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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 719x388, der0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11011885 No.11011885 [Reply] [Original]

Twitter shills coming.

Good things take time.

All you fools whining about "muh premine" are going to be very, very sad in a few months.

Hold to Q1 2019 for easy money.

Don't fuck up. Your window under 50 cents will close soon.

I'll be back.

>> No.11011888


>> No.11011900

Yep, initial buy at 15k sats then it dumped to all hell after that tranny and her boyfriend Serena sperged out and left. Bought as much as I could at the 4-5k sat levels so i'm all set. Q4 will be a good time lads

>> No.11011919

Shit, you bought at 15K? I winced as I passed at those levels, but something told me it'd be back. Never expected it to fall below 50 cents though.

Fucking stoked.

>> No.11012159

Those are some heavy bags Rajesh. Are you sure you can carry this scam for a few more months?

>> No.11012193

Any DCA now brings pretty comfy levels, unless you bought at $4. ..... but why would you do that?

>> No.11012224

Enjoy holding to zero when the devs drop their 2million coin premine on you

>> No.11012249

pretty much, I'm confident that this will see ATH levels some point in 2018/early 2019.

Don't care, if they wanted to dump they should've done it at $5 and the lead dev wouldn't be making new developments, outdated fud m8

>> No.11012301

Have anyone even notice how all the dero shilling has come from this same indian? He always makes the "they should've sold at $5" argument, you do know the devs probably have over a million coins in Ninja mine to top it off I garentee they've been dumping on your dumbass for months.

>> No.11012328
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>calling others pajeets

Stay in your lane, bucko

>> No.11012372

People like this will never listen until the FOMO in at a 10x. Whatever. Yer loss, bub.

>> No.11012416

I love screencapping these threads they'll make good ylyl material

>> No.11012446

I'm sure they will :)

>> No.11012873

>10% premine isn't locked (as the anon dev said initially). It's all in just one wallet, completely availible for him to use at any time. It's impossible to say if all the coins are still there. He could have given most of it to pay for John McAfee shilling, as he intended before (kek).
>captain made lots of changes for Atlantis update, and during 4 entire months he didn't released the code. Literally released just the binaries for brainlets to run. He could have made literally anything, and nobody will ever know.
>anon dev implemented non audited code (bulletproofs) before the external audits were finished. He claims to have done just an "internal audit" by himself (LMAO). This is an unforgivable mistake in crypto, nobody implements unaudited cryptography. Any security flaw, and the project is gone. That's the main reason because smart people in crypto doesn't take this project and its single anon dev seriously anymore.
>imbecile decision to remain with CryptoNight PoW algorithm, and now, few ASIC miners will have the biggest wallets, completely contradicting the promised decentralization. Also, just one pool controls literally 95% of the network. The pool owner literally owns also the network.

All those statements are true, and can be checked reading all the announcement at Bitcointalk, where the dev can't delete comments (that explain why he intended to lock the thread. He wanted to maintain control over what people comment about, and clean the project's dirty history).

>> No.11013256

Yeah no I don't wanna have negative funds due to pajeets dumping. I'll stick to Zcash thank you very much.

>> No.11013731

bump for the truth

>> No.11014290
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Stop the fudders

>> No.11014378

It's not FUD if it's true.

>> No.11014900

Is all that true?

>> No.11014942

Any shitcoin can claim to have a high tps if no one uses the fucking thing.

>> No.11014952

Pajeet shitcoin.
Stop this useless shilling.

>> No.11014954

Who has a premine, Monero or DERO?

>> No.11015119

Who was closed source for four months?
Who has implemented unaudited cryptography?
Who have a lack of activity in github?
Who is completely centralized?

>> No.11015151

it was stress tested and spammed to 75 tps

>> No.11015544

vietnamese scam

>> No.11016501


>> No.11016636

The Dero devs are early BTC adopters, they don't care about money but want to leave a legacy. They intend to donate every single Dero coin from the premine to just causes governed by the Foundation.
Straight from the horse's mouth.

>> No.11016680

Dero has 2M premine. Monero has 0.6-0.8M of stealth mining at very low cost by ASICS before they were revealed.

>> No.11016721

It does, but will dip below 4000 sat soon.

>> No.11016725

Brainlet here...this is good for monero right

>> No.11016748
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>will dip below 4000 sat soon.

you had your chance to buy low this entire time

>> No.11016820

ignore my double dubs at your own risk. prove it is not a scam:
Announce the team and foundation members
Release the codebase
Fork away asics
Announce where and when the pre-mine is distributed

>> No.11017071
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1522076406849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Dero devs are early BTC adopters, they don't care about money but want to leave a legacy. They intend to donate every single Dero coin from the premine to just causes governed by the Foundation."

Not even an useles ERC20 token shilling thread sounds more delusional than your comment. Congratulations.

>> No.11017161

It isn't enough. The project is already compromised. The dev will not release the commit history during the closed source phase, he will not change the premine, neither lock or release the spend key. And even if he fork it to a new PoW algorithm, the centralization is already too high. Few ASIC miners already hold most of the coins. Also, I really doubt there are more developers than Captain.

>> No.11018207


>> No.11018324


Even if they revel the complete commits history nothing will change, because :

> muh cryptonote

Ow and the View Key wallet fix is coming up in the next update so everyone could see the premine was never touched.

Eth, Zcash, Zen, Sumo Devs don't want waste their times on R&D about ASIC resistant PoW, so why Dero should do it ? (ProgPoW in't even ready)

>> No.11018372


OP stop shiling Dero because nothing will happen even with Smart Contract out. And if you ask "why ?", it's because :
> 1. Bear Market, nothing happen before 2-4 years.
> 2. Even if DVM 1.0 is ready, it will took times (almost 1 years) to be improved/ready and finally tested before big company will be excited to use it.

>> No.11018447

You're right. Because he just released the binaries. There's no way to show what he did in that time. He could make a fake history.
Anyway, no, they'll not be able to see it. It's necessary to have the spend key to check outgoing transactions.

>> No.11018539

Dero doesn't use original CryptoNote protocol anymore, but one highly modified and in the next update (no date for now) the View Key will show the spend amount too.

>> No.11018546

Who was the tranny?

>> No.11018570

Anyway, there will be no way to check also if he doesn't had a secret premine during the closed source phase. That's why closing the source and releasing only the binaries is a death sentence for a cryptocurrency

>> No.11018584

Byte coin still has a 300 mil marketcap and an obvious scam. Just saying people might not care. Not saying you are wrong. Dero is 100% a scam and I won’t buy any. But does it matter?

>> No.11018637


They claim is the way by tracking each reward since the genesis block.

>> No.11018656

You're right. There are bunchs of brainlets who absolutely love scams and shitcoins.

They're lying, there's no way to do it.

>> No.11018704

Your assumption are based on Original CryptoNote and you are right you cann't do it. But as I said before Dero use a modified CryptoNote protocol.

Don't remember where exactly I've see it, but with certain commands and a script you could check every reward.

>> No.11018712

It’s modified in that it’s in golang

>> No.11018726

So, they modified the original CryptoNote protocol to become less private and be able to do it? kek
What a shitty idea.

>> No.11018934


CryptoNote was designed to work with a Blockchain, not other data structure.

>> No.11019092

That's not the matter of what I've said.

>> No.11019096

kek the first time I saw dero shilling it was 2$. now 0.30c.

these bag holders are getting pretty deperete

>> No.11019129
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 1522223455814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> shhhhhh.... too soon, OP.

Dero was shilled since Feb at $0.2, Anon.

>> No.11019572

Not that soon. It will always be late for this scam.

>> No.11019638

How miserable do you have to be to spend all day fudding a 1m marketcap coin, kys.

>> No.11019665

Have y'all watched /ourguy/ Deronacci? He's like an actually good Bizonacci.


>> No.11019668

How miserable do you have to be to spend all day shilling a 1 mil cap shitcoin

>> No.11019673

It's not FUD if it's true.

>> No.11020588

>b-but my precious Dero!
>y-you cant say bad thing about it
stop whining faggot. Accept your fate!

>> No.11020700
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>> No.11020721

Just in time to get ass raped by shady devs?

>> No.11020834

You see the dubs?
Thats the Dero price in a few weeks!