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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11008486 No.11008486 [Reply] [Original]

In case you missed the recent chainlink AMA,
I will post a screencap in the next post.

>> No.11008493
File: 937 KB, 887x7586, AMA 2018 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11008510
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>> No.11008514

bump for interest, Ill read through this shit when I have time.

>> No.11008516
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>> No.11008567
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Bump you fags

>> No.11008586

Can't dodge the Hodge

>> No.11008655

This means mainnet could be really close (if they leave reputation for later)

>> No.11008657

keep posting anon. i'll post something else later, I asked Thomas in PM some questions about nodes. i just want to compile it properly in a thread.

this is the biggest thing you posted btw. larp chances of being real just increased tenfold

>> No.11008671
File: 13 KB, 232x162, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Is. Huge.

$1000 eoy

>> No.11008693

Companies that rely heavily on chainlink will have an incentive to be reputation providers so that they can 'groom' nodes to compete for their business.

>> No.11008699
File: 897 KB, 597x797, 1529677574941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaahhhh !!!!

>> No.11008702

this is a great post too if anyone bothered reading this. are you fergly, OP?

>> No.11008730

Fags. One of the first chain link investors here, was super into everything until the shit hit the fan. What’s the latest and does this actually mean anything. How many years till we actually take off to $1000 or is that alll a pipe dream?

>> No.11008733

the reputation score isn't some global stat, it differs for each rep provider anyway. so the groomed nodes will only have a high score with the rep provider. i guess that's the point of decentralizing the rep provider, like thomas said these rep providers cant force the node operators to use only theirs anyway. i don't think Thomas' answer suffice however. he only says that we can see that shit on-chain so that it can be discovered. and we aren't exactly privy to the specific mechanics so it's be hard to actually figure it out

>> No.11008739

just geeking over new info to be honest. nothing that would really impact the price, sorry

>> No.11008740

Mainnet+some users= $10/CL in 24 hours

>> No.11008753
File: 117 KB, 417x800, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time

>> No.11008763
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>> No.11008783
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>> No.11008784


>just geeking over...

You have to go back...

>> No.11008788

what the fuck is this

>> No.11008796


>> No.11008799

Someone is very sure that either ETH will tank or LINK will moon pretty soon.

>> No.11008846
File: 2.73 MB, 4128x3096, 20180702_181803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it turns out that prices can only be configured in LINK. This makes me tingly. I am a brainlet but does this not mean there is a large incentive for a rather high price per LINK?

>> No.11008862

That is what it means.
The tokens on the network would have to represent a fractional value of the wealth flowing thorugh them. If even a quarter of our assumptions are correct and the project does launch successfully, many of us will be set for life.

>> No.11008872

through it**

>> No.11008879

Good Info OP. Mainnet is closer than I thought now that Thomas cleared up some things with reputation. Going to buy a lot at the low prices.

>> No.11008900
File: 206 KB, 800x1200, 1516621541193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy now?

>> No.11009032

Someone post the metal gear solid .gif, I don't know what he's referring too.

>> No.11009042
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new recruits

>> No.11009057


>> No.11009407

this is interesting as thomas clearly says (more than once) that the network could run today as a mvp.

>> No.11009434

that pivotal track moved some things around the other day, check it out goys

>> No.11009657
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>> No.11009666
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>> No.11009734
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Whenever some no-name tech guy starts off a reply with "Right, so..." then you can pretty much be certain then and there that he's a poser/fraud

>> No.11009783

well yea, right now it's basically Oraclize with the ability to use adapters to manipulate the data or access APIs that require a key, so it has all the problems Oraclize does and isn't really the point. Like Jonny said in his post recently, any competent developer can make an oracle pretty easily, and that's basically what's on Ropsten right now.

>> No.11009898
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>> No.11009918
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, 2B14ED22-E612-4D25-A38C-F0C41F0F85DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main net is absolutely this month. I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.11009995 [DELETED] 

What if we only hit $999 EOY ;_;

>> No.11010011

12k linkie, I fucking made it right guys?

>> No.11010066

Thomas is MVP of the team. Literally the reason I got in after his first YouTube video.

>> No.11010071

lellll @anons with worthless bags of links

>> No.11010204

Yep. Just wait.

>> No.11010224
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>> No.11010280

I'm going to be a fucking millionaire

>> No.11010281
File: 42 KB, 1000x900, 1535849509333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guys are delusional

>> No.11010319

thanks just sold 100m

>> No.11010364

Can someone please give tldr?

>> No.11010377

Sure. The lazy will never make it.

>> No.11010426
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1532104628853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are all going to make it.

>> No.11010477

You have no idea what's on ropsten right now

>> No.11010512


Kek. Checked.

>> No.11010728

So Thomas confirmed that every team page member is working for SmartContract FULL TIME.
If this is true, why did Adelyn not change anything about her twitter page/linkedin to even indicate that she's working for SC at all? Absolutely nothing. And she's supposed to be working full time?

>> No.11010738

that gook is probably too busy eating a dog to even care about her twitter bio

>> No.11010742

All part of sergey's stealth master plan

>> No.11010743

>whats the SEC?
marketing will start once the mainnet is done

>> No.11010820

Pro model here. I've worked with a ton of marketing firms.

They shoot swimsuits in the winter. Places like Miami get busy for models nov-feb.
She's probably working on actual marketing.

>> No.11011015

Wow, is that the best you got. Marketing starts with mainnet, how many times does that have to be stated?

>> No.11011017

Tits or GTFO.

>> No.11011046
File: 150 KB, 500x700, 8B59AF95-0DDC-466D-9440-CABAFA8E54A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it all.