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10997482 No.10997482 [Reply] [Original]

>I fucked up with my shitty half baked idea of ETH which cannot scale therefore all of crypto must be at its ceiling


>> No.10997515

Crypto is a modern day pyramid scheme targeted at young men who spend all their time one computers. In 20 years people will look back and wonder how people were so retarded

>> No.10997571

It wasn't even his idea


>> No.10997705

>I fucked up with my shitty half baked idea of ETH which cannot scale therefore all of crypto must be at its ceiling
thats not what he said in the article...
he said that we reached peak awareness and so there is not much room to go upwards unless real world usage starts happening - which is unironically different from all of the other times.

Previously, we could just moon on marketing alone since there were a lot of people that havent heard of bitcoin, you could guarantee that there will always be new buyers.

But not this time...
And hes right. Since january i havent met a single person who hasnt heard of bitcoin.

>> No.10997721

aids skeleton is a fraud

probably scheming his exit plan as we speak

>> No.10997740

You’re a fraud shithead fudster

>> No.10997807

Now all that's needed is an actual reason for them to move

(like SHTF in the banking sector)

>> No.10997808
File: 59 KB, 968x645, elonmuskjoerogansmoking0709a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His vision is straight! Ethereum will rise again!
Vitalik, please don't hang out with that no good Joe Rogan.

>> No.10997817
File: 227 KB, 800x600, eth not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me

>> No.10998197

stop, too real

>> No.10998217
File: 450 KB, 2000x2272, 1533747726600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin isn't though. But what you say will be what "crypto" losers tell themselves when their shitcoins inevitably go to zero. That will be the next hurdle for BTC. All the blockchain not Bitcoin flippening faggots who become cynical and what to destroy bitcoin out of envy.

>> No.10998236

nah, he's right. theres only one way we know of conclusively to scale, it's either splitting a normal blockchain into hundreds of smaller ones, or by adding transient layers on top and consolidating transactions below.

all of the other esoteric methods of scaling are 100% unproven to work at scale or under the kind of high attack environment btc and eth have been working in.

>> No.10998261

Nah, bitcoin failed to innovate and is a dead meme. Ethereum will blow bitcoin away. Scaling solutions Ethereum is working on make bitcoin look like a child’s toy. If you want to buy a true store of value for the future you can buy 0xBTC which is bitcoin for the Ethereum blockchain.

>> No.10998262

all that matters is users, and alts have yet been entirely unsuccessful at attracting enough users to prevent them from being completely replaceable when an alt with better tech comes along.

only ethereum so far as been able to amass enough users to prevent it being easily replaced, but that only matters if smart contracts continue to matter in a meaningful way. if they don't, then the users mean nothing, but if smart contracts do matter, then it elevates ethereum into bitcoin's comfortable position of not needing to care about what all these alts are doing, but that's a long way away for ethereum yet.

>> No.10998267

t. bagholding from 1000$

>> No.10998281

if you think anything can "blow bitcoin away" you must also be the kind of person that thinks tech is the driving factor for all of this. in otherwords, you're buying into the narrative that all the late adopters love to desperately cling to, despite no evidence.

>> No.10998285
File: 37 KB, 500x664, 1507960248110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he knows what needs to happen next but is too butt hurt to admit it

>> No.10998293

well memed, if it wasn't nighttime in pooland we might believe this was sincere

>> No.10998313
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1511856035091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you triggerposting? Is this bait? I don't know because bitcoin maximalists are even beyond this level of stupid on average. It's hard to tell when the real thing is laughable enough to be a parody of itself.

>> No.10998315

Look at how they twist his words to meet a narrative.
So much FUD

>> No.10998319

I can't wait to see a documentary in 20 years with "where are they now" from the crypto era
Moneyskelly will be leading a poverty cult of 4 dedicated autists speaking only solidity