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11023111 No.11023111 [Reply] [Original]

why is it respectable to work your life away 9-5 Monday through Friday for a company which gives you scraps? but it's completely disgusting if you try to make your money through crypto, stocks, or whatever other means while sitting at your computer from home?

>> No.11023158

oy vey don't question it, just fall in line and slave away like everyone else

>> No.11023636

NPC's are like chink ants in a farm.
The (((queen of the bottomless pit))) demands performance.
This system portends the illusion of dualism in the now at any cost, in the interest of consuming you.
This is the reason npc's are necessary to truman show you.
In the truman show, it is boring for them to have you not tormented.
This is what the enemies in your house want, your idolatry of their prison(s). Like your 'body' or 'the world' or 'your life'.
Markets exist for the people whom 'deserve' to commit fraud and exploit others, which is the govern-mind.
One without the psychopathic will is not due any respect ever but through prostration of failure to confess to this sin against Satanism. This is much like the failure to have acceptable stature. Obvious, and one's own fault for thinking/believing incorrectly.

>> No.11023681

because literally anyone would choose to make money trading crypto if they were able to. it's the best job on the planet. they're jealous, even if it's just subconsciously. they are threatened by you because they can't understand it enough to do it themselves whereas you can.

>> No.11023732

You're making money at someone else's expense in crypto. Money in = money out until there is some legit real world use that creates value.

>> No.11023785

because from a very young age we are brainwashed with the good old
>money doesn't give you happiness
>with more money you will have more problems
so people tend to be comfortable with mediocrity and decide to turn themselves into mindless drones

>> No.11023853

Wow, I don't think you understand how markets work.
You do know that if I sell something for say, $10, there's no way of knowing the financial interest of the buyer, right?
They might be dumb money coming in, but they could just as easily have shorted down from $15. Can you really rely on where the price went next to determine "who screwed who"?

>> No.11023874

>while sitting at your computer from home?
* Your parents' home

>> No.11023890

Because if you want to make it in crypto as a dev you need to put in 100 hour weeks. If you want to make it as a trader you need luck.

I'm a dev and putting in the 100 hour weeks. The alternative is building websites for some mediocre narcissist.

>> No.11024268

What are you working on?

>> No.11024381

9-5 is a lie by the way. Here in London it tends to be 8-5 with an hour lunch break, or 9-5:30 with a half hour lunch break. Lunch is unpaid, and in my office at least 90% of people eat it at their desk while doing work anyway. The majority of people also stay longer than their contracted hours too.

>> No.11024432

>people in London with (presumably) good jobs don't even get paid for lunch

What? I live in the UK working a bottom tier job and even i get paid for breaks. So much for the career meme

>> No.11024476

Salaried positions are different I guess. The wage tends to be higher to compensate, and you have more job security. In my experience, most people have either 37.5 hours or 40 hours in their contract, but tend to work 50-55 typically (not counting commuting time either)

>> No.11024512

>people actually work time for free

If you work salary you need to add in all the time you're working for nothing if you do so, to get your actual pay which probably isn't as high as the salary makes you think.

>> No.11024531

Right, the person who directly bought from you might be in great shape. But that money still has to come from someone else. The net gain of all investors will still be zero. It's even worse if you consider the billions being taken out of the ecosystem by miners. The stock market is different because you're buying ownership in a company that is providing some kind of product/service and generating revenue. What is the equivalent in crypto?

>> No.11024539

Exactly. I'm on £33k and my housemate is on £35k, but I pretty much always leave as soon as m contracted hours are over, whereas he regularly works unpaid overtime and probably puts in a minimum of 60 hours each week. Hour by hour, I earn more (although it's not like I put my extra free time to much use, seeing as I'm here)

>> No.11024570

>buy stock in company A
>revenues sour, price falls 20%
Oh no I got ripped off! The pie theory strikes again

>> No.11024626

Of course stock prices can fall, companies can fail, and people can lose money. That doesn't make it a zero sum game.

>> No.11024683

Assuming he's salaried on 40 that means he's really only getting paid like 20-25K, and that's assuming only 60 hour weeks.

>> No.11024704

because by trading crypto, you create no value

>> No.11024717

Pretty much, but that's the nature of the game for many people looking to climb the ladder here. In his eyes, he's putting in the sort of dedication that will see him get a big promotion at some point in the next 10 years (he's probably right desu, he's on very good terms with his manager, the CEO of the company has praised him personally, etc). I might get a couple of promotions as my responsibility grows, but that will be it (which is perfect for me, because I don't want to be a manager and I want to leave London as soon as possible). Just depends what you prioritise in life I guess

>> No.11024738

Ah, my bad, I was referring to stocks, not crypto.
You are correct that the stock market is not zero sum, but the futures market certainly is. Crypto may be as well, but I don't know enough to say.

>> No.11024818

Because Democrats dont want other people making money. They want to there to be two classes. The Elites and the poor. They are the party of slavery and will never stop being that. That is simply how their minds are structured.

>> No.11024909

>you create no value
So what?
Neither do hermits. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.11024915

I went all in before coming to that conclusion about crypto, so let's hope it doesn't stay that way forever.

>> No.11024929

being a hermit isn't respectable either

>> No.11024964

this. the 9-5 mon-fri was invented by kikes.

>making money in the markets and making your money work for you is the secret kikes dont want the goyim knowing

>> No.11025011

some people are just retarded dude. I used to make food at a popular restaurant that fed hundreds of people a day, and my parents were always "you should get a better job" eventually I tried being a tard wrangler and everyone I know was like, wow that's so impressive, I bet you are really patient and understanding, and in my mind or vocally to my good friends I was like no, I'm life support for people society doesn't care about and just doesn't have the savagery to kill just for being useless

>> No.11025021

Same could be said for most leftists and commies.
It does not take long for champagne socialists to admit that they advocate for the poor on their behalf because theyre too impoverished and stupid to do it themselves.

>> No.11025022

Because the system requires a never ending stream of docile sheeple for it to work. The moment your society wakes up to the bullshit is the moment the system begins to fail. That's why mind expanding drugs like LSD, mushrooms, marijuana, and DMT are so illegal and cracked down on.

Wake up.

>> No.11025026
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>> No.11025032
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>> No.11025076

They are all the same thing.

>> No.11025370


Got any good tales? Tard wranglers usually have the best stories on here.

>> No.11025387

bump for tard wrangler stories.

>> No.11025442
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At least you don't live life in service to someone who couldn't give a shit whether you exist or not.
Nobody gives a shit about hermits, except for their non-contribution to (((society)))

>> No.11025472

Crab bucket and jealousy

>> No.11025928

yes, stories pls

>> No.11026117
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Because the normies cant accept they are wasting their life

>> No.11026136
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>> No.11026314

So your point is that everyone should strive to perform work that others find respectable?
Have fun catering to the tastes of those that hate you anyway.