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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11025132 No.11025132 [Reply] [Original]

> 99% in crypto
> 1% for food
> homeless

Is this okay for /biz/?

>> No.11025156
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Voluntary homelessness is redpilled. Don't fall for the rent Jew.

>> No.11025292
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Only true enemy you have to beat in this life is yourself. You can beat others too, but it is ultimately for this goal.

>> No.11025325

I pay for a gym membership to get showers, but otherwise this is me.
My job pays 20k a year after jewish taxes, wish me luck bros

>> No.11025355

How do you live when you are not at work?

>> No.11025482

I read all day at the library. Sleep long periods at a local park and sometimes take naps at the gym or library.
Fucking love libraries. Would love to have a job there and live upstairs and never leave.

>> No.11025526
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I'm a homeless student, and our 24/7 library literally has a place to sleep in. The problem is just that you can't bring all your stuff there, and that's why you eventually need a home. Also a comfier sleeping place is preferred.

>> No.11025708

A backpack with basic clothes and hygiene kit, some snacks and a small cheap netbook are all that I carry.
You don't need to own much, not unless you have a house (which I likely never will thanks to society and housing market).
What kind of stuff do you actually need to carry around?

>> No.11025741

Id rather be homeless than sell my crypto.

>> No.11025749

Night job then?

>> No.11025770
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I would like to learn electronics. So all kind of soldering equipment, etc. The library pc is weak and cannot be used 24/7, so a good pc for games and server stuff. The bed is not very comfy, so that too. Also would like to have some books of my own books at hand, bothersome to carry them around. Laser printer to print more books.

It also feels good/safe when you are surrounded by your own stuff. Cool if you don't need that tho.

>> No.11025972

Yeah, I get off at midnight, make it to the park by 1am. It's nice, except for winter sucks.
Sounds like you need to rent out a workshop or set up a shed where you can practice in peace. Renting is disgusting to me, I stopped renting two years ago and after a few adjustments to my lifestyle, I've never been happier and have never had so much money saved up.
If a housing crash EVER happens, I'm going to get my own place, but for now, I'm comfy and not feeding boomers or jews

>> No.11026364
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actually based. If i make it in crypto I will probably voluntarily live in a tent in the woods for a year or something. It's this weird paradox of
>if i make it I have the freedom to do whatever I want and not worry about my future, so if i want to be basically homeless I can
>I haven't made it so I need to do everything right so that I will succeed in the future and be able to get a good job etc

does that make sense at all? Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.11026478

How to have sex with anime girls?

>> No.11026791
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I literally have more fiat on bitstamp then in my fucking bank account. Like half a year worth of rent.

>> No.11026826

I love Yin. Reminds me of my high school years.