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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10993342 No.10993342 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder on how to filter and hide LINK threads

Search for Violentmonkey and 4chanX on reddit to see other people using it in the past months.
>Install Violentmonkey (or Tampermonkey but Violentmonkey is open-source)
>Go to https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x and install the 4chanX userscript (don't install the 4chanX extension)
>Go to /biz/ and you will be greeted by a menu that you can easily get back to by pressing the wrench icon on the top right of your browser.
>Press "Filter", then "Guide", then go to "General" (at least, this is how I do it)
You should always browse 4chan in catalog view, by the way

If you want to filter LINK threads, including these would probably filter about 90% of all LINK content

/Sergey Nazarov/i;boards:biz;
/you are a maniac/i;boards:biz;

For the others that escape the filter, holding Shift and clicking on the threads will easily hide it (again, catalog view)

These are some filters I use to hide FUD pastas:
(Full list here https://pastebin.com/HwnWUf29))

/Japanese LINK/i;boards:biz;
/is AGP a legitimate thing/i;boards:biz;
/flower maidens of Moonlight Garden/i;boards:biz;
/but I still despise being with boys and I only like girls/i;boards:biz;
/I'm actually more qualified to talk about this/i;boards:biz;
/Be me 100% straight >White,/i;boards:biz;
/I'm actually qualified/i;boards:biz;

Here's some more. 0xbtc shills are annoying because they try to incorporate LINK memes into their own shit. I think they're the ones shitting up LINK threads. Holoshills too. Grats on the 2x-3x during the bear market though.


>> No.10993350
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You can easily search warosu to see if it's actually pasta or not. If it's new content, you basically have to use your brain if it's something worth filtering or not. More often than not it's just some low-effort comment that is derived from the pasta so it's easy to spot but sometimes they actually bother creating elaborate FUD. If it's someone just fucking around, you can just press the dropdown arrow besides their name, hover over Filter, and press Unique ID. This filters any new comment made by the poster, or any post replying to posts made by the poster. I've seen an anon snarkily replying to low-effort comments by posting a pic showing that he filtered them. Asking Rory or Thomas on telegram (t.me/chainlinkofficial) is one way to discern FUD from actual criticisms. For example, the pic where Thomas says that they still haven't started on Reputation can be easily verified by checking their Telegram.

Feel free to ask questions, and if someone complains that x threads are clogging up the board, just link them here. If someone argues that it doesn't work, tell them they're retarded since it only takes less than a second to hide a thread. If they can't spare 1 minute of their time to hide threads that annoy them while spending time on fucking /biz/ they are either falseflagging as a concerned anon or they're genuinely retarded. Either way, they should be filtered/ignored. Try practicing your filtering by doing it on the inevitable garbage replies to this post (give me (you)s please)
>inb4 you filter my thread

>> No.10993355
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Lastly, here is how it will look like

>> No.10993544

What’s the point of using filters? The whole point of browsing this board is to get a feel for sentiment and community. Some of the best threads are shill threads you can really get to see both sides of the argument.

Using filters is reddit tier. You sound butthurt. Chainlink 1000$ eoy

>> No.10993867

Because I decide what I want to see on biz, is that really hard to figure out? What else are filters for? I don't ever plan on buying 0xbtc for example, so I have it filtered. I don't want to read random stuff about someone impregnating Sergey, so I have it filtered. How would that ever be beneficial?

>> No.10993894

Since you didn't bother reading the post I'll make it clear for you, I'm holding LINK and this post is just meant to dissuade people who keep on spamming "you're clogging up the board with LINK threads", concern trolling like little fags. It doesn't garner much attention (just one reply) but yesterday someone bothered following the instructions in the OP so as long as there's one, it's worth it spending 2 minutes of my time to post this. It's not like I'm typing it all anyway lmao

>> No.10994276

bumping for visibility

>> No.10994353


>> No.10994452

hope you get that -60% EOY
fucking obnoxious pajeets

>> No.10994508

I'm sorry that I'm getting in the way of your discord shittery newfag

>> No.10994515

we will see who is pajeeting who

>> No.10994703

What do you mean?

>> No.10995051
