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10996389 No.10996389 [Reply] [Original]

>spend 1.5 years of my life gambling on crypto coins
>drop out of university to be 'le pro trader man'
>brag to everyone about how im getting rich
>walk away with only a few thousand dollars
>realize I wasted all of my time
>cash out of the crypto meme
>look for jobs

I had my first job interview last week. They've decided to hire me. I always get lucky with these things. Anyone else about to unironically start workcelling because they got rekt in crypto?

>> No.10996418

>has a few thousand dollars
>isn't all-in on HOT

>> No.10996435

>cashing out
>you fucked up

>> No.10996470

I sold all my HOT for 10x the ico price months ago. Don't really regret it.

>> No.10996586

Crypto is a long-term game. You should've planned long-term by staying at uni. Being a day trader isn't even very sustainable so wtf were you thinking

>> No.10996770

Whats the most you had?

>> No.10996771

described my past year and a half to the T.
Despite not dropping 90%.
I'm close to offing myself even though my net worth (with remaining crypto shitbags) is still 80k. I hate myself so much I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore.

>> No.10996782


Wtf was that glitch?!

*Despite not dropping out, I neglected my real business to such an extend that it's on the edge of collapsing.

>> No.10996786

How much did you start with?

>> No.10996787

I wagecucked for 6 weeks from June to August and had enough so I quit. Now back to being an inrerim NEET again. Ah, feels comfy.

>> No.10996794

You can always rebuild, don't be a little bitch

>> No.10996801
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Going through a similar experience.

I started trading crypto in my junior year of high school and got fairly good at it. At my peak I had close to $100,000 which I think was pretty decent considering how little I started out with. But crypto was all I focused on at that point so school, work, and other aspects of my life really suffered. Fast forward to now and I just finished high school but only have $3,000 to my name and am lacking any direction in my life right now. I'm not even starting college yet because I feel so lost. I have made some really really bad decisions/investments.

>realize I wasted all of my time
This hurts the most. Other kids got jobs and bought cars, vacations, etc.; but I have absolutely nothing to show for all that time I put in. And the market is just so shit right now I don't even want to try trading again. Gonna use my last 3 grand to bet on sport matches because I am not smart.

>> No.10996820


This so much. The time aspect is killing me. How could I waste 1.5 years of my VERY early 20 so recklessly. I didn't do anything but working on crypto related stuff/sites, trading, flipping ICOs, investing.

All for nothing, paired with a lot of dead dreams.

If I would be an Americuck I would just buy a gun and blow my brain out

>> No.10996827

You learned a lot more than most of your peers. Making a lot of money and then losing most of it is a healthy experience to have had.
Check out this book: https://www.amazon.com/Learned-Million-Columbia-Business-Publishing/dp/0231164688

Will help many crypto bagholders cope with their losses.

>realize I wasted all of my time
>This hurts the most.
>Other kids got jobs and bought cars, vacations, etc.;
Many will lose many of their shekels in a decade or two when they fall for some obvious stock market scam.
You and most cryptofags will probably have learned their lesson in 2017-2018 and wont fall for scams so easily.

Btw check out the uranium, battery metals markets and gold in the Pilbara, where a New Witswatersrand has been found.

>> No.10996855
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Why didn't you cash out your 100k and buy some property, you massive retard?

>> No.10996862

>100k property

>> No.10996863


Not even a lot, maybe 50k USD. But at the time I felt like I was on the brink of making it and just needed one more good trade to get rich. Even when I just had 10k I thought I just needed to go 10x once to make it.

I don't know, it's fucked up. I'm not even dumb, I have performed well academically my entire life.

One thing I have learned from this experience, and it's the fact that TA is basically a complete meme. I literally spent 2 years of my life learning TA and applying it.

Only thing it does is it makes you believe the random gamble you're making with your money has some kind of substantial analysis behind it. Which it really doesn't.

TA simply has no predictive ability. Price action is basically completely random.

>> No.10996870

>Buying a garage to make it
Good idea

>> No.10996885


25k but the the most part of the 80k I still have was earned outside of crypto. It doesn't even matter. I was over 350k in crypto alone and probably around 400k total. It's done, everything's falling apart and so is my sanity.

>> No.10996904
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never gib up on yur dreams fren

>> No.10996917

I was starting to get cocky in my wagecuck job because I thought I was going to make it. Now I am resigned to obediently serving Mr. Noseberg for the forseeable future.

>> No.10996920


Start first week of October

Never give up trying to escape from wage slavery

>> No.10996955

I spent a solid year of my life in world of Warcraft. Like the in game timer read over 365 days. If you think you’re a loser, you need to step up your game.

>> No.10996960

>TA simply has no predictive ability
Interesting perspective, anon. I'd like to hear about your risk management strategies.
Oh whats that? You went all-in on random shitcoins whenever they "hit support"?
TA is only useful if you're not a brainlet.

>> No.10996972
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>> No.10996979

TA works if there's real fundamentals.
Shitcoins prices weren't based on fundamentals, only on faith in blockchain which really was just a form of the greater fool theory. When people lost faith the whole house of cards fell apart.

>> No.10996980
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I wasn't legally allowed to use any exchanges when I first started trading because I was under 18. But coinbase was a bit more lenient with rules/verification back then. I could purchase and sell a decent amount of BTC without an ID or any verification. By the time I made that much money I was still underage but coinbase really tightened regulations so I was no longer able to sell my bitcoin for USD. That was my only way of cashing out and at the time I really didn't want to experiment with other methods (like localBTC). I really wish there were more things to purchase with crypto.

Ill check that book out thanks for the rec

>> No.10997027


Hey I'm down from 50k invested with high at around 500k to probably 40k with underwater bags. Failed completely :( I know someone who invested 100k and is now down to around 50k

>> No.10997060

TA and risk management is literally the only thing that works.
Anyone using good long term TA and good risk management got out in Jan or before.
I guarantee this dude went all in or used insane leverage or blindly followed the trendy meme lines without backtesting anything. That's his own fault.

>> No.10997073

>Anyone using good long term TA and good risk management got out in Jan or before.
Would have missed out on that 4sigma move

>> No.10997108

Shut the fuck up newfag.
Missing the December top is forgivable, but anyone who did not get out in Jan with profit doesn't deserve an opinion.

>> No.10997129

ive been wagecucking this entire time. watched my shitcoins go from nothing to 130k and back down to 25k. im pretty JUSTed but at least i had some sort of safety net to fall back on

>> No.10997138

literally me in a few years time

>> No.10997153
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Also crypto really fucked my sense of time:value ratio.

Before I started trading my main source of income was flipping things from thrift stores on ebay or amazon. I only made about a $1000 per month but it was steady and reliable. When I got into crypto it was a bullish time so I was making money quickly and easily. I eventually stopped flipping things altogether because I was delusional and thought that ez crypto money would last forever. Waking up and seeing you've made $2000 overnight on one coin really fucks with your perspective and priorities. I don't want to get a job now and make $10/hr when I used to make 10x that in half the time. I can't even slightly grasp how people can work these shitty jobs. Nothing is more depressing.

>> No.10997156

I wasn't invested in crypto during the period from November to now. Didn't lose any money.

Just saying that if you had been a good TA cuck you wouldn't have been in crypto in December during its parabolic rise

>> No.10997162
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>all these niggers going "I got pretty good at trading crypto but then stuff happened"

lmao you're still not getting it
you never got good at anything. you got lucky. crypto trading is fucking gambling and you were lucky to ride a wave. if you actually got good at it, you wouldn't be whining here right now

you're like the gambler going "man I got really good at betting on black but then I got killed in the red wave of 2017"

>> No.10997170
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>work for 32 cuckbucks an hour
>make $250/day
>meanwhile my portfolio has 10k swings, mostly upwards at the time (december 2017 - feb 2018)

i can totally relate, my perspective is fucked

everyone at work is like "working the weekend is great, 8 hours for $500! whoa!" and now i think that is literally nothing. can we have 2017 back please?

>> No.10997176

>kicking everyone while they are down

good job man, hope it feels great. also who implied that they were good at this?

>> No.10997184

>who implied that they were good at this?
a bunch of peope posting their story in this thread
and it's not about kicking people while their down, it's just really funny how some people are still really deluded about what actually made their highs happen

>> No.10997191

Incorrect. You would have had some exposure.
Doing 100% trades in this market is the first sign you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.10997197

there must be nothing better than pointing out the shortcomings of others, huh?

>> No.10997205
File: 17 KB, 352x277, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being butthurt thanks
go to /r9k/ if you want a pity party

>> No.10997230

but you invaded this thread anon

>> No.10997309

dont listen to all the retards telling you to get back in crypto.

>> No.10997327

I quit to day trade in October and quickly got a new job in march

>> No.10997340
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>> No.10997504


I got good at TA but like I already posted trading and TA are memes and pure gambling

>> No.10997962


>> No.10997963

Do it! You are too weak anyway, you fucking piece of shit!

>> No.10998858
