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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11020930 No.11020930 [Reply] [Original]

I am back here again. Maybe someone remembers me from the last thread, for those who don’t, I will repost the story again.
My main message: we will all make it

>be me
>high school dropout. My dad was works as a broker for all sorts of things, oil, gold, forex intrabank stuff... my mum, she’s a housewife
>my dad would always put my mum down for working, he always wanted the best for her
>FFWD business trip, dad is in Guinea for a deal. Told to stay in hotel and not go out and let the traders come to the hotel because guinea is a sketchy shithole.
>time passes by, gets called to lobby. They’re in a 4WD with 3 africans inside.
>they tell him it’s better to bring him to their factory to check up on stock and bring his documents
>dad goes with it, they drive off
>to a fucking safehouse
>long story short, he was beaten and forced to give away info and money
>sent e-mails asking for money
>my old man is 70 btw
>me back in melbourne didn’t knew what to do, shit i was taking my high school exams. my mum got hold of his business partner
>he calls in interpol, a day later we learn that the captors had fled, and he was flown to the embassy to be checked up and sent home.
>he’s now blind in one eye because they tried to gouge it.
>he is disabled and has PTSD because of these fuckers
>a lot of money goes to the therapy
> I can barely hold my family up, but no one fucking else will because i’m the only son
>learned about Crypto, and thought this is some revolutionary technology. I’d watch countless of videos on blockchain
>risked a great portion of our savings on ETH, that turned out very well.
>managed to settle our major debts and got us a new rented home by a guarded community
>lost some in the DAO.
>began advising smaller ICO’s on marketing strategies and found a new passion
>rode the BNB wave and always looking out for LINK

>> No.11020931

>always diversified to BTC and scrutinized paid signals/bounty groups I’d have access to
>here I am thinking, I’ve made it. I no longer have to worry if I’ll be able to eat in a weeks time
>can afford multiple electronic devices and luxury goods without worrying about my savings
>don’t work 9-5, but its irregular. I learned to work smart.
>diversified to a stable portfolio of stockies and stable crypto coins

Crypto and biz literally saved my life. If we made it, you will also make it anon.

>> No.11020981

Holy shit OP, I hope your dad is okay. That being said, did you just throw your money into ETH and ETH alone as a gamble? Or did you really get your head down into studying shit? Looks like theres a lot of FUD going about

>> No.11020982

Wow good to hear your dad made it out alive. And congrats being financially stable, I respect that.

>> No.11020990
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>has an actual shittier situation making me feel like a bitch
right in the feels. we'll make it man

>> No.11021008

ETH was well under 10$ at the time, and ICOs didn't use it to fund their vaporware back then

>> No.11021015


>began advising smaller ICO’s on marketing strategies and found a new passion
>always diversified to BTC and scrutinized paid signals/bounty groups I’d have access to
Do you rent your btctalk signature space to advertise?

>> No.11021029

lol i can't imagine the shit you were going through, how often in a day do you spend studying on ICOs? Parents got in an accident when i was in my teens and I sucked dick for the next couple of years hopping odd jobs

I manage some crypto sites and it's helping, i just am really afraid of the market now with eth.. and i'm lost on my investments right now

right on, hence why i don't know why theres so much fud and scare tactics in this board.. we should be more positive!

>> No.11021051


I understand why everyone is so grim desu, but it is fairly normal. Markets move in cycles, and now we are in a downward spiral of sorts

>> No.11021079

That's one story which makes me feel grateful for what I have.. but more than that OP you are on tough son of a bitch to bounce from that.

What do you think of ICO market now ? Which sector should I invest or should I just follow big-daddy BTC ?

>> No.11021107

OP any proof that your claims of dad kidnapped is true?

>> No.11021171

It's not true, it's copy pasta. He never made it. We'll never make it. You won't make it.

>> No.11021172
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my old man at least spoke coherently here. After a while shock got to him so he couldn't make a proper sentence for a long time

>> No.11021216

u r a copypasta

>> No.11021217

wtf holy shit thats filthy. how did you cope with all this? Were you into crypto that time?

>> No.11021249

I wasn't in crypto yet when it happened. I didn't cope well, seeing my role model and the strongest man I know just go mad and wither away was unbearable

>> No.11021252

so what's your outlook on market now?

>> No.11021294

Yea m8 been there a fucking drag - happy you found a way out though. Don't let that stuff keep you down.

>> No.11021295

oh my goodness. is he staying at home with you? fuck me i'm actually having a hard look at how much harder off it's been for you

>> No.11021302

wowzers, crazy ass story. Almost as crazy as the other guy who lost all his gains/savings he made in crypto cos the bank froze his account

>> No.11021346

Wow BNB did shot up and looks stable, any of you guys have projects like BNB? Want to look more into these exchange tokens.

>> No.11021356

I've been looking at ai ones but desu its not high growth nor stabe

>> No.11021370

I also dabble a bit in crypto and got on eth train like early 2017 - best decision of my fucking life. You prob sold around ATH by teh sound of it hah. What are you holding / pushing for if we hit that btc bull?

>> No.11021372

Also looking at chain agnostic projects

>> No.11021374

eh, it is alright. aside from ETH being in a death spiral (price drops, ICOs panic sell, price drops again, they sell more) it will be okay. Sooner or later we will get a new wave of people that were not burnt in 2017 bullrun. As it should be

>> No.11021424

you are like these girls that say "I want a boyfriend just like you, but not you" kek. just buy BNB if you want a project like BNB

however, there is also an upcoming european exchange that is going to have a token sale of their coin soon. You may want to look into it

>> No.11021451


>> No.11021605

based dad

>> No.11021746

dad is king

>> No.11021762

yeah haha

>> No.11022171

But I don't want anything bad happen to me or my loved ones in order to make it.

>> No.11022485

are you the same aussie,who got rich on crypto, paid for his sisters college and stuff