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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11030881 No.11030881 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptos that will actually succeed in coming out with a working product? Half of this shit we know will never come to fruition, but which projects will actually be a thing in the future?

>> No.11030893

Bitcoin? Eth? You know, the stuff that was done before everyone thought it could make them rich...

>> No.11030901

Omise Go most likely. There's a genuine need for what they are trying to accomplish.

>> No.11030959

Certain privacy coins(mined) already have a clear and defined use case.

BTC is the standard for now, but unless they get rid of that stupid piece of shit LN it will never gain traction again.

Eth might survive.

Everything else will crash hard, everything.

>> No.11030977

Fabric token is basically making the shovels for the next gold rush.

>> No.11031069


>> No.11031140
File: 2.03 MB, 2612x1953, Ambrosus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMB already has a tangible product and partnerships with companies that want to use their supply chain for food and pharma. Also the lowest tier masternode is estimated to yield like 90k a year if even a moderate amount of adoption occurs for their network. Token value will appreciate as well, so you could earn money passively and then retire your node and cash out your AMB when the token hits like $5 dollars in 2 years.

>> No.11031142

what privacy coins do u like?

>> No.11031178


>> No.11031197

Probably this, but no one will believe you for a long time

>> No.11031212

Easy token creation and management, you saw how many random and useless shitcoins popped up during this past bull run? It's capitalizing on that by making an easy and cheap way for literally anyone to make a token.

>> No.11031218
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One where they are so private you don't even buy them. Just like the bible you just tell people you actually have the coins n POW or keys or anything. When you want to buy or exchange these privacy coins for something else just remember to bring a real gun.

>> No.11031423
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BTC, XMR, ETH, LINK, ZIL, ZRX, and whichever gains most adoption for small and fast transactions (REQ, XLM, NANO, etc.)

>> No.11031427

Req will win never underestimate Mozerella

>> No.11032512

Asura will be the biggest e sports betting platform. Wont be ready until the EOY though it lists on an exchange on Wednesday. Market cap will probably be under 1M. That's my moon shot.

>> No.11032532


>> No.11032586

Nano will be a thing and has a working product.

>> No.11032927

Literally failed products

>> No.11032938

Vechain is the only one with any sort of enterprise adoption.

>> No.11032951


What the fuck kind of shitcoins are you all mentioning lmao

This thread gives me hope that no ones learnt their lesson and theirs going to be an even bigger bubble and VET will be leading the charge

>> No.11032959
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Apply for beta.

It goes live very soon and it will succeed.

it has a lot of things going for it — from ricardian contracts to decentralized rep to dapps to a google-like consensus mechanism

>> No.11032964

DigiByte already has working products lmao fucking pajeets promoting their shitty shitcoins at /biz/ gtfo

>> No.11032965

CND, but whether the top tier bot is any good is up for debate. Only whales have access to it.

>> No.11032967

been waiting for it, I recall they are launching like next month or so

>> No.11032972

>failed product
oh look, someone who doesnt know what hes talking about

>> No.11032974

oh has it been doing? haven't heard that in a long time. I remember when cnd reports were shared in telegram groups. don't remember tho if those were good predictions. a pretty cool project anyway

>> No.11032975


>> No.11032980

for real, can't wait

>> No.11032985
File: 60 KB, 1006x1024, 1521657966706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabric Token already released a sexy product @ tokengen.io and have had 40+ purchases from what I can remember.
They also recently took a massive shit on their competitors https://news.bitcoin.com/pr-fabric-token-launches-tokengen/

>> No.11032986

turtlecoin and STEEM

>> No.11032996

Ink Protocol already has a working product.
You can use Xnk and Eth to pay for anything via their app and save reputation scores for specific wallets on the blockchain. That rep is transferable anywhere.

They are just working on adoption now. Recently got put on the Coinbase app as well

>> No.11033012


>> No.11033026

XBY and Link are 2 solid investments that cover different ground.

>> No.11033037


>> No.11033054


Bitcoin, ark, chainlink, eos, eth to an extent (multiple dapp platforms will compete). Monero unless it is compromised. Bch maybe in parallel

>> No.11033077

>wants to be a global currency
>cant scale or even get adopters
Sounds like a fuckibg failure

>> No.11033103 [DELETED] 


oh yeah

>> No.11033135

Why you spamming actual quality projects? I thought we only spammed garbage shitcoins on here?
Oh yea Bartercoin

>> No.11033139

One DAG, if IOTA is not a scam then probably them.
One cross-chain solution, either WAN, AION, Cosmos, FSN, Overledger
BTC (maybe)
Some smaller niche coins no one cares for right now: HVN, Factom, POLY, ENJ, NEBL, PART

>> No.11033145

Damn, forgot LINK (unironically)

>> No.11033149 [DELETED] 

because upcoming ICO nigger. I want my shit to moon too

>> No.11033154


>> No.11033164


>> No.11033184 [DELETED] 

bitcoin, ethereum, holochain, iota

>> No.11033204


from here https://u.community/

>> No.11033205


>> No.11033206

you think snips is any good? I always thought they were the linux of voice assistants.. a tool for the devs

>> No.11033214

the fuck is snips

>> No.11033221 [DELETED] 

Yeah but it's completely private so no shiggydiggy google or amazon snooping on your secret cuck nights with the neighbours

>> No.11033222
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>> No.11033237
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>> No.11033262

me just gonna post this here :)


you gotta be stupid to think any other project will survive this shitshow better

>> No.11033266 [DELETED] 

Token Sale @ bounty.snips.ai

>> No.11033269


>> No.11033276

fuck yee

>> No.11033283

BTC, ETH, XLM are sure bets, but the china hustle meme coins like NEO, VET & WTC will make you rich as soon as BTC pumped.

>> No.11033287


>> No.11033291
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>> No.11033295

try 99% will never amount to anything other than a permanently exchange bound speculative token. that leaves about 20, minus coins that people are actually using today, btc, eth, xmr, that gives you 17.

i think 17 is a very generous number for the number of coins out there today that will ever see any actual use that isn't shitcoin gambling.

>> No.11033297
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Check Fabric Token! Small market cap, and even though they were not able to gather as much funds as they wanted during ICO, they have already released a working product.
Gotta check that article, didn't know they released such a thing

>> No.11033309

> fabric token
> 0.05 BTC volume

>> No.11033314

what are you keking at?
Have you found your bank in this list?
This is fucking real!
I know they can change the transaction cost if it gets too expensive. But Ripple is the only project with this many partners using it already.
I am using it too, it is incredibly fast.
All those ideological frens here are braindead to think some fucking utility tokens without use are gonna make it.

>> No.11033315


Projects like this are what keeps me in crypto

>> No.11033322

Don't fall for this pajeet Anon.

>> No.11033323

that doesn't mean anything. Look at espers volume. It's low, but the project is growing at a slow steady rate.
> tfw frens not gonna make it

>> No.11033333

Main: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero

ERC20: Chainlink

Slim chances: Bancor, Request, Quantstamp, Blockcat (these don't seem to actually utilize their own tokens in a meaningful way though)

I think stuff like Sonm, Golem, Stratis, Aeternity, TNT, 0x, and some of the decentralized exchange tokens are interesting but I can't see them having much longevity in the face of Chainlink

I think all the stuff like Tezos, EOS, and Cardano won't make it if Etherum delivers

>> No.11033339

it's also a perfect example of the kind of shitcoin that fits in the 99%. just another middleman service that only exists because theyre concentrating on an area nobody else is interested in or actually needs. oh, and if it's got its own funding/utility/value token as well then it's very likely to be a shitcoin.

>> No.11033340



>> No.11033353

yep there’s chainlink NEET white pajeets with GET bots to spread their agenda.

Typical Jews.

>> No.11033361

middleman networks like chainlink require ethereum to not deliver, because chainlink serves little purpose when all smart contract activity is on one chain only, there's no reason to using a middleman/funding token.

chainlink is like ark and all of the other "interconnect" projects, looking at the real world, we don't need them, and in crypto, they're even more useless.

>> No.11033364
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nice get by the way, obvious script usage.

>> No.11033367

even link?

>> No.11033372


>> No.11033383
File: 73 KB, 680x588, 61DA5273-A29A-45F4-B612-C54410EACB48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckoff script jew

>> No.11033389

You should really just look into DAG, am not going to shill it as i do not hand out freebies

>> No.11033405

50 replies and not a single person said BAT. Not sure if serious. You have a browser thats growing at 500k users per month. For comparison I believe Warcraft grew at 500k users per month in the beginning, and peaked at around 12 million subscriptions with a lifetime gross revenue of roughly 10B. Brave has 4 million monthly active users. Thats not even the best part. The browser is still basically at it shittiest, its core function is not available, and it has largely grown without the aid of any advertisement. Let me reiterate. This is barely a functioning product, and its growing at the same rate as early world of warcraft. Brave has not been in the news cycle, their advertisement is minimal, their product is close to full functionality, and its already successful.

Thats not even the best part. Brave is the test bed for BAT. BAT wont be only limited to the brave browser, and BAT wont be limited to only browser applications. This means BAT can be integrated into safari which would actually be a very good strategic move for apple if the ad system works. Also BAT has been proposed for podcast players, smart tvs etc.

BAT is also normie friendly. You autists think a browser is too complicated for normies to download while at the same time think they are going to fuck around with private and public keys or use your creepy version of venmo etc, just fucking lol.

Im not going to go into the team which consists of the father of the internet or looming regulations, ad fraud, free riding, privacy, partisan issues, or the 20k content creators that are ready to shill this browser once its ready.

I could do plenty more convincing, but if what i said can't get through to you, im sure its not going to matter what i say.

>> No.11033408

its not full cuck if nobody is watching. but seriously, how big is this gonna be?

>> No.11033412

because bat fits into the 99%. it's a funding token, with no demand, nobody wants to start looking at ads again just to be paid in some token that they can't themselves use other than giving it away for free. that makes the token worthless in their eyes.

the economics of the BAT token haven't been given any thought, which is understandable when you realize it's only true purpose was to fund the company at the expense of the investors, like every other funding token.

>> No.11033418

It's a successful investment vehicle but mostly because there is a belief that people will always be willing to purchase it. In terms of achieving its initial goals it hasn't done too well. It's functional, but isn't widely adopted nor even suitable to be a currency because of its volatility.

>> No.11033427

it's by far the most adopted and used cryptocurrency, and it backs and effectively props up all of these other speculative shitcoins people are shilling in this thread.

if you think bitcoin is going to just disappear and other things will take its place without a decade or two of bear market, you don't understand how economics works, let alone cryptocurrencies.

>> No.11033430
File: 64 KB, 676x673, nimiq party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIMIQ already has a working mainnet

>> No.11033432

Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else. Nothing I said in that post opposes what you have just said.

>> No.11033443

maybe. my point is if bitcoin can never be suitable as a currency the whole crypto space has big problems. thankfully it doesn't look like that's going to be an issue though

>> No.11033444

Origami network already has a working product.

>> No.11033459

UOS, the coin of https://u.community/

>> No.11033470

Nice to see /biz/ is still delusional about the value proposition of shitcoins lol. Don't ever change! :)

>> No.11033472

>NIMIQ already has a working mainnet
TFW working mainnet is now a feature

>> No.11033501

I think that blockchain tech will eventually produce a widely adopted cryptocurrency (one that previous adopters don't drop due to volatility and network congestion, like Steam, Microsoft etc.), but bitcoin as it is now is too limited.

Lightning network might help on the congestion side, but that deviates from the original vision of bitcoin, and won't do much to reduce volatility, which is necessary as it provides a sense of security for potential adopters.

Most people who purchase bitcoin do so because they believe one day someone else will buy it for more. The fact that the language that is used is 'purchase bitcoin' is a telltale sign that it is considered to be an investment vehicle. If it were widely considered a currency I'd expect people to say they were exchanging dollars into bitcoin.

With that said, I plan on buying a new GPU from a popular ecommerce website here in the UK, it will be the first time I've ever used it to purchase something. Looking forward to it to be honest.

>> No.11033513

I know right. It's hard to find a good coin to invest in these days. At least these guys are working on their products, and not trying to pump the price.

>> No.11033514

False. After running an extended testnet in cooperation with the community for months now, Wagerr is forking to mainnet come September 14th. Betting against the chain will be the first option to release, debuting with the Kanelo vs GGG fight. After that, the rest will slowly roll out aswell, following extensive testing.

Wagerr is unironically THE blockchain application for sportsbetting and it's going to be beautiful.

>> No.11033566
File: 56 KB, 648x784, adblockusage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is just too much wrong with this statement. Look at the motivations behind adblock usage. Then you go on to say that the users receive a token thats only use is to give away for free? You can donate BAT, or you can cash out after several months. There might also be the option of paying for premium content through BAT SDK's.

Nobody wants that free slurpie on July 11th because they have to drive to the nearest 7/11 right? Nobody wants that free donut at krispy kreme. Nobody will ever use giftcards, and these loyalty points at your gas station or frequent visitor card at your barber. These are all things that are apparently worthless to you by the same logic. There is research and trillions of dollars refuting you, so your argument is pretty damn weak.

As for the economics of the BAT token? Just lol. Scott Locklin is in charge of the economics research. He has a Phd in physics and built quantitative finance software. Your credential probably include being a broke crypto neet and judging by your posts you're also an insufferable bitcoin maximalist.

Yes the token was used for funding, but its also used for transacting. Which one is it? I have seen plenty of people say the token could be used on a centralized database while also crying about using bitcoin instead or crying about it being a funding token. Either way all I have seen was blind tribalism that is so autistic normies will never want to touch your neetcoins because all the autism scares them away.

>> No.11033627

How much money have you lost on BAT? Feelsbad

>> No.11033665

I think im only down $14,000. Im pretty close to my average price. Big swings on tiny movements. Not nearly as justd as i was thanks to zrx,btc,eth.

>> No.11033723 [DELETED] 

BAT is shit

mfw haven't chosen SNIPS
>mfw i have no face

>> No.11033785

With how low their market caps are, they actually might be a good investment. None of the top 500 projects deserves its price, except for the bitcoins and ETH

>> No.11034306

Exchanges... As long as there is someone buying lmao.

Got eyes on BCIO coming up

>> No.11034674

Monero - privacy is the single most valuable advantage over fiat.

Iota - solves the energy bottleneck, will solve the scaling bottleneck, and as of adoption, VW and Fujitsu are bringing iota powered products on the market Q1 2019. Also, the chairman of the world's most influential standardization committee (OMG - not the token) is actively shilling iota as the future standard of IoT.

Chainlink - if smart contracts should ever become more capable than issuing new shitcoins, then a solution like chainlink is necessary.

>> No.11035747

Probably this. LINK XMR BTC ETH.
100k link
100 xmr
1 btc
32 eth
Godlike port

>> No.11036330

Go use EOS, they delivered.

>> No.11037066

Anon plz answer. Im filling in the form, should i lie about country or can usa participate

>> No.11037214

>Fabric Token

>> No.11037232

This. Not to mention built on top of an already-functioning revenue-generating payments company.