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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11005453 No.11005453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm done with the US
My whole life I grew up in this country. I remember doing the "pledge of allegiance." I still remember that indoctrinating bullshit. I was told "This is the best country." I never checked their source. "You'll get the best education and have the most opportunities." If you can afford it. "You can be anything you want to be." As long as you aren't black, brown, an immigrant, a women, gay, injured without insurance, anything but christian, get arrested, or trans.

I'm a 28 years old, white, male, veteran. I've had a privileged life and paid some dues. And I fucking hate this country. What we are doing to our own citizens. What we are doing to people coming here for safety, for a better life! How we are literally killing the world. Trump isn't the cause he's the symptom. He's the embodiment of everything wrong with this horrible place. I'm done. I'm out. I'm going to work, as hard as I can, to get the hell out. I'm sorry to everyone who comes here and gets crushed. To everyone already crushed and stuck in the system. Good luck.

>> No.11005467

cringe. good try edge lord. now kill yourself and be banned for your faggotry.

>> No.11005473

Thank you for your service

>> No.11005482

Business & Finance

>> No.11005485

>"You can be anything you want to be." As long as you aren't black, brown, an immigrant"

Subtle troll, I'll give you a 6/10

>> No.11005494
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 1500301188657-Screen-Shot-2017-07-17-at-101941-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is literally the greatest disaster in human history

Trump is nothing but a clown wrench into the entire machine. Hes not some magical savior but he's a giant fuck you to the demons that run washington. There are much more insidious forces at work retard OP open your fucking eyes to the FED to corporations etc etc etc

The rabbit hole goes really fucking deep. America's very soul is a toxic twisted wretch

>> No.11005493
File: 79 KB, 822x1024, 1530727169179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringey as fuck. kys shitlib

>> No.11005496

>I'm going to work, as hard as I can, to get the hell out.
Same, I want to have one foot out of here for when something goes wrong, namely if I ever get seriously sick or something.

>> No.11005508

Just bought 100k

>> No.11005516

The US is not so bad. It does have its problems but there are very few places on earth that are problem free. If you want to leave just leave, why you are telling a bunch of anons about it beats me. You are free to go my man. Good luck. I think Australia will be comfortable for a shitposter like you.

>> No.11005557

nice masterb8m8

>> No.11005563


saged and reported for belonging on /pol

>> No.11005572
File: 206 KB, 600x443, F4706E59-E17B-44F0-9680-3E021D06D1A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay and help make it better

>> No.11005576


>> No.11005587

And there it goes, another american liberal decides to abandon the oppressive USA and decides to go live in the progressive lands of Syria or something. Let's see how long you'll live the dream before the real world busts up the front door and eats you alive.

t. a literal third-worlder whose country has supposedly been dominated by the USA or whatever

>> No.11005636


based & red-pilled.

>> No.11005638

b [ i ] g [ o ] t [

>> No.11005651

heh, good one op

>> No.11005665

how do i report my own post?

>> No.11005671


>richest country in the world
>streets full of homeless people and niggergangs literally shooting each other
>school shootings every other week
>college kids get fucked by insane student loans
>only the rich can invest, normal people banned from everything including most crypto even lol
>people are ok with all of this since they are brainwashed into thinking every single one of them will be a millionaire one day, a country full of temporarily embarrassed millionaires
>kikes run the show basically, controlling most of the media and wealth
>president is a literal retard
>worst obesity rates in the whole world

Laaand of the freeee!

>> No.11005705

You are a retarded faggot.

>> No.11005843

your first point is the only one that matters. stay poor faggot.

>> No.11005988

>Business and Finance

>> No.11006019


>> No.11006124

I'm a migrant in the US.
ACTUALLY I'm doing really well, thanks, and people treat me really nicely.

>> No.11006162
File: 38 KB, 454x460, 1513673988247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill yourself and livestream it'll be hilarious.
It's such a pleasure walking down the steets and seeing all the depressed leftiststhat cling to liberalism and try to make everyone as miserable as they.
Trump 2020.
Pro tip: work on your entitlement issues

>> No.11006298

I've seen half the world personally and America is still the best country in the world. Kill yourself you piece of shit

>> No.11006320

ITT: whites boys with their panties in a bunch

>> No.11006380

>>>/leftypol/ commie scum detected

No sympathy burger. Your country was a meme for a long time, now that you have a president that will at least delay the degeneration somewhat you're out? Well done brainlet.

>> No.11006517
File: 316 KB, 477x339, 1530251723077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be the change you want to see.