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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11018519 No.11018519 [Reply] [Original]

Part 1/2

This is /biz/ related, I need advise on doing business with mutts:

What the actual FUCK is wrong with Americans?

I grew up on the West coast but moved to Europe when I was 12ish, I had nice memories of America and I find Europe irritating in its never ending stream of minor inconveniences and borderline communism-tier mentality sometimes. But I loved muttposting and winding up burgers on biz/pol/tv etc. Well two months ago, as a 29 year old boomer, I had to go to (((New York))) for business. Holy fuck the memes about la creatura are fucking spot on, I mean yes around 9th Avenue on a Friday night you'll see some of the most beautiful women in the world, like 19 year olds who are trying to become lingerie models and they arent even that sexy but very elegant and graceful. But 9/10 people here are fucking goblins, especially the 'staff' in diners and shit.

The other thing is why the fuck are poor Americans so stupid, I literally had to go to the Apple store to use their WiFi and all I heard was fucking (((people))) kvetching about how they have no money whilst loading up a basket on overpriced garbage that theyll have to split across three credit cards.

Then I walk over to a fucking diner to get a """""cheap""""" cup of coffee and inside are these young Americans, like maybe in their 20s, struggling to discover self-awareness. Like this is literally how the conversation went:

"Dude like...do you ever umm..do you ever like regret doing something"
"Wait like what...what do you mean?"
"Well like I did something, and I kinda think I shouldn't..or like I didn't mean to do it, like it was bad"
"Oh yeah like that time I fucked brads sister and he found out?"
"Nah man I never noticed that"

The conversation sort of just trailed off, no real conclusion, it was as if by the end they didn't even remember the original topic, their brain just brought it back to sex and then they spent ten minutes talking about pussy and then went silent and stared into space.

>> No.11018556
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And also why do Americans have this weird 'deep voice' affectation where they draw out random words and then take pauses. My current hypothesis is that their fucking brains must be literally scrambled eggs from pornhub, reality tv, and weed. It's like they say:

'Maaan, ummmm...like..I'm huUUUUungry'

And also I suspect a reason so many American NEETs are incels is because American women have this really weird way of speaking to you where it actually sounds like they're laughing at you, I swear I heard these two dumb blonde bimbos go up and order a bagel from some (((Deli))) and then when the shopkeep asked if they wanted it wrapped in foil they just giggled for no real reason then kind of like rolled their eyes and laughed and said 'umm yes please' like what they SAID didn't even fully correspond to their facial expressions. It's almost as if their passive aggression is hardwired into their faces from years of hating each other in high school.

Meanwhile in Britain where I went to uni even the 'elitists' or 'chads' or 'roughs' while they were all their own niche, they all spoke and acted with this baseline 'normal' amount of civility and I honestly have never felt like it would be impossible to talk to anyone in Britain, even some chav. Whereas with Americans I would actually lose my patience talking to these faggots.

Is America just a country of retarded wagecuck serfs at this point with some autistic minority and foreign Asians occupying all the positions at Harvard/MIT etc?

Also tips on how to do well in the office surrounded by these orcs, before mods delete this for not being business related.

>> No.11018566

nice blog faggot. buy link

>> No.11018590
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>> No.11018627

Most of my fellow Americans are retarded. You're sadly just smart enough to recognize it but not smart enough to understand it. Poor little guy, the middle of retarded and gifted is unironically the worst place to be.

>> No.11018650

stay in europe. sage

>> No.11018692

Welcome back home. We missed you. We thought you were forever going to become a leftist euro cuck

>> No.11018723
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>tfw smart enough to recognize NPC's but not enough to become GM
>tfw you recognize this hellish matrix around you but cannot reverse it

>> No.11018822
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Im a somewhat successful thirdworlder that got to live/work in environments with people from several different nations and americans are by far the people most likely to be obnoxious egotistical cunts.

>Not all of them are, obviously. Met some pretty chill dudes from the US
But the truth is the average wageslave mutt somehow feels like he has some sort of participation in american triumphs such as hollywood, silicon valley, etc, and acts as if he's lucky to be American when unbeknownst to him he's being heavily milked for tax, consumption and/or vote and being taken advantage of and is relatively less free than people from all over the globe

>> No.11019851

You use your experience in the genetic cesspool that is New York, to find cherry picked examples to support your foregone conclusion.

Could a person go to London or Paris and create a blanket statement about what remains of the English or French?

>> No.11019891
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/biz/ wtf happened to her face?

>> No.11020039

(((OP doing this shit))) Very anti-semitic too. Anti-semites are fucked up people universally. Their lives are a mess.

>> No.11020046

I went to the (((DELI))). Then I saw some (((bimbos))) there and my (((cock))) got hard. (((Americans))) are not as (((smart))) as me.

Can you imagine writing like this? How old are you? 12? You have to be the biggest fucking idiot to even type that out.

>> No.11020158
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