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11022443 No.11022443 [Reply] [Original]

wait hold on i missed this

There was some chick, who went around saying she had a "nanotainer" while dressing like steve jobs and saying that her machine "performed a chemistry on the blood" and was going to replace all current blood testing equipment.... AND IT NEVER WORKED... and nobody ever checked and they gave her $9,000,0000,000

How the fuck does this happen people. Is she even going to go to prison? They say she's just getting a 500k fine

Hey faggots I have a nanotainer right here *points at croch* billion dollars plox?

>> No.11022456

yep, psychopath+highIQ+woman, deadly as fuck combination.

>> No.11022464

if she were so smart why would she not have had a better plan for getting away with this? what was her end game

>> No.11022484

An even worse possibility: Western women live in an atmosphere of such constant validation, she actually believed her own bullshit. She had the idea, all she needed was some seed money and grrl power to show those dumb old boys.

>> No.11022488


>How the fuck does this happen

50 years of progressive propaganda starting in public school continuing with Hollywood and mainstream media; that women are totally awesome and comparable, no, better than men, in all aspects and if your thought overlords tell you Elizabeth Holmes is the next Steve Jobs, you would be sexist to deny it.

Now pay your 40% taxes to propagate this system, tax slave.

>> No.11022504

From my extensive research of spending the last 5mins googling about this, as far as I can tell her friends think this is basically what she thought. That she knew it didn't work but if she just had some more money she could make it work

or something

I don't see how people gave her so many billions of dollars without ever even being convinced how it work at an engineering level

>> No.11022505

1/2 of Silicon Valley is people raising money for shit that doesn’t work

>> No.11022519

i can't believe she was really calling it a nanotainer


>> No.11022529

Paying a 500k fine seems like a perfectly good plan if you have a few million.

>> No.11022531


she also spoke different in public/workspace to be much lower in tone than it naturally is. she was a complete idol fraud. her voice, company, charm is a lie

>> No.11022534

So, they're as speculative as us crypto fiends?

>> No.11022542

If i remember correctly, she was actually personally worth 9 billion and that was just her portion of the company. It's laughable

>> No.11022559


she had very high profile investors. she buddied up probably through connections and nepotism which attracts more high profile investors. plus the grl power/female steve jobs/pretty face plugging this miracle product I see why they fell for it

>> No.11022794

I can't figure out how the FDA was letting them use it at walgreens when the damn thing didn't even exist or work

>> No.11022822

it's CIA operation you idiot

no one actually puts 20 year old dropouts in charge of medical things, especially not women

>> No.11022891

What a shame. She spent all that time fucking that creepy all pajeet for nothing.

>> No.11023311

>What a shame. She spent all that time fucking that creepy all pajeet for nothing.
why do these idiots never put have a billion in gold in a hole somewhere then move to iran

>> No.11023329

She did get away with it though

>> No.11023340

checking her claims would have been sexist you fucking Nazi

>> No.11023350

Delete this.

>> No.11023360

>She did get away with it though
No she didn't, her net worth is $0, she's looking at prison time, crashing on a friend's couch and can't be on the board of any company for 10 years

getting away with it looks like moving to some tropical island with the last billion and doing hookers and blow tilll you die

>> No.11023443

>No media backlash
She got away with it. Shreky boy did less and was crucified for it. They barely covered her fall and wanted to pretend she didn't exist.

>> No.11023475

Bro this is not getting away with it. She is going to do time just like shreck, it's just been too soon, this shit only hit the fan a few months ago. She has zero money and is going to be a convicted felon and probably do time.

That's not getting away with it.

Getting away with it is stashing 10mil a month in gold in the canary islands for the last 10 years and retiring to the inside of some hollowed out volcano somewhere. Not winding up with nothing and just praying you might get away with like 1 year in prison

>> No.11023484

>get 9 million
>pay 0.5 million in tax

when is the last time you sold thin air for $8.5 million, pal?

>> No.11023499

where are you getting that she got 9million?

>> No.11023506

truth be told she looks like she (barely) made it out of the school of hard pizza if you know what i'm sayin

>> No.11023519

yeah except the ideas are less credible usually

>> No.11023534


>Make billions of dollars and live the good life with a scam.
>Draw on big time corporate connections to keep the truth from getting out for years.
>Pay a relatively tiny fine and walk away with billions, set for life.

Seems like a solid enough plan, anon.

>> No.11023545

>>Pay a relatively tiny fine and walk away with billions, set for life.
not what happened, her stock was worth billions, it's now worthless, she can't sell it

she has nothing

>> No.11023566


This. She was spoiled and well connected from birth, then grew those via investors and probably some kneepad time to billionaire investors who didn’t understand tech, either, and bought the well sold bullshit. All the media adoration went to her head ala Elon Musk.

>> No.11023569

You dumb fucks. She was only a face for this scam.

She was given like 1m or smth and told to keep the fuck shut or be killed.

>> No.11023657

This. She lied, but felt it was justified because it would all work out in the end. She was too much of a narcissist to ever realize she was a fraud (cf. Madoff, who knew exactly what he was).

Also there are criminal charges: she's been indicted on wire fraud, maximum sentence 20 years.

>> No.11023954

>She was too much of a narcissist to ever realize she was a fraud
makes no sense

>> No.11024000

Makes perfect sense actually.

>I'm perfect amazing and brilliant
>I can do anything
>I just had this idea so all I need is some money to start and I will make trillions
>I'm just going to tell them it is ready and I can do it already because of course I will be able to do it

She believed she could do because she was a narcissist with no grip on reality. She didn't know that she couldn't do it because that would require her to have a grasp on her actual abilities and the scope of the thing she was trying to accomplish.

>> No.11024164


look at this list of absolute NPCs

includes the fucking current general of US army Mattis, former secretary of state Schultz, and somehow that weasel Kissinger got his name scrubbed out

>> No.11024184


I have no doubt this is hilarious but what am i looking at here?

>> No.11024202

>She believed she could do because she was a narcissist with no grip on reality.
i just don't see how all the people writing her billion dollar checks never bothered to see if the machine worked or how it was supposed to work because it appears liz did not know.

The most she ever said about it when pressed was that it "performed a chemistry"

>> No.11024237
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>> No.11024276

She is white, seems to have sucked a lot of old man dicks, so No, she will get away with it.

>> No.11024379

Sociopaths are extremely impulsive, and although they may be able to plot, plan and execute amazing plans and strategies, the inability to restrain themselves and feel empathy leaves them vulnerable to basic human responses.

>> No.11024421

>Sociopaths are extremely impulsive, and although they may be able to plot, plan and execute amazing plans and strategies, the inability to restrain themselves and feel empathy leaves them vulnerable to basic human responses.
It just seems to me when every you see some person who is obviously a total bullshiter like madoff or this lady or someone similar... don't they know it's going to come crashing down one day?

why is there never an escape plan involving a small bag of diamonds and a helicopter?

>> No.11024477

Probably the belief that they'll never fail, no matter what. They think so highly of themselves, they can't comprehend planning for failure. I can't be sure because this type of behavior/personality does not resonate with me whatsoever.

>> No.11024528

>Probably the belief that they'll never fail, no matter what. They think so highly of themselves, they can't comprehend planning for failure. I can't be sure because this type of behavior/personality does not resonate with me whatsoever.
yeah i guess it does not with me either, maybe the answer is that if you are like you or I you would never have the balls to lie like this.

But I just don't see how with a nine billion dollar valuation and machines that do not work... she would not see that it was going to come crashing down. She had no product. I don't know, i guess the answer is that if you were always squirreling away diamonds and dabloons the whole time while thinking everyone is a sucker in your mind and how you were going to gtfo with your riches... you would not be able to pull it off

i don't get it though

>> No.11024878
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venture capitalists, fund owners and big traders are stupid when it comes to tech investments. They don't hire people with expertise about tech products and services to advise them on tech stocks. They're too insecure to admit to themselves that "being just a trader isn't enough to make good investment decisions".

>> No.11024890

btw initially she got a fine and a slap on the wrist, but it seems like she's going to jail for fraud now. they just took a while building a case.

>> No.11024897

>They don't hire people with expertise about tech products and services to advise them on tech stocks.
why not

>> No.11024924

Sounds like the average Chainlink holder

>> No.11024935

Didnt she have some kind of mob bf, who made her employees shush and pump out the reports she needed?

Investors didnt just give her money for nothing. She faked studies, gave misleading information to holders, threatend whistleblowers, bought articles in magazines.

See how much she put into this fraud? It never crossed anyone mind that smb might have the balls to lie so blatantly. It takes a special blend of dumb and cowardly to push this so far.

>> No.11024940


>> No.11024962

>Investors didnt just give her money for nothing. She faked studies, gave misleading information to holders, threatend whistleblowers, bought articles in magazines.
oh ok that makes a lot more sense

If she were that active about it i can see how she fooled so many people. I thought she was playing the "poor lil ol me i thought it would work someday and never lied" angle

they should give her 20 years if she did all that

>> No.11024989

Member how when you were 8, you spilled ink on your shirt and didnt want mama to learn bout that? So you took bleach and tried to remove it all by yourself and then the shirt turned into a complete mess and you got whopped? And that was when you learnt that if things look bad, you gotta be honest, cos there being nothing to lose is an illusion.

Welll, she didn't have such a moment, obviously.

>> No.11025060

She did know what she was doing. Likely, panicking on the inside, but keeping it cool.
Just watch this interview. Look at that nerve.

That is 2015, shtf already, she is still pushing this delusion of hers

> hey, liz, here are some reports that say you are a fraud and nothing you do actually works
> they just hazing me, i gonna change the worl, how could they publish this nonsense, when it is alright on our side


Also, if you haven't heard her voice, I suggest you do.

>> No.11025145

>She did know what she was doing. Likely, panicking on the inside, but keeping it cool.
then why did she not have a bag of diamonds and a fueled up gulf stream ready to go at all times

if she knew it was all fraud and that it would come crashing down was her end game to do a lot of time penniless in prison?

>> No.11025192

I would say earning 8.9995 billions of dollars only through bullshit, lies and manipulation counts a good plan (on a psycho scale of success).

>> No.11025220

>I would say earning 8.9995 billions of dollars only through bullshit,
never happened, that money was all tied up in stock valuation, she has nothing

>> No.11025241

Here she says

> we displayed our technology to our investors, and it worked
> our investors are fully content with our performance
> we failed to publish in independent journals not because we didnt want to, but because we had tough schedule
> those reporters had biased sources
> our test arevery effective, cheap and FDA approved

Mb, she thought Theranos was too big to fail.Mb, she was hoping that noone will question them once they get at national health care level. But it seems to me she was just too much of a coward to accept the responsibility early, and then things snowballed into this disaster.

>> No.11025252

based and pinkpilled

>> No.11025665

>too big to fail.

>> No.11025793

hfs that deep voice

>> No.11025831

what a crazy bitch

>> No.11025909


Nice summary.

>> No.11025931

it's pronounced

"nnaaanoo" "taaainer"

>> No.11025933

These people are all socialists/communists. They believe any problem can be fixed by just throwing money at it

>> No.11025975

I would still go down on her

I bet she's a jungle down there bc fuck it

>> No.11026594

>I bet she's a jungle down there bc fuck it

>> No.11026855


>> No.11026895

The difference with Skreli is that he defied the drug lords so they crushed him "pour encourager les autres". She was always an 'insider', she just let them down, which they allowed her to do. She had permission. So she'll just be penalized enough to make it seem like the law is fair.

>> No.11026902

my wife is a clinical laboratory scientist (gets paid shit to run samples for hospitals), and first time she heard of it she called it out for being a scam. Mind you this is while people were dumping shit tons of money into it.

A simple wagecuck can tell you to stay the fuck away but it somehow gets a shit-ton of money. So, rule of life is there are low iq fucktards at every level to be scammed.

>> No.11026998

>my wife is a clinical laboratory scientist (gets paid shit to run samples for hospitals), and first time she heard of it she called it out for being a scam. Mind you this is while people were dumping shit tons of money into it.
I have heard so many people say this.

Years ago I had a nurse say to me the the blood from your main veins is different than the blood in your capillaries and she didn't know how this could work..

HOW did she never get called out? I read in an interview last month that some guy who worked on building the real machines for the real companies said the guys would sit around and laugh at her company and they all knew it was 100% a lie.

>> No.11027026

>She was always an 'insider', she just let them down, which they allowed her to do. She had permission. So she'll just be penalized enough to make it seem like the law is fair.
they should really nail her because she gave thousands of people back unreliable results, she could have hurt someone

fuck her

>> No.11027038

>silicon valley ceos
christ, the absolute schizophrenia of /pol

>> No.11027151

Another VC-backed company that is an utter turd is uBeam. Perhaps not surprisingly, the founder is also a woman. She claims that the company will be able to transmit power wirelessly using ultrasound. The company has raised over $30M of VC money and the VCs are almost certain to lose their entire investment. One of the VCs is Mark Suster, who actually boasted that he had his technical team of MIT alumni vet out the technology.

Anyone with a reasonably good high school education could have figured out that uBeam would never be practical. While it is possible to transmit power wirelessly through ultrasound, there is no way to transmit it efficiently and safely. Meridith Perry's vision of having people sitting in a Starbucks having their phones and laptops wirelessly recharging is utter bullshit.

>> No.11027210

The board was composed almost entirely of politicians and military personnel. Only two or three board members had any experience at all in the medical industry. Not only that, look at how old the board members are. Aswan Damodaran had a funny statement. He said something like, "Disregarding the lack of medical credentials of the board members, my first thought when I saw the roster was, 'What?! You're still alive?!"

>> No.11027217

>pretty face

good lord i'd hate to see whomever you think is ugly

>> No.11028091

>good lord i'd hate to see whomever you think is ugly

>> No.11028184

molecular biology illiterates - which is basically everybody. most people are complete mongloids when it comes to molecular biology, genetics, proteomics, etc. she just used some fancy words and fooled a bunch of dumbfucks. my guess is that molecular biologists detected the bullshit after about 3 seconds. i know i did