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File: 61 KB, 1008x435, 0xBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11028480 No.11028480 [Reply] [Original]

If you've been on /biz/ at least semi-frequently these past few months, then you've probably noticed that there's been a lot of attention directed towards 0xBitcoin every now and then. A lot of that has been misinformation or outright lies, which have no basis in reality whatsoever and only serve to distract. Since I've participated in pretty much all of those threads starting from May and the board is rather quiet on 0xBTC at the moment, then I thought I'd clear up some of the confusion for anons who can't make out what this project actually is through the thick fog of fud by telling my own story towards the orange pill. If you have no idea what 0xBTC is, then I suggest to read the final part of my posts first to get a brief understanding of what I'm talking about.

I first read about 0xBitcoin on /biz/ some time in mid March and looked into it a bit closer, but I couldn't quite understand its use case or distinguish it from eBTC all that much. It seemed like yet another shitcoin in an endless ocean of shitcoins, so I didn't buy in, but I still decided to keep tabs on it, since I was constantly checking like 30 different coins with the hopes of finding the one that will make me rich quick. The price back then was somewhere around $0.05.

The next time an orange blip stood out on my radar was in late April, when 0xBTC jumped roughly a 1000% to $1 in just two weeks after having been listed on Enclaves. I thought it interesting that something could moon so hard in the bear market we had been (and still are) having, so I did some more digging into it. The eye-opening moment was when I joined the Discord to have a bit of a look around and saw how active and enthusiastic the community was - there were top-tier developers working without any pay, members debating the philosophical aspects of PoW vs PoS cryptos and good banter to go around.

>> No.11028500
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This, in my mind, was exactly what crypto should be and what Bitcoin might have looked like in its early days - no paid community managers, no bounty systems for shilling some made-up ERC20 shitcoins, no airdrops for sharing and liking some garbage on Twitter, only interest and excitement for something new and different. I immediately made the decision to go all in and, after waiting about a week for the price to die down a bit, I liquidated all of my assets and bought as much 0xBTC as I could at an average price of roughly $0.5.

I thought that this was going to the thing that will lift me out of the 9 to 5 system and grant me freedom. The problem was that I had no idea how much time that would take and how many I would need, so, to be on the safe side of things, I wanted to make sure other people wouldn't see its potential before I was done filling my bags. I fudded every 0xBTC thread all throughout May, when they were still rather uncommon. I often brought up the subject of eBTC, knowing full well that it would confuse and distract people who were lurking those threads, just like it had confused me.

This fudding continued well into early June, when 0xBTC was listed on CMC and Mercatox - a rather shady exchange, but still the first CEX to have 0xBTC. The listings caused a huge rise both in price, as well as the amount of fud being spread. Over the course of dozens upon dozens of threads, the illusion was created that 0xBitcoin was conjured up in some Mumbai basement and being shilled by Pajeets trying to dump their bags on /biz/. Most notably, a tripfag by the name of Judge Doom began making a recognition for himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he hopped into this thread as well. It was obvious that others had figured out the same thing I had, and were trying to spread confusion to keep others out while they were filling their bags. When the price rocketed to $4 I thought the whole world was getting on board and I was going to be left behind with my small bag.

>> No.11028512

The pump didn't last for long though, since it turned out that Chinese mining farms used the listings as hype to pump the price, all the while mining a lion's share of new 0xBTC and dumping it on everyone else before moving on to farm more profitable coins. The price collapsed rapidly, as did the hashrate (from 20Th/s to 0.5Th/s) and the hype was gone along with the massive gains. I decided to switch from fudding to shilling, not so that some summerfags would pump my bags with their lunch money, but to reveal any flaws in 0xBitcoin. If there was anything wrong with it, then the bunch of autists collectively known as 4chan would definitely spend countless hours researching to find out about it and flaunt it around just to win an argument on the Internet. I also became bedridden due to an illness during this time, so I had plenty of time to spare and was very active in pretty much every 0xBitcoin thread, going the whole way every single time to squeeze out any and all fud that might stick, but none did.

Although the price has been slowly bleeding these past few months, then the community is as active as ever and several new use cases for PoW mining a second layer currency have been created. Most notable is probably LavaWallet, which will allow people to transact in any ERC20 tokens without having to hold Ether in their wallets - instead, they can just pay the gas fee in the tokens they are transfering, and a relayer will pay the ETH fee for them. The recent 100% pump was due to Vitalik mentioning this exact same concept in a comment, stopping just shy of actually namedropping LavaWallet. People have been mining 0xBTC at a loss ever since the Chinese farms left and the difficulty has already adjusted down once, but it's still too high to be profitable. The next, much steeper, decline in difficulty will probably occur some time during the last week of September, which will make 0xBitcoin an attractive asset to mine for a lot of people and bring it heaps of attention.

>> No.11028523
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The 0xBitcoin Foundation is also in the final steps of getting started up and a new exchange listing is already underway, with several more to come in the following months.

Personally, I've been accumulating all summer, foregoing all but the most necessary of expenditures in order to save money for more 0xBTC. The area of token mining is still very new and unknown, but it could potentially be the next big thing in crypto when Ethereum goes PoS and people start looking for a non-inflationary currency that can interact with smart contracts. Writing out this long-ass wall of text, I obviously do believe this will be the case, but if this post has sparked your interest, then I definitely suggest doing some research on your own before buying. If you have any questions about 0xBTC or the ideas behind it, then I'd be happy to answer them.

What is 0xBitcoin?

The only deflationary cryptocurrency that can interact with smart contracts. It is mined using PoW, but unlike all other PoW cryptos, it is not vulnerable to 51% attacks against it since it is secured by the Ethereum network. Every single ERC20 token before 0xBTC was created by a single person or entity, which controlled all of the tokens upon deployment and then distributed them. We have no idea or way of verifying how fair that distribution actually was and just have to trust that one guy, which defeats the whole purpose of crypto. Proponents of 0xBTC basically believe that Ethereum as a whole will succeed, but Ether itself will not and can not effectively serve the role of store of value on the network due to its monetary policies being very hazy and alterable. Instead, a pure mined and immutable asset is needed that people can trust not to have been hoarded by a small circle and never to change, while the price of ETH will sink.

One half of that theory is already coming true, if the other part makes sense to you as well, then 0xBitcoin is the crypto for you.

>> No.11028561
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But where can I buy some OP?

>> No.11028566

I just sold all my 0xBTC stack, which was 3989 0xBTC. I moved the ether to my main, and now, only holding, which is 434 ETH

Feels good to be rid of antiquated POW tokens.

My preference is just mine. Others will disagree and that's okay.

Enjoy your ride. I'm sure you'll make large gains!

I really hope you enjoy getting rich!

t. professional cuck

>> No.11028568

Alright, good work pajeet..
What is the discord link so that we can actually verify it's not another pajeetcoin? Maybe then, I will buy some bags.

>> No.11028602

No shit, I was interested in getting a bit as suicide insurance but you can’t fucking buy it anywhere that the asks aren’t ridiculously high.

>> No.11028632

I'm airdropping a new token to all 0xBTC holders.
It will have 0xBTX's fair distribution, and the supply is capped at current to avoid future centralisation by mining pools.
It will be called 0xbtcPLUS

>> No.11028638

It feels like shit and amateur hour holding the bright orange clipart token

Nice work, pajeets!

>> No.11028715 [DELETED] 

You can buy some on Idex or Enclaves DEXs or on Mercatox, which is a centralized exchange.

I'm hoping it works out for you, but the predictions for ETH are pretty negative all across the board.

The link is freely available on the 0xbitcoin homepage, there's nothing to hide in the Discord, everything about this project is very open.
https://discord.gg SLASH JGEqqmS

The ones who know aren't selling, and the ones who don't aren't buying (yet). It only takes a few people with $10k to spare finding out what this thing really is to pump the price quite a bit.

There are several fundamental flaws in your logic, so just go do it and see if your token becomes as valuable or more valuable than 0xBitcoin. Creating an ERC20 takes like 2 hours tops without prior experience, so it shouldn't be too much work for a $2mm+ idea.

The fud doesn't work anymore, it is time to come out of the shadows and show the people what 0xBTC really is.

>> No.11028722
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Puh, dodged the bullet

>> No.11028829

It'll moon at some point.

It's not like the holders will have to wait around for a main net, only to have it be delayed, then delayed again, and then settle for a main net lite, and then realize how buggy it is.

Coin is live now.

>> No.11029035

4chan has historically ignored anything and everything that will make them rich. Most people here ignored ETH at $5. People here are not that smart, they sure think that they are, but this is a zero sum game. Someone has to sell for someone to buy. People will FOMO into 0xBTC at some point just because it has BTC in the name. They won’t understand all the tech around it, but the smart people will see it and get in now. I know we sound like every other shills for anything ever, but DYOR. You owe it to yourself. If you don’t like what you see that’s fine, many other people will.

>> No.11029365


Step 1. Navigate to previous page (Catalog/Feed)
Step 2. Find this thread
Step 3. Right-click picture
Step 4. Select "Hide/Unhide" option
Step 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all 0xBTC threads.

Congrats! Your newsfeed has now been cleaned of 0xBTC bullshit.

>> No.11029422

it's getting pathetic now, fuck off.
no one is going to use this, they'll use bitcoin cash for fast payments and bitcoin core as a store of value, this coin won't go above 10 bucks ever, unless people actually have good ideas for dapps involving a tokenized version of bitcone

>> No.11029441

What are the flaws?
0xBTCplus will have 0xBTC's only feature: it's fair distribution.
As an added bonus it will have an immediate cap on the supply, so holders know their share is guaranteed to appreciate in value.

>> No.11029468

nobody reads whitepapers at all

>> No.11029659

If being a contrarian is more important to you than making money then I'm glad you're happy!

>> No.11029755

I only want to advance the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
I am sure 0xBTCplus will do this.

>> No.11029774

You made what will be a suicide inducing choice in a couple years. I truly feel sorry for you. That was an unbelievably stupid thing to do.

>> No.11029810

Nick Szabo thinks BCH is a scam. If you want to argue with Satoshi, that’s your prerogative.

>> No.11030020

Yes, because the only good thing about 0xbtc is its distribution....not the fact that it takes some form of work to earn. I get you're trying to make a point it is worthless but hasn't the problem with tokens and coins being created out of thin air been discussed enough already.

>> No.11030412

Better to buy the vending machine, than one product in the vending machine

>> No.11030478

This shit is going to make me so rich

>> No.11030489

Retarded analogy. The vending machine is the Ethereum network, which you cannot directly buy into. Ether is the electricity that powers the vending machine, and is a pretty fucking stupid asset to buy since it's a utility token not a currency.

>> No.11030646

It's a neat concept that future tokens can use to make something that's actually useful. In and of itself, it's of no use when there's real crypto currencies out there like xmr or btc.

>> No.11030871

While I agree BTC is king, I think there is definitely space for multiple currency tokens, as long as they each have some unique enough to encourage users to put their wealth in them instead of into BTC. XMR, for instance, has strong privacy that helps it maintain its value.

Ether (ETH) also has taken on the role of a secondary store of value token, however, and we can't ignore this fact. If Ether was valued based on the utility of the token, it would be worth $100 million based on the Tetras Capital Ether Thesis. But, it is worth $20 bil and at one point was worth over $120 bil. Ether still remains incredibly highly valued, since it has de facto become the currency of the Ethereum network. So when you say that there are "real cryptocurrencies" that are more useful, you're overlooking that as of right now (and in the forseeable future) Ether will continue to act as a currency. It will be used for purchases, used as a trading pair, and sent as a medium of exchange. It's undeniable that Ether has taken on this role, and it continues to hold this role because other, BETTER, cryptocurrencies like BTC and XMR cannot interact with the vast Ethereum ecosystem.

0xBitcoin is simply trying to posit itself as an alternative that shares all the same properties of Ether, which we know have propelled it to be 2nd to BTC. Since 0xBitcoin is mineable, deflationary, and has clear monetary policy, it is a natural rival to Ether.

>> No.11030902

I also feel it fren

>> No.11031232

People are really deluded with this token. But as you can´t convice me to buy into it, i can´t convice you why you should not. I´m happy with my doge

>> No.11031312
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Chainlink will work and it will be within a year that the networs starts taking jobs. Why ever use 0xbtc once chainlink is out

>> No.11031377

Chainlink is a meme dream.
0xBTC is already a working product.
Practicality over memes.

>> No.11031458


Why don’t you fucking Pajeets do something interesting with this project like fork it into 0xBCH and then get into a circular firing squad?

To think you wasted hours and hours of someone’s time making up all that copypasta bullshit when you could have been fapping to Loli bestiality porn or whatever sick shit you fucks are into. Unbelievable, Pajeet. Just unbelievable.

>> No.11031527

> fork it into 0xBCH
Somebody already did that. Nobody cared and now 0xBCH is dead.

> Pajeets
This myth was busted twice. Once when the devs got on an interview and revealed themselves to be all white, and again when you look at Google trends data and see that there is virtually zero pajeet activity.

>fapping to Loli bestiality porn
0xBTC chads aren't typically degenerate incels

>> No.11031539


0xBTC: all the shitty parts of BTC, copied and pasted onto a dying platform. How could this not moon, sirs?

>> No.11031564


0xymoron: an 0xBTC pajeet who thinks he’s a Chad.

I see you over there. street shitter. Do the needful and have some more curry, sirs.

>> No.11031587

Serious question:

Does 0xBTC have segwit?

>> No.11031596

once the new batch of fpga cards are out the miners will abandon this shitcoin and move onto monero and other real coins. no reason to keep shilling and pumping the price then.. will be dead by next year

>> No.11031610

How can i purchase this coin to wipe my ass with?

>> No.11031622

Hey Ranjeet:
Here’s an idea, why don’t you build bitcoin on EOS next?
Here’s another good idea: ChainLink Cash - it’s the REAL chain link! Sergei’s true vision.
Monero PRIVATE - more private than monero!

>> No.11031644


You are speaking with pajeets which is equal to talking to a brick wall. For those of you that want to make the best investment of your time, follow these easy steps:

Step 1. Navigate to previous page (Catalog/Feed)
Step 2. Find this thread
Step 3. Right-click picture
Step 4. Select "Hide/Unhide" option
Step 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all 0xBTC threads.

Congrats! Your newsfeed has now been cleaned of 0xBTC bullshit.

>> No.11031650

0xBTC is transferred as a standard ERC20 token and uses those Ethereum protocols for consensus. So no, 0xBTC does not have any consensus properties of its own.

>> No.11031708

Will 0xbtc have its own blockchain, i got a infograph, where it says: If the token or coin you are holding doesnt or won´t have in the future his own blockchain, you are holding a shitcoin and kill yourself

>> No.11031793

No, 0xBitcoin will not have its own blockchain. And that is part of its utility. It's a currency token that is better than Ether while still being fully compatible with the entire Ethereum ecosystem. There are already hundreds of Bitcoin forks with their own blockchain, which are all bullshit.

>> No.11031831

So why are you in this thread?

>> No.11031855

Weird. Achain creates a new blockchain for all of its DAPs.This means they all operate at 1000 TPS and have some of the lowest transaction fees. Then again, you probably like slow transfers and high fees bc your brain doesn't think long term.

>> No.11031863

Thank you based anon

>> No.11031950

You know 0xBitcoin is going to make it when actual pajeets begin to use 0xBTC threads to shill their own bullshit coins.

>> No.11031963

but i have already ether which is compatible with every contract...both are using gwei...both have exact the same speed....just because eth wasn´t meant to be, it is now.

>> No.11032055

yoo definitely fucking kill yourself

>> No.11032086

Do you think that Bitcoin would be the same as it is now when mining would have ended in late 2009 and the only way to acquire coins would be to buy them?

In what part are we deluded?

>he thinks writing one and a half pages worth of text takes "hours and hours"

>once the new batch of asics are out the miners will abandon Bitcoin
FPGAs do not have as severe of an advantage against GPUs as ASICs, and the supply of new FPGAs is very low.

It's weird that you keep posting this in every thread, looks like you haven't followed your own advice. Why would you want others to miss out on 0xBTC threads while you lurk in all of them?

>> No.11032460

I don't want anything without segwit and lightning because I heard that it is the best

>> No.11033084

>all these posts about pajeets with nothing to back them up
you dipshits probably don't even realize that you're proving op's point for him

>> No.11033720

Excellent write-up OP, bumped for exposure.

>> No.11033913

Holding 6700 0xBTC, how much do I need to /makeit/ fellow 0x Marines?

>> No.11033931

Love the based pajeetposting. Good tactic to give me more time to acumulate

>> No.11033944

Tldr it's etc 20 worthless token

>> No.11033945

You're already set. It's just a question of how rich you want to be.

>> No.11034650

it's not worthless, in fact it's worth about $0.60 cents at the moment. Probably won't stay that low for long, though

>> No.11034874
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>> No.11034984
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You just wrote a full meter of text and filled another thread with BS shitposts about your cryptofraud not being a cryptofraud only to see your efforts wasted again. All it needs is just one honest visible post written in 5min doubting your lies and nonsence to make even the dumbest /biz/tard think twice and realize the trap. Look a your thread. Your retarded spams convinced everyone on this board that you are a shill pushing a scam that could never survive on its own.

The only thing that makes your run of the mill pajeet ERC20 scamtoken distinct from anything else is the fact that it wastes more electricity than others and redistributes shitcoins from regular users to chink mining cartells.

Posts like these reveal your true character. You will never work on you shitcoin and improve its code and turn it into something usefull but instead waste another day to shill it once more on /biz/. I guess its just pure coinicidence that you are a ((US citizen)).

>> No.11035025

A thread shilling 0xBTC got quadruple dubs over the weekend.

It will make it.

>> No.11035032
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Most pathetic /biz/ poster reporting in

>> No.11035052

It's so obvious this guy is accumulating. Even OP called him out on it lmao

>> No.11035069

He's not accumulating he's just fucking paranoid and delusional
Possibly a self-hating pajeet

>> No.11035251

Glad you could join us, wouldn't have been a proper 0xBTC thread without one of your shitty mass replies. Since you seem to be in the know, then could you perhaps explain to me what's the catch about 0xBitcoin? Where's the scam? I'm currently all in on it and I'll market sell immediately if you can back your claims up with proof.

There's also a bit of a dichotomy in your narrative, I can't be both a pajeet and a ((US citizen)), choose one and roll with it.

>> No.11035557

>correct use of echoes there

Patrician. I too am an (((American))), feels bad man.

>> No.11035616

>hasn't the problem with tokens and coins being created out of thin air been discussed enough already.
It's not created out of thin air. It will use the fair distribution of 0xBTC and cap the supply.
It will have permanently fair distribution for ever with no risk of later mining centralisation.
You have me wrong, fren. I am not involved with legacy 0xBTC.
I am developing a new improved version called 0xBTCplus which will inherit the strengths of the original and improves on its flaws.

>> No.11035621
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Break free from the shackles your overlords have forced upon you. The road to liberty has never been more clear.

>> No.11036175

What will bring new people in if they can't mine more of it? How will LavaWallet be governed without mining? What about the whole concept of programmable mining? 0xBTC is so much larger than just fair distribution, it's just that most of it has yet to manifest. As I said earlier, if you really think your airdropped shitcoin can succeed, then why not create it? Making a new ERC20 monarchy token is easy-peasy, go out and develop it to prove everyone here wrong.

>> No.11036599
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I wish it were just shackles. Chains can be broken. To be (((American))) is to be infused with Semitic filth down to the atomic level. There is no escape, there is no change, there is no salvation.

>> No.11036638

centralized exchanges wont be around during the apocalypse

>> No.11036642

>What will bring new people in if they can't mine more of it?
The price going up.
>How will LavaWallet be governed without mining? What about the whole concept of programmable mining?
These are dangerous complications that disctract from what made 0xBTC so successful in the first place. I want to bring it back to it's true roots.

>> No.11036656 [DELETED] 

You know you're about to lose half your portfolio value in the next few months right

>> No.11036673

If you make it a nice token, i´ll buy a shitton of it. Its all about marketing, the best marketed 0xtoken will win

>> No.11036692

He can always buy in cheaper if he wants to, it won´t go up in the next time anyway

>> No.11036716

Not when his ETH bags go to zero

>> No.11036734

Great. I'll keep biz updated

>> No.11036888

ETH isn't going to 0, way too much activity on the network for that to be possible

It is going to go very low though. somewhere between 1 and 100

>> No.11036936

That is why the liberation must also begin at the individual level. You must make yourself independent and achieve your maximum potential before moving on to free your nation.

>The price going up.
And why would the price go up? Just go and create your shitcoin and you'll see that it'll fail.

>> No.11037010

checked. 0xBTC is well poised to take the SOV mantle.

There are days I wish I never took the redpill and could go back to being a blissfully ignorant NPC.

>> No.11037057

Better hope it doesnt go to 0, your beloved token depends on the chain...you see the flaw there ^^

>> No.11037060

Too late for that now, might as well prepare for what's been a long time coming.

>> No.11037083

The price will go up because of the fair distribution and low fixed supply.
Honestly, the potential is scary.

>> No.11037170

Then do it, realize your multi-million dollar idea.