I'd say I was basically raised on the internet. Parent were divorced and a majority of my time was spent browsing, creating, and thinking.

/v/ is a cesspool and still remains a cesspool. I'm almost certain that /v/ is the board responsible for my love hate of all things video game related. That new game that came out is going to suck no matter what.

/g/ has pretty much remained the same.

/biz/ has gone through so many phases but I only visited this side of the site recently. Even in the past year the individuals that were on this board have changed. It feels 'normified' now.

/b/ is shit compared to what you got to witness years and years ago.

/soc/ got introduced a couple years back and I don't know why anyone thought that was a good idea. It's now who can post the biggest or small cock and get a 'you'.

/wsg/ used to be meshed in with /gif/. There also wasn't a fuck load of traps all over /gif/. Guess that's what the next generation likes though. Some kinda feminine penis shit.

The whole board has changed and /biz/ even in a year of time has changed. I bet a majority of the people on this board couldn't tell you the first thing about how a blockchain works or how to write one.

>> No.11037412

>/biz/ has gone through so many phases but I only visited this side of the site recently. Even in the past year the individuals that were on this board have changed. It feels 'normified' now.
It has. They are too serious about their shitcoins bags. Still one of the best boards though, along with /ck/.

>> No.11037440


Are you me? Joined 2007, was full normie between 2010 and 2013, then around 2014 I regressed and now 4chan is the only site I use.

>> No.11037479

I come her regularly from (r)eddit and go back and forth. Don’t really touch /pol/ because it’s so toxic full of alt right ideology.

>> No.11037497

Same for the second part. I still don't understand how a blockchain, smartcontract, oracle, etc. works. Did you catch on with all this shit and can I copy your notes?

>> No.11037529
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I was here when crackychan was posting on /b/

>> No.11037575

Started in crypto in Jan on Reddit and moved over here to The Chan. Fitting in nicely so far but wish more people on here put there user name on there subtopic, haven't made many close crypto buddies on here yet because of that.

>> No.11037675
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11 years


>> No.11037698


mah nigga.

/trv/ used to be great as well but haven't been on there in a minute

>> No.11037709
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dunno, somewhere about 2006-7 probably
I still remember talking with a girl from my class about 4chan.
It has to be 2007, it's when pc was alreadyt affordable for every middle/low class people and every school had them.
I was 80 lvl lurker for like 4 years or so.
4chan helped to learn English. I'm always thankful that this place exist with such enormous different boards.
Thanks moot.

>> No.11037778

I like to think it was 2011 but I very clearly remember my first ever post, and it was in reference to something from 2012.
Maybe I was lurking for a long time.

>> No.11037792

Late 2007 /b/ is where I started. Then I moved onto r9k for a while kek

>> No.11037799


I'm 21 now and I really started browsing here about 2010-2011, but before that I had heard the stories of old from my friend who read them off encyclopedia dramatica; and as such we were raised as good 4channers with the proper amount of lurking before we started to actually post.
I went for years in this site not really posting or anything, and I would guess that a lot more people lurk than post at any given time.

Anon here is right, as /b/ was really my first board it is sad that the growing flood of porn over the years has likely washed away any of the culture that is still there.

And yet we don't really have just a dedicated /porn/ board, sure we have weird boards for different KINDS of porn like /s/, /hm/, /hc/ and other dumb weirdly specific containment boards, but we still need a board to suck the porn cancer off of /b/
Even moreso though, we need /get/ (or /roll/ ) so that mods could take all those addictive and offtopic roll threads and put them in a place they belong.

>> No.11037826

10 years. Missed BTC, ETH and Waves thinking it was scams. I heavily FUDed all of them before I even knew what FUD was.

>> No.11037838

About this site I love the fact that there aren't a million different boards, and that not just anyone can create their own boards, but only those boards that serve a specific need get created

>> No.11037866

separating /porn/ from /b/ is a good idea, I haven't even thought about visiting /b/ in years as it's been terminal for almost a decade. Similar to wsg and gif, /gif/ gets all the ass-cancer and wsg is actually kinda neat sometimes. Tbh I think /r9k/ is the closest to old style /b/ but minus a lot the animu culture. Although now even that is a shell of it's former self. /biz/ actually reminds me a lot of classic 4chan a lot of the time, although I've only been on this board for a little under 3 years now

>> No.11037890

2007-08: /b/
2009-2017: /sp/
2017 onwards: /biz/ and /fit/

little bit of /mu/ and /tv/ sprinkled in there. Mostly normie boards for me. Always thought /pol/ and /a/ types were pathetic and don't really relate to them at all. I feel like there are several 4chan "cultures" and /sp/ never really meshed with the pathetic incel culture that oozed out of /pol/

>> No.11037932

Since 2006, so about 12 years now. I ran into it before then, but didn't figure out how to access any boards, so that doesn't count.

Wasted my life being caught up in refreshing /b/ and being on Fark.com. So many classes failed and so much money wasted.

I've met well over two dozen channers IRL with 31 contacts in my phone with "4chan" on them.

Got laid my first time due to Anonidate (4chan's "forced Anon dating" site).

Only been on /biz/ since December.

>> No.11037990

Your world view would be shattered if we ever met Anon.

>> No.11038085

Started in 2008 when my girlfriend at the time mentioned (she was a Chinese Gothic Lolita) that someone was posting her friend on /cgl/ so I wanted to find out what was going on. So I stayed until 2011 or so. Miss those times, the raids were so much fun.... then i moved on to /fit/.... did the rippletits regime etc

Left 4chan for a while, got back to it around 2013 or 2014 when /biz/ started, stayed for a couple of months. It was really a slow board back then and even then everyone was just shilling shitcoins like Doge which I thought was interesting but got bored of so I left for couple of years only to find out in early 2017 that I could be rich now if I had just stayed longer instead of leaving.
Been lurking for a year now..

Thinking about leaving again

>> No.11038133

*I stayed on /b/ until 2011

>> No.11038143
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I first came here in 2006 after seeing 4chan mentioned on GameFAQs and YTMND. I stayed on /b/ mostly, then moved to /v/ sometime in late 2007 I think.
Eventually /v/'s cancer was too much even for me so I migrated to 420chan around 2010 or so. I stayed there till 2012, then switched to Reddit for a short while before getting locked up for five years.
I returned to Reddit for a while after my release, but something brought me back here early this year. I discovered /pol/, and I fear it has done me far more harm than good. I wish I had never come back after all these years.

>> No.11038249

Started lurking in 2011 on /b/ cause a guy I gamed with was shitposting on 4chan all the time and sending me links. Left cause of the porn and came back to 4chan on the boards /lit/ and /his/ in 2016. Joined /biz/ in July 2017. Still hanging out on /lit/ /his/ and /x/ from time to time.