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10988346 No.10988346 [Reply] [Original]

Doing HR stuff right now at my new job. Here's one scenario.

>A supervisor advised human resources that Joe's coworkers had nicknames for Joe based on his medical condition (epilepsy). Before an investigation was begun, Joe overheard two African-American coworkers mock his disability. As a result, Joe refuses to speak with any of his African-American coworkers. In a seperate situation, Joe, while working online, refer to a coworker as "Pops" because of his age and then forwarded pornographic and racist material to him.

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10988365

the whiteboy

>> No.10988372
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>even once

>> No.10988382

The niggers have been given affirmative action positions and Joe needs to man up and figure out how to get them fired without bringing any heat on himself. Also find a way to schmooze Jeanine in HR so that cunt takes his side in the event of an altercation

Don't forget to keep your resume updated, Joe

>> No.10988398

>HR stuff
Lol I hate this shit. Just a mix of glorified babysitting for your retarded colleagues and another way to fuck over the good ones.

>> No.10988412

Fire everyone.

>> No.10988456
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>liberals and democrats are always in the wrong OP.

>> No.10988475

>hates blacks
>sends racist porn to some boomer coworker

Is "shake n bake" Joe /ourguy/?

>> No.10988483
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Everyone but Pops.That's easy. Also HR people don't really use terms like "being in the wrong", they use degrees and specific incidents of "problematic behavior". The behaviors are addressed on a case by case basis.
As far as who would receive the most HR intervention, definitely Joe. He is refusing to associate with coworkers which will lower his productivity, and he is sending pornography and racist material to a coworker.
tell the niggers to apologize to the gimp, though.