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File: 76 KB, 600x620, 3425325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11024883 No.11024883 [Reply] [Original]

Skycoin is going to be THE blockchain project that changes the world.
The one that gets mainstream adoption.
The one that is used by companies and people.

Because Skycoin has solved all major issues that other blockchains have, if another blockchain has a good idea they implement it into their Skycoin.

>But anon mesh networks doesnt work
There are already working mesh networks in both Cuba, Detroit and other areas where they operate both with the help of ISPs and without ISPs

>Skycoin is a scam anon, no one is going to use it
Hmm thats weird considering people from Club of Rome and the UN seems to be looking into Skycoin. In the video below he mentions Obelisk (Skycoins consensus algorithm) and Skyledger
(09:42, 14:15)

>Okay anon but Synth is still a total retard
Does it really matter? We are not going to use Synth, we are going to use the blockchain that he and others are developing, Synth is not the blockchain, just one of the devs.

Skycoin has instant transactions.
Skycoin is free due to the coin hour mechanism.
Skycoin is highly advanced and customizable, companies can launch FULL programs and THEIR OWN blockchains through SkyFiber.

The Obelisk consensus algorithm has solved all of the problems that other blockchains have, such as DoS, Sybil and 51% attacks but also energywaste.

Skycoins transactions are untracable and anonymous with the help of CoinJoin

Skycoin has its own programming language based on Golang.
Their programming language called CX is much more advanced and capable of doing all kinds of things. Info here

Skycoin will also feature cloud computing and cloud storage with the help of Skywire (Mesh network)

To read more, go to

>> No.11024918

Litterly nothing works, there's not even a consensus algo. It's centralized with blacklist functions that are being abused to silence people asking questions. What a fucking joke.

>> No.11024944

>It's centralized with blacklist functions that are being abused to silence people asking questions.
This thread is about Skycoin not Telegram...

>> No.11024947

Fucking scam, sketchy CEO holds all of the supply and the only validating node.

>> No.11024959
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But anon, how can you mine a coin thats already pre-mined?

>> No.11024963

lmfao you fucking retard. Why would the coin be decentralized while still in development? Why deploy consensus while still in development?

Do shit like that and your project works itself into a corner like Ethereum did.

>> No.11024980

so it hasn't solved shit yet, they're just shittalking trying to get you to buy the bags.

>> No.11024985

Adding a consensus algo to a blockchain is a matter of forking code from bitcoin or some POS coin.

Unfortunately POW, POS, DPOS, etc. are dysfunctional consensus algorithms. It is still something that needs more study and experimentation. Projects that just use an existing consensus not only show no innovative spirit, they show their support for the negative features of existing consensus. Namely, the emergence of cartels that control the coin supply in a centralized fashion. Existing consensus algos are worse than centralized consensus because the control is placed in the hands of profit motivated parties instead of research motivated parties.

Attacking Skycoin for developing a new consensus algorithm is about the most backward position you could adopt.

>> No.11025002

I'm not, but every faggot in Skycoin pretends as if these issues have already been solved whilst they haven't. Unless they release said algo nothing has been proven and nothing works.

>> No.11025042

Have you not done any research you fucking retard? Once the coins are distributed and applications like Skywire, Kittycash, Poker are running you will wish you had accumulated when they were sub $3

Its part of the distribution plan

>> No.11025049

There's lots of things in the world that aren't proven, anon. You'll have to be patient and wait to see it for yourself.

But there's plenty of other things working, like the testnet. Hit 8,000 nodes recently, isn't that great? http://discovery.skycoin.net:8001/#/

>> No.11025059

I signed up three months ago and still haven't been registered

>> No.11025078

Yeah and what do those nodes do again? oyeah they forward data packages from your local centralized ISP. You're litterly a middleman when running a node. Besides that, there's no-one who's connecting to these nodes.

>Decentralized internet
>Forward data packages from existing ISPs
Makes no fucking sense at all.

>> No.11025084

Too slow.

and/or you live in an area with too many nodes already they went for even spread of distribution

>> No.11025104
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Only a matter of time little buddy. ISPs today, antennas on roofs tomorrow.

>> No.11025108

Skycoin is at minimum 2 years away from delivering on anything. No point in this shilling

>> No.11025112

Bro, I put in my whitelist app on June 8th, only just received first payment. Check with the telegram group.

>> No.11025138

>antennas are going to compete with a global fibreoptic network worth trillions
skyfags actually believe their glorified VPN can do this

>> No.11025148


>didn't sign up in the first hour of testnet applications going up

Already up 114 SKY and it's great. I've burned maybe like 3 dollars of electricity running these things. The Odroids have excellent resale value so I'll make 90% of the 400 bucks I spent back. Not bad desu senpai.

>> No.11025168

Holochain anon

>> No.11025176
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Eh, let soccer moms stream orange is the new black in 4K all day on welfare money as they let Facebook collect details on every facet of their waking lives.

We'll be drawing over businesses, content creators and free speech advocates that want to get shit done and are willing to build their own free market infrastructure to do so, free of red tape.

>> No.11025179

Just to save time:
>The team dumped their own coin and the CEO lied about a kidnapping to cover it up
There was an incident with the Chinese marketing team stealing coins. That linked to Chinese whales dumping during a Binance competition, and to a confrontation between the team lead and some Chinese employees that end up with the marketing team fired, some employees imprisoned and the team lead with some rib injuries. The whole drama was horribly explained, horribly timed, and affected dramatically the price. Any accusation against the official statement is not backed by any proof, while the police report was made public and the official telegrams are public for anybody to read.
Official statement regarding the incident: https://www.skycoin.net/blog/statement/skycoin-team-status-update/

>> No.11025185

have you heard about encryption? Beucase the real internet can already do that. You don't need vaporware for that

>> No.11025186

All the best pattern biologists and foot fetish enthusiasts are buying it, it's definitely bound for success and not crushing technological failure.

>> No.11025190

>The team was doing inside trading
Skycoin team has a very dark sense of humour and doesn’t fit, in a formal sense, with what most people imagine as a serious “startup company”. This can be seen, for months, in the official telegram above.
An audio joke, from the team lead and publicly available for anybody to listen on telegram (together with many others), was slowed down to make it sound sinister, and published on reddit as “leaked proof” on inside trading. The jokes mentioned a “paid skycoin insider trading telegram group” to get rich. But the skytrading telegram group was, and always has being, public, mostly consisting of memes, and the whole “insider trading incident” can be tracked as a fud campaing for anybody to see. This “insider tradding” fud, in retrospective, was a destructive planned campaign to damaged the project, and unfortunately it succeeded.
The infamous skycoin trading telegram full of memes: t.me/skycoinstrading

>> No.11025197

The current socialized internet is only incentivized to dump packets off to the next company in line as fast as possible.

ISPs still control who gets encrypted connections and how those are put through collection points.

>> No.11025200

>But the CEO owns all the supply
75% of the supply is actually locked by code. The rest is for rewarding the network itself and be distributed among nodes, as it has already been for the last months. More details on the distribution here:
And transactions for paying the nodes can be seen here:
July payment for skyminers: https://explorer.skycoin.net/app/transaction/66d17e67498316a85cfc75804e9a2512c591c4a7edff39772b946f9f7b348352
August payment for skyminers:
September payment for skyminers: https://explorer.skycoin.net/app/transaction/ce62f2e4a8339fb12d5de247de14546e5a5aa846a8d75e426fe7c3dd287841b3

>> No.11025209

>ISPs still control who gets encrypted connections

ISPs control if the data I send is encrypted or not. Get a load of this faggot

>> No.11025216

>But there is no blockchain and no consensus
There is a blockchain developed from the scratch and in production status, as can be seen in the project here https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin This is the blockchain that runs and is used by both desktop and mobile wallets as well as relevant exchanges such as Binance and C2CX. What is missing is the actual consensus to run between the blockcghain and Skywire, the decentralized web project currently in testne in 8k nodes around the world. Once the testnet ends, hopefully this winter, the consensus will be implemented on top of it.
More details here:

>> No.11025224
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>> No.11025229

>It all runs in a single node in an excel database
As shown above, there is a blockchain. An exchanges such as Binance would not rely on a project without it. And obviously there is not a single node; you can see the list of actual peers for the blockchain here:

>The whole thing is a scam, you cannot run a world wide web without satellites or submarine cables, and even with them, it is too expensive.
Satellites, as of now, are too expensive, and would not be used by Skycoin (or any other startup) for many years. But submarine cables are actually not so expensive to rent (few tens of thousands of dollars) and the team has several prototypes of boards and directional antennas, that together with radio, the current ISP infrastructure and as mentioned, the possibility of submarine cables, would allow the network to start and grow from there, as a beggining.

>Nobody is going to pay extra for privacy. Current ISPs will still be cheaper
Current ISPs act like a mafia, monopolising prices and markets. With a P2P network and cheap antennas, for sure Skywire will be more affordable, if not in all places, at least in some. And remember: there are places where ISPs are not interested in, or they censor almost everything (think of Africa, China or the middle East) where Skywire could change many lives.

>> No.11025232

You don't understand. The ISP gets to say "hmm, this is a lot of encrypted traffic you're sending, looks suspicious to us. We're going to shut off your account, it's not profitable to us and looks legally dangerous."

>> No.11025248

Do you understand what the S in the HTTPS (literally the protocol you are using RIGHT NOW) does?

If ISPs worked like that nobody would have internet you absolute imbecile. Please go back to watching anime. You don't know anything about technology

>> No.11025258

>this guy thinks dapps are implemented over https

>> No.11025276

Lol over 50% of the current traffic that ISPs route is known to be illegal. Stop posting please

>> No.11025291

implementation and delivery are two literally completely seperate concepts. To reiterate:

Please go back to watching anime. You don't know anything about technology

>> No.11025321

Skyfags just parroting whatever Brad Sour Cream tells them, and it's all BS

>> No.11025345


lol, at least watch the clock for a couple of minutes and pretend you read it before replying

>> No.11025378

>digs out post about router architecture from 2016 when talking about
>first: How a browser would connect to a secondary internet
>second: what HTTPS does
you gonna come up with some more unrelated topics or are you done?

>> No.11025447

You're still not grasping that the focus of the conversation is not about HTTPS. People don't push enough traffic over that to make ISPs complain. MPLS, Torrenting, Dapps, and other file transfer methods are what ISPs end up micromanaging because it's actually expensive to operate those services.

Nobody's going to care that you're loading funnyjunk over https.

>> No.11025497

I'd rather mine as much Skycoin as possible before projects like Skywire and Kittycash are adopted

>> No.11025516

saw the exact same shitty thread a while ago on biz.. nice work poojeet

>> No.11025534

So we began the conversation by me claiming that your shitty raspberries won't compete with the infrastructure worth trillions.

You responded by claiming that this was
somehow subject to ISP censorship because of "encrypted connections". Which do not exist in that form.

Then I pointed out that the majority of user-traffic is encrypted by default. Most notably by TLS/HTTPS.

You shifted to saying that HTTP traffic was irrelevant because it isn't the majority of traffic. This may or may not be true - it's irrelevant to the conversation anyway and besides the point.

Now you just straight up claim that HTTPS simply doesn't matter, which is pretty rich considering everyone and their mothers is streaming HD video over it 24/7.

Looking forward to the next goalpost shifting you do.

>> No.11025624

Encryption means nothing really. Facebook can see all your data and can censor you if they wanted to. In a decentralised situation that could still be possible but they wouldn't be able to shut down an entire website just because some idiot disagrees with the content. Reason being is the DNS would also be decentralized.

>> No.11025711
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The fault in your argument is the assumption of that's where the goalposts started. You don't understand traffic and how ISPs can monitor different types and decide what customers they want sending encrypted traffic over what protocols.

It's not a big bundled "encrypted" segment on their monitoring software. Look. Pic related is stats for one of the companies I do IT for. NETWORK PROTOCOLS, and even this is some basic-ass stuff. ISPs with their own infrastructure do nothing but analyze this shit all day.

>> No.11025834

Anyway, now that we have that established, to address the original point, with a more economically sound incentive model (cheaper internet and passive income) and much less red tape, (no government regulation that ISPs have to follow) it will take just a few years to start outpacing legacy internet infrastructure through clear advantage.

>> No.11025895


From a technological point of view the current internet is a complete mess dude.

>> No.11026009

Skycoin: Make Money While You Dream!

>> No.11026016

1. Your ISP can still view and monitor which sites you visit, they just cant see the .com/XXX but they will still know if you are on amazon, google, facebook etc.
2. An ISP can still censor/block websites
3. An ISP can throttle netflix or similar websites. Maybe amazon paid them more to have a faster connection than Netflix
4. ISPs are expensive and its hard for a new company to compete with them, it's essentially a monopoly
5. A ISP with this many users can easialy throttle for example netflix and say that they are using too much of their service and need to pay more even though its users and not netflix that is using the service.
6. ISPs can inject and block ads they dont like
7. ISPs can hijack your DNS

>> No.11026053

>1. Your ISP can still view and monitor which sites you visit, they just cant see the .com/XXX but they will still know if you are on amazon, google, facebook etc.
>2. An ISP can still censor/block websites
>3. An ISP can throttle netflix or similar websites. Maybe amazon paid them more to have a faster connection than Netflix
>4. ISPs are expensive and its hard for a new company to compete with them, it's essentially a monopoly
that was my point all along
>5. A ISP with this many users can easialy throttle for example netflix and say that they are using too much of their service and need to pay more even though its users and not netflix that is using the service.
see 3.
>6. ISPs can inject and block ads they dont like
VPN/general encryption
>7. ISPs can hijack your DNS
Identity preserving encyption schemes

All these problems have been solved many years ago. Internet security isn't something that became relevant yesterday

>> No.11026067

most of these are wrong, with a proper setup. DNS / Injecting shit into pages isn't possible with dnscrypt/ https.

>> No.11026104

Holy shit, that map is interesting. Pretty fucked up that there's so many single ISP areas.

>> No.11026127

Https is the new standard . the new .app TLD requires it. Pretty much all traffic today is encrypted by default.

>> No.11026150

So I should pay ISP + VPN? Average normie wont ever do this. But you probably only care about yourself and your "privacy". Either we all have it or we dont, it's as simple as that.
I need to use Tor? Do you realize that Tor isn't perfect and using the same Alias/ID on Tor as you do on the "clearweb" pretty much removes the anonymity?
Tor is good but its not for clearnet.

And even if we use VPNs that doesnt stop a VPN from doing the same thing an ISP does. Also VPNs aren't even safe since governments can force VPNs to give logs.
"Just use one that doesnt use logs", you mean like most of them claim but still do?
And even so a government can create laws making logs necessary for VPNs
"Just use one outside of your country"
1. Slow
2. Countries can exchange information and often do.


>> No.11026163

No, none of these are wrong and yes you can use addons that limit some of the stuff but the point still stands and norman wont use these addons.
Either we are all safe or no one is

>> No.11026166

>So I should pay ISP + VPN? Average normie wont ever do this
Like nobody in Turkey and China does? Right. Literally never happened :^)

>> No.11026190

>with proper setup
missed a key phrase. if you dont use dnscrypt and httpseverywhere, you are a moron. windows is also insecure if you never run windows updates. doesn't mean everyones fucked.

>> No.11026201

Im talking about the average normie, they dont and there is nothing stopping their government from doing what Saudi Arabia did and make VPNs illegal.

Also you know that all US made routers (probably same for china) have backdoors? So it doesnt matter that you use HTTPS or a VPN etc, they can still snoop on your traffic

>> No.11026215

why arent you running ddwrt/openwrt? i use pfsense as my router, then ddwrt for all my AP's

>> No.11026227

What keeps the government from just taking your shitty raspberries? If you face an all-powerful opponent nothing will save you. That argument is totally moot.

>> No.11026230

Sigh, you guys are morons.

You visit google and search for "lemon juice"
Google can see what you do
ISP can see that you visit Google
Google sells your data to thirdparty company
ISP buys data from thirdparty company or google
Connect the two together
Oh you are searching for lemon juice!
NSA backdoor in router, oh searching lemon juice

Like you guys are so fucking oblivious and know nothing about netsec, anonymity and privacy

>> No.11026266

Door knocking every single household? You can regulate companies, but not individuals to the same degree, doing that would be the start of a fascist government which most people probably would revolt against

>> No.11026286
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my point was they cant inject shit into your page. My "router" is pfsense, which i am sure is secure.

Your ISP also cant serve up fake dns with dnscrypt. I also use blocklists - which should cover most analytics. I regularly use wireshark to sniff my own traffic so I know what is being sent where.

is it foolproof? nope. does it make things difficult? yep

>> No.11026288
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>data packet leaves my machine encrypted
>Reaches google where it is decrypted.
Google now knows that I want to look up lemon juice. This is unavoidable as I am using Google's service
>ISP can see that you visit Google
Not if my packet is redirected through a VPN or proxy, otherwise the best they got is correlative data that my machine talked to the google server
>Google sells your data to thirdparty company
Oh no, not my correlative data.
>NSA backdoor in router, oh searching lemon juice
What is encryption HURRRR

Come on dude. Did you sleep through web technology made in the last 25 years?

>> No.11026290

Also its pretty hard to regulate open source software, its not like you need a raspberry pi, any SBC will do.

>> No.11026309

I cba talking with morons like you
you can think you're private if you want but you're not

Again, either we are all private or none of us are

>> No.11026323

>because mom and pop on a shitty router effects me in any way.

>> No.11026326
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>It does not matter if you post constructive criticism or racist jokes. In almost every instance the Pajeet will attack you using tree different IDs in his vicious hope to make you feel like an outsider for doubting his lies. Just look at those places from which these Pajeets are coming from and realize that he can never become a productive member of any society and that he has to attack you. His existence is dependent on stealing the white mans riches and he simply has to deny that there is anything wrong with his coin.

>The Pajeet fears nothing more than the truth and he tries hard to kill every last bit of it in his thread. But since he is nothing but an empty uniform he will be easily overwhelmed and once his thread becomes a little bit to honest he will just abandon it, let it slide to death and create another one.


>> No.11026330

>I got told by people who know what cryptography is

>either we all sekur or nobody sekur

>> No.11026360

It's never been this easy!

>> No.11026375
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Anon, how much does it cost to get into mining Skycoin?

>> No.11026420

you would have to be retarded to believe this is real. everyone in this vid is a hired actor. its fake you fucking retards. watch it closely

>> No.11026429
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see >>11025711

>> No.11026473
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ok I didn't want to give you another (you) because you obviously have zero knowledge anyway, but here's one simple question:

How does the ISP tell which protocol is being used in encrypted traffic? Because you know... it's encrypted and not readable by them.

I'll wait.

>> No.11026479
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>> No.11026568

>Does it really matter? We are not going to use Synth, we are going to use the blockchain that he and others are developing, Synth is not the blockchain, just one of the devs.

yeah he is "just" one of the devs, he doesnt has access to things the other devs don't have access to

buy now sirs, many moons

>> No.11026589
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How does a English to Russian translator tell what is being sent to him? Simple as looking at cyrillic vs english.

The content can be encoded, but you can know what the protocol is. Same as a message written in a code with different characters.

>> No.11026599


>> No.11026612

encoding is not encrpytion

>> No.11026685
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Correct, if we remove my analogy about coded messages.

Now, have a look at this small sample of protocols. Some encrypted, some not.

>> No.11026716

this is good enough evidence for me to tell that you have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11026737
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Those who can't teach, can't do.

>> No.11026739

this is supposed to be impressive?

>> No.11026764

Listen brainlet. If you had L I T E R A L L Y any clue about internet protocols you could just have said that they tell by the port number used - which would (in the grand scheme of things) give you a good idea even if the content was completely encrypted.

Instead you talk some random bullshit about encoding and cyrillic. You really need to stick to anime.

>> No.11026769

I guess, if you're open minded enough to be impressed rather than embarrassed.

>> No.11026805
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That's a lot of effort for someone unbiased. I mean, I am bagholder, so I fight the fud because I defend my investment. But what's up with you, fella?

>> No.11026811

Maybe, but port numbers can be customized.

I watched a cartoon about monsters inside robot shells with big extension cords a couple of times, but it was pretty terrible. I don't understand how people can stomach the stuff.

>> No.11027003

I send utorrent traffic, encrypted, over port 443. I guess my ISP is going to ban me doing something that looks the same as paying my bills online

>> No.11027050

Google "how to sage 4chan threads"
It will help with your blood pressure

>> No.11027093

I like how you tried to address green text before it happens, calling yourself an anon. Lmfao get out shillfaggot

>> No.11027114

>oh wait, hold the fort guys, here it says he's using port 443, let's pack it up, there's no insight to what he's doing on it

Don't worry, I'll spoonfeed.

>Cache Discovery Protocol
>Peer exchange
>Permanent DHT tracking
>BitTorrent Enhancement Proposal (BEP)
>BitTorrent protocol encryption

>> No.11027128

Your grasp of the english language seems to be very poor if you think that's what's happening in that post.

>> No.11027143

almost every private tracker warns you to disable all that shit.
>- You have DHT, Peer Exchange, Local Peer Discovery or DNA turned on in your client. All those settings have to be turned OFF. Please refer to your client manual or our forums guides section to find out how to disable those settings. We have guides available for µTorrent - (How to disable DHT/PEX/LPD/DNA) and - Vuze - (How to disable DHT/PEX/LPD)

>> No.11027510

Cool. So anyway, encryption keeps the content of whatever you're sending private. It doesn't, however protect all the context of how it's encrypting information.

If you're using the legacy internet to provide resources for dapps, your network activity will be able to be isolated enough to see what kinds of protocols you're using and how much traffic you're using.

"Sir, we noticed you're pushing 2TB per month of uTP for the past two months, could we ask what you're doing with your connection and why the use is so high?"
"uh, just paying bills"
"ahuh, okay, well just to let you know, we do have a legal right to deny service to anyone we suspect of illicit activity, please reduce or eliminate this kind of traffic before the end of the week or face disconnection"
"o... okay"

>> No.11027521


Who the fuck is that ass?

>> No.11027620

first, they cant tell you are using uTP - as that shit happens over the https conection. as long as you are using UDP, you are pretty safe.

Most live streaming sites also use UDP. so - mr isp i am just streaming on livejasmin.

>Various solutions exist to protect against Sandvine's attack including encrypting both peer-to-tracker and peer-to-peer communication, using Microsoft's Teredo so that TCP connections are tunneled within UDP packets, filtering TCP resets before they reach the TCP layer in the end-host, or switching entirely from a TCP-based transport to a UDP-based transport

>> No.11027765
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>> No.11027784

>HTTPS does encrypt the connections but your browser has to make DNS requests which are sent primarily via UDP so that data will be collected as will any unencrypted links or unencrypted cookies sent incorrectly without https.

what is dns over tls
>Stop ISPs from spying on your browser history. DNS-over-TLS adds a layer of encryption over your DNS requests, keeping your ISP from seeing which websites you visit.
>Stay private online. Tenta DNS logs a counter instead of queries so your data stays private. No one, not even Tenta, has access to your browsing data.

>> No.11027921

So you're secure with a tangle of options and conscious choices. My original point that generally, people are closely monitored by ISPs and can be cut off from service still holds water.

Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to jump through so many hoops just to maintain your privacy? All it takes is an antenna on the roof and a router/server in your home.