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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10995594 No.10995594 [Reply] [Original]

We're 1 week away from the larp guys
>Symbiont speculation >>/biz/thread/10988109
>New breadcrumbs about LINK >>/biz/thread/10985192
>Reputation TBD, according to Thomas. Great thread, many info regarding nodes >>/biz/thread/10983301
>RocketLawyer speculation, with Mark Oblad and OpenLaw >>/biz/thread/10979972
>EIP discussing oracle standards for Ethereum, with comments for Steve Ellis >>/biz/thread/10970139
>I missed the following threads, thanks to anon for bringing it up
>Jonny Huxtable's article about LINK >>/biz/thread/S10952412
>Insurtech speculation from Sherlocklink crumbs >>/biz/thread/S10957639

ESSENTIAL INFO (WP, How to buy, etc.):
How to filter LINK threads:
How LINK will increase in value:

Official Partners:
> @swiftcommunity
> @AccordHQ (Hyperledger, IBM connection?)
> @OpenLawOfficial (Consensys)
> @initc3org (Town Crier and Ari Juels)
> @zeppelin_os @factom @MarketProtocol @requestnetwork
> @officialgamedex @origami_network @ClinTexCTi @CEEK

Pasta and shit:
Compilation of previous notable LINK threads:

Previous thread:
OP image is from >>/biz/thread/10986077

>> No.10995597
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Smart Contracts are a type of digital agreement that automatically executes whenever certain pre-determined conditions are met, this allows to make cheaper, more secure and reliable digital agreements without needing to trust a third party
The problem is that Smart Contracts cannot communicate with off-chain data (interest rates, FIAT values, the time, et cetera)
This makes something as revolutionary as Smart Contracts limited to exchanging ERC-20 tokens mostly, and certain Dapps like cryptokitties (on-chain data; example: X amount of ETH = Y amount of ERC-20 tokens/kitties)
To make more appealing Smart Contracts you need something called an "oracle" that is basically a middle man that connects off-chain data to the smart contract, this person has a certain power since they can change the data to their favor (we're back to trusting a middle man, which is not the point)
ChainLink aims to become the leader Oracle service by creating a trust-less, decentralized oracle network, where you don't need to trust an oracle but rather the protocol of the network (think about it like Uber, you don't trust the driver, the driver dosen't trust you, but you both win by using the app, that is trust-less in nature)

This would allow financial institutions to save BILLIONS (Sources: Capgemini and WEF) and that would be just the first implementation of the network

They're working with Accord and OpenLaw so it works with the current legal framework and they've worked with SWIFT so they're compatible with legacy systems (ISO 20022)

>I recommend you read the whitepaper and the god protocol by Nick Szabo if you're interested in what I've said

>> No.10995646

When I'm old and on my death bed I'm going to be reminiscing about the times we spent on this Internet Panamanian consulting image board. All the FUD, LARPS, shitposting and Sergey memes.

I won't be thinking about Christmas as a young boy with my family, I won't be thinking about playing high school football and making out with the prom king after his date passed out, nor will I be thinking about my college days.

I'll be thinking of all the internets fun we had together

>> No.10995657

You guys realize that you're setting yourselves up for some whale to pump and dump on you, right?

>> No.10995685

>and making out with the prom king
This thread is just an easy way for other people who are interested in LINK but don't have the time to lurk biz everyday, unlike dumb neets like me. You shouldn't really trade based on threads like mine, that would be stupid

>> No.10995798


>> No.10995853

Thanks OP! I don't lurk around much and this thread is helpful and very informative.

>> No.10995908

Thanks OP, these daily threads save me from having to sift through the volumes of shit for my link fix

>> No.10995988

You're welcome, thanks for the bump

>> No.10996031


>> No.10996040

I am a neet with no income but I spend all my time digging for link breadcrumbs, is there a way to make some money off all my link related findings so I can buy more link? I saw one anon here bought a 500 dollars report just because it mentioned link like it was nothing when he could have bought more instead.

>> No.10996131

OP you're forgetting about the recent spoopy threads


>> No.10996137


>> No.10996182

The only reason someone bothered buying that report was because it came from someone highly reputable. It was worth that much because people were eager to find out what recognition they are giving to ChainLINK. Also, this is what the dude who bought it said: "All good. Nothing will stop me from obtaining any and all info on link. Strong convictions loosely held"

If you're serious about making money on digging for crumbs I don't think you'd actually be able to especially since there are lots of marines that do it for free already. You can try by getting a tripcode and sharing information, then linking your ETH address at the end of your posts. I won't expect much, if any at all, however. If you will actually try it, expect some shitflinging from coordinated fudders or some shit. Please don't let it get to you. See my the link I posted in OP regarding filters.

I didn't pay any mind to those threads and after seeing the filterlist some anon made I stopped seeing those anymore. I'll include it in my next post but I don't think there's much relevant info there

>> No.10996330

the fact that "marmalade" and "municipal" was sneakily included in the filter list + abnormally low amount of attention to this just makes it suspicious

>> No.10996382

i will not yield to the HOLO satan ... will not yield ...

>> No.10996391

Did the buyer give any info on the Aragon report conclusions regarding Chainlink?

>> No.10996420

I think the guy who made the filter list is just pissy about it. I'll definitely look forward to what /x/ comes up with though

He said that it's nothing we don't know about already but he still thinks it's worth it because it's basically shilling to the target audience that we should care about (big companies and shit that neets from biz would have no way of getting in contact with)

Here's the thread >>/biz/thread/10965079

>> No.10996462

Thanks, fren

>> No.10996619

Thanks anon

>> No.10996636

Just go 10% holo like I did, it eases your mind. If you fall for FOMO later it will be way more dangerous.

>> No.10996643

I went into holo with a lot of linkies....

I was a general and I dropped down to somewhere near a private

Hooooooolooooooooooooooooooo niccas