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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 320x220, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11027918 No.11027918 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/ i have a confession to make.Until today i had never seen Elon Musk in any for of media except for the odd article about him. At the time he seemed like in interesting and innovating person.

Well after what him I have to say this man is 100% a retard or a fraud, fuck me like this is actual autism on steroids. And the fact that it's gotten this far is ridiculous, there might be some seriously talented people around him but this guy comes across as a man losing his mind in slow motion.

Based of this Tesla is going to fucking zero, you can screencap this shit.

>> No.11027946

buy high sell low

>> No.11027995

nice thread reddit fucktard. what did elon say specifically that lead you to this conclusion. my bet is that either you did not listen to his words, or that you were too ignorant to understand them... but please do tell -- specifically.

>> No.11028036

Ohhh boy you better not watch videos about Steve Jobs

>> No.11028065

alright reddit nigger, i'll break it down for your fucking little brain. The whole spiel about AI and the i tried to warn them bullshit, this guy is playing a charachter is sick mind has imagined and the world has glitched out and produced this deranged statistical anomaly.

>> No.11028098

hey dumbfuck, i asked specifically and you don't have jack shit. what about his AI comments do you disagree with... be specific fucktard. so far you haven't presented jack shit.

>> No.11028109
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>buy high, sell high

>> No.11028131


The guy is a massive shill who has never made money on his hairbrained muh Tunnel, muh Rockets, muh cars companies. His operation is so shitty he builds cars in a fucking tent. His accountant quit after a month. He is the worlds biggest welfare queen who works 120 hrs a week when he’s not getting high on joe Rogan.

Tesla fanboys are dumb reddit niggers.

>> No.11028163


>limbic resonance
>things are getting more connected
>our output is gotten worse with thumbs
>we used to communicate with 10 fingers now we communicate with thumbs

Fuck me, this guy is going to guide civilisation to the light. That was just the point i was listeningn to

>> No.11028235

his cars are a massive success in Norway. The tunnel is a fun side project, he has not attempted to make money at it, which you would know if you knew anything about it AT ALL. SpacEx is a massive success - that you do not understand this reveals how big of a dumbfuck you are.

>> No.11028273
File: 37 KB, 288x440, Screen Shot 2561-09-10 at 14.02.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies can't comprehend genius

>> No.11028281


Elon goes balls deep into Tesla directly after he puts on a show for the public.

>> No.11028333

ah i knew it, a typical norwegian reddit nigger. No surprises there. As soon as the next crash comes this the rug is gonna get pulled from under all these projects.

It sucks but that's how it is, elon is a tard and you are a cuck

>> No.11028366

Stock has lost over $10,000,000,000 in value since last month when elon tweeted that 420shit lol

why do you think they call it DOPE

>> No.11028378

being popular in norway is not how you get your car manufacturing company into the black

>> No.11028383
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>> No.11028399
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>> No.11028407

okay, so you are kust a low IQ scientific illiterate. if you knew much about neuroscience you would have learned about how the different brain nuclei are wired together and how signals are modified as they travel around the brain. often what we percieve to be conscious driven action is actually not - the decision to do something is often made by lower more primitive regions of the brain BEFORE the "consious act of deciding" is made... meaning the consious act of deciding is an illusion. this is revealed by brain imaging studies.
>primitive brain regions/nuclei driving behavior
>hence the limbic system comment
god you are an ignorant fucktard out of his depth
>more connected... e.g. mobile phones
>output of our consiousness direct to mobile phones direct to world
>mobile phones (thumbs)... keyboard (10 fingers)
how old are you you low IQ shit-for-brains?
>output of consiousness... much of our output we experience as consiousness (higher brain functioning - cortical level) is driven by and originates with lower brain nuclei/regions... eg limbic system in his example...
really this is too advanced for a dumbfuck like you. probably most of the dumbfucks on this board actually.

how does it feel to be so stupid?

>> No.11028411

I also didn't see much of him either aside from the article or tweet here or there. From the podcast, he seemed like an alright dude but kind of weird. Seems like he just has a lot on his plate and he's tired.

Apparently he has a high executive turn over rate. I donno. He seems like a chill guy though so he's cool in my book. Plus he has fucked some pretty hot chicks (Amber Heard, and that hot british actress chick he divorced twice - lmao at being cucked like that though)

>> No.11028416

dyor, he is pulling it together

>> No.11028424

I like how you retards actually think news affects price. Typical morons who skipped economics/didn't pursue knowledge. $TSLA was at a perfect opportunity for shorting at it's previous high.

>> No.11028430
File: 151 KB, 1256x1018, Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 8.55.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11028432

musk is a npc

>> No.11028440
File: 61 KB, 890x501, 1536350447211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like how you retards actually think news affects price.

>> No.11028462

nice chart, now how about some actual info on the company - jesus fuck

>> No.11028473

>nice chart, now how about some actual info on the company - jesus fuck
My research shows they have $10,000,000,000 in debt and 0 profits

so at this rate they will have their debt paid off in, wait... what times 0 is ten billion?

>> No.11028492

I have a fucking chemistry you numbfuck. My point is that he is saying such fucking obvious things, the guy is a fucking fraud. I'll be waiting for this Neuralink announcement in a few months, I can't wait to see what "an order of magnitude" greater that what people think is going to look like.

Dumb fucking reddit niggers are the worst at thinking they are smarter than other people.

>> No.11028508

it is called investing in the business - building infrastructure. Look at the history of Amazon retard. jesus christ biz is full of stupid fucking children

>> No.11028522

Thanks for the blog post.

>> No.11028536

according to dow theory any information affects prices you moron

>> No.11028547

chemistry has nothing to do with neuroscience you dubfuck. if you had studied nuroscience AT ALL you would know how fucking stupid you look for referencing some kind of chemistry fucking degree. goddamned stupid motherfucker. and look at your fucking reddit spacing . you are way out of your league - have to be pretty fucking stupid too

>> No.11028575
File: 98 KB, 900x1154, tower shine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that it's gotten this far is ridiculous
dude he's going TO DA MOOOOON

>> No.11028660

>it is called investing in the business - building infrastructure.
that's what it's called when you can't make a single unit without losing money after 12 years?


>> No.11028668

Gambling is not >investing in the business
Only a moron would invest money into a company that survives on welfare, generates no profits, and its only hope at success is to solve a problem that isn’t possible yet. Delusion is very real with most Tesla supporters and if you expect hope to pay the bills you are just gambling.

>> No.11028708

People like OP are anti-musk and Tesla. Enough said.