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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 1131x384, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10986226 No.10986226 [Reply] [Original]

How's the job hunt going, /biz/?

>> No.10986276

>job hunt

>> No.10986318


>> No.10986332

>applying for jobs
getta load of this NPC

>> No.10986343
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>Get a job or you're out of my house you lazy sack of shit

>> No.10986405

How else am I supposed to achieve the American Dream?

>> No.10986430

Just got hired at my first retail job as a technician at the apple shop (UK) and they have asked me to name an hourly rate i think is fair.

What do I say, /biz/?

>> No.10986489

Lol It’s called the American dream becuase you have to be asleep to believe it

>> No.10986998


>> No.10987014


>> No.10987059
File: 163 KB, 392x324, 1461576548810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applied for a shit tonne of companies a year ago
>got the same meme rejection email from everyone of them
>dont hear from them until a month ago
>tfw their web hosting services or whatever got compromised and a bunch of shit got leaked and they emailed everyone who probably had their info stolen


>> No.10987742


you just can't win can you cucky

>> No.10987899

Does any anon know if its worth it to become a paid shill? Asking for a friend

>> No.10987924

ive gotten like 12 of these emails in the past 5 weeks. fuck this shit.

>> No.10987951

I earn $11.25 an hour and I can live relatively comfortable in my studio apt with enough room for my collectables. I think 11.50 or 11.75 would be enough to start some savings, find gf, etc.

>> No.10987974

Ten pound

>> No.10988011

Im a paid shill for chainlink. I spoke to Rory about it last year and he set up my interview at mcdonald's with Sergey. I thought it was a sketchy job at first because they wanted to pay me in link tokens and Sergey was eating 10 big macs in a sweat but i didn't have better options at the time. Overall i can't complain about the pay because since the team hired us to shill the price tripled and so has my pay. I just dump on the market the tokens come in. My contract expires at the end of the year but ill kerp shilling if they renew my contract.

>> No.10988144

But is it a SmartContract?

>> No.10988464

>Chem degree
>Can't find work
>In and out of employment center
>After a year give up, going back to school
>Get a call from employment lady
>'anon the hospital is hiring a research chemist and have had a very hard time filling it. I was contacted to find a candidate and you are the best fit.'
>Look at job
>Need a bs in Chem, this job must be your first place of full-time employment post graduate (gov sponsored) and only ask for basic shit like team work, communication etc.
>Have over 1 year of internships during degree, never worked since graduating
>Make a perfect cover letter and resume
>Employment office says its great
>Apply to job, email hiring manager directly
>No response
>Call hiring manager after 2 weeks
>Try multiple but no answer
>Leave voice mail, saying I'm following up etc
>No response
>5 weeks pass since closing date
>Job is now reposted

What the fuck did I do wrong /biz/? I've never been more rattled in my life. Why the fuck do I even bother I'm so close to necking myself

>> No.10988493

That's easy they probably don't want to hire lazy bums with nothing on their resume for years since graduation.

>> No.10988709


nailed it.

>> No.10988728

I gave up. It's just not worth going to job interviews over and over, stressing over them and wasting my time, just to be told I was rejected a week later. They can find someone else to fill their interview quotas. Fuck off

>> No.10988732
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At least you got a reply...

>> No.10988750

Shoulda lied on your resume lad

>> No.10988766
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I hate work. I make $60k and 50% goes to the government and my ex wife for child support. My job requires a degree and I'm getting paid like a fucking Walmart drone. Kill me.

>> No.10988768
File: 112 KB, 739x739, A5BAA94B-5BD6-4695-9E6B-99B9939BAEA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have rudimentary web developer skills and have a shitty business admin degree with only janny experience. I was thinking of making a fake business website that I could say got me experience to get a better job, would that work or would like an accounting firm think I’m full of shit?

>> No.10988779

>working as a tutor
>want cushy job but can't even get interviews from retail

>> No.10988805

>19 y/o wagie and uni student
>starting to realise I dont think I could for others in a professional manor
>just finished trading bot trail run
I really hope I can make it anons

>> No.10988864

I get a daily email about jobs for me from a site based on my criteria. One criteria is entry level so 2 years or less experience. So I check out this job and it has only that less than 2 years checked, but in the description it says that they want minimum 2 years. I just applied to tell the HR bitch she is dumb for setting less than 2 years yet asking for more than 2. Am I autistic?

>> No.10989039

Phone interview Monday. Gonna try to be a water treatment operator. Here's hoping it's not the 3rd shift

>> No.10989065


>> No.10989088

About what though? I have basically as good experience I can have without having worked post graduation which is not allowed

>> No.10989100

I did work after graduation just not in my field

>> No.10989110

i had to remove my work title and experience off of linkedin because recruiters wouldn't leave me alone lmao

>> No.10989113

How important are references on a resume? Been thinking of creating email accounts because I left on bad terms with my previous employer.

>> No.10989132


Where at in florida? I'll hire you for maid work desu.

>> No.10989150


Why keep on living? Why not just be free and do something fun before they take you down?

>> No.10989239

Child support is literally slavery. If the woman wants to take the child, then she should show that she makes enough to support it. If not, then the child should go to the man. I swear women are useless. Not worth marrying

>> No.10989400

>fell for the vaginal jew

>> No.10989453

West Palm Beach. I hate it here, there's just no decent jobs in this area

>> No.10989491

I actually just got service writer job at local Toyota dealership. I have experience in the field and the pay/hours are going to be much better than my previous employer. Just waiting for HR to call me to schedule my first day

>> No.10989506


>muh George Carlin

>> No.10989546

I haven't had a job in months, I'm so fucked when I actually apply. It's going to be hell getting these rejection letters.

>> No.10989584

>law degree
>loads of debt. yes fell for the meme blah blah
>waiting for CA bar results
>finally one interview
>pays 15/hour.

wtf /biz/ bros... people who shill useless degrees/schools should be put in front of a firing squad. Will likely take the job for experience sake, climb the idiot ladder, and to throw more into Link. Or save and try to make my own business.

>> No.10989876

I'm in the exact same situation, except I haven't taken the bar yet. I am eyeing different States and trying to figure out where I can move to work and won't hate my life as an attorney

>> No.10989984

Cuckifornia sucks because it isn't part of the UBE. so you're pretty much stuck here. I think if I used half of my brain I would have taken the UBE, and have the option to move and experience new states.

>> No.10990000

also CA 28% bar passage rate has me shitting and worried.

>> No.10990075
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I applied to 3 companies, and got 1 interview. I feel very disheartened right now.

>> No.10990096

You came across as too desperate.

>> No.10990501

A million dollars an hour

>> No.10990961

Just waiting for paperwork to go through. Quit my shitty ass high paying software job and found a good one that pays a lot less but will actually give me transferable skills and hopefully not make me wanna kms. I had an interview with one of the FAANG jews earlier in the year and barely failed it w/o studying so I've been practicing in my free time since then and planning to try again after a few months at my new place.

>> No.10991007

Never heard this one before....

>> No.10991016

Some free advice that'll guarantee interviews:

Go research Applicant Tracking Systems.

An easy 90%+ companies use them, and they scan your CV/application for relevant buzzwords and will reject you within seconds of you hitting send (the rejection comes a week later to give it the appearance of legitimacy.

It's literally as simple as ensuring the correct buzzwords are in your shit that match to the company/job specification.

>> No.10991072

>pursuing STEM degree in a 5 year program
>get headhunted in the 4th year
>good offer 100k
>realise they just want me for cheap

Did I make a mistake?

>> No.10991086

yeah, you're an idiot.

>> No.10991113

Ask to be paid in sexual favors.

>> No.10991123

Medical records coder, I get harassed by headhunters frequently. Been drowning in work for oh, eight years now.

>> No.10991165

UK - posts $
Just look on Glassdoor Anon

>> No.10991185

You didn't followup enough - call and email every two business days until you get a yes/no or follow up date

>> No.10991466

Thinking of joining the army and then becoming a LEO when I get out. Seems like they hire just about anyone where they're desperate so there's that. College degree.

>> No.10991467

Have you looked into teaching high school chemistry? It's a sweet gig in nice districts.

>> No.10991571

Get on Income Based Repayment and get that job and you'll be okay for now, work on your bar and seriously bust your ass and sometime in the next 5 years you'll pass, try doing some independent law work on some pajeet bullshit site like Fiver so you can get some consulting experience for your resume and keep yourself in the law field as well as you can.

>> No.10991659

ugh so I had a decent wagecuck job but I got fired but didn't give a shit because I worked too much and never had time to myself

then I got a really high paying job contracting and had tons of time to myself but had to deal with pajeets and drive a alot

so I quit and my wife was working. so I helped my dad build a dock. He doesn't pay me a lot but it was good to spend time with him and I had plenty of time to surf and funpost here.

Now my life is complete shit. I didn't leave the house today. Some faggot came up to my dad and wants us to build a dock for him but my dad doesn't want to do it. I can build the dock myself but I'm fucking lazy and I don't legally have a contracors license.

I am too lazy to do anything other than look at the computer all day. I can barely even feed myself.

HOw can I get back on the horse? I'm too lazy to fill out a job application and I could probbly charge this guy a years wage to build his gay ass dock but I'm totally complacement playing with my meager stack of shitcoins? What can I do?

>> No.10991703

Dude that makes sense. Thank you. I like the idea of pajeeting myself on fiverr. Thinking of doing that now even though I don’t have my bar license...

>> No.10991811

I am studying molecular medicine and I can't get a part time job at my university. I'm sending emails to professor's and it's not working. I never had a job in my life.

>> No.10991834

Tried to save the white race didn't you?
Well delusions are not reality.

>> No.10991846

>mfw I never have trouble getting hired whether it be for internships or full time because I'm not retarded

>> No.10991847
File: 52 KB, 658x583, 1533610440363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is accounting a good career to go into? I'll be getting a CPA.

>> No.10991880

>I’m lucky so I must be a god

Yet you ended up here

>> No.10991896


luck had nothing to do with me getting almost perfect grades in uni, heading the student investment fund, and doing extra-curricular tutoring to the stupider kids. I've probably been here longer than you anyways.

>> No.10991903

What was your major

>> No.10991941

You’re too desperate, act like you’re in charge and people will follow

>> No.10991958

Tfw no twink with big feet to be a paypig for and wagecuck for while he racks in crypto gains from the money I send him

>> No.10992002
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>> No.10992041

not well

>> No.10992107

First off, how did you get hired before they even said how much they were going to pay you?
Secondly, the first person to throw out a number loses. Make sure that's them, not you.
If they ask you to name a rate, ask them "What's your range?"
If they say they don't have a range, say, "Is there a minimum?"
If they do have one, ask if there's a maximum. If they have that, you just got a range from HR who thought there was no range.

If they don't say there's a minimum and don't say there's a range, you come back with a canned response about how you're interested in the total compensation package, and you're sure you'll be able to come to an agreement, et. cetera.

Since you were already hired, just try to get a range, and shoot within that range. If it's too low, ask about benefits and such. Since it's an apple shop technician job you probably won't be able to swing working from home or flexible hours - so just consider full time and healthcare to be good enough.

You probably are looking in the 12-14 range depending on where in the UK you are.

>> No.10992116

you'll do something when you have to. ask yourself what you actually want. if that's to be a slob then nobody is gonna change that for you till you're ready

>> No.10992123

>I earn $11.25 an hour and I can live relatively comfortable in my studio apt with enough room for my collectables. I think 11.50 or 11.75 would be enough to start some savings, find gf, etc.
this should be a board banner

>> No.10992124

Have one. Can't get bothered to get fired after a year, lol.

>> No.10992906

I went in to a really important interview the other day. I think it went really well. They told me they'd definitely consider me for the second round. However, the interview was Wednesday and I haven't gotten a call back yet. Am I fucked?

>> No.10992929

I just turned down Robinhood because I had a good offer somewhere else. $140k remote.

>> No.10992944

Making like $4000 a month at the moment and i just want more desu

>> No.10992958
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>Is there a minimum?
>That really depends on the candidate
>Oh.. i-is there a m-maximum?
>u-uh y-you too

>> No.10992977

>name an hourly rate


>> No.10992985

Thanks sold 100k

>> No.10993005

Kek OP, I applied to the same job and got the same rejection letter, PBC fag

>> No.10993094

fuck you

>> No.10993158

Meritocracy is racist

>> No.10993313

Do it anon. I'm leaf so Airforce pays well for its officers here. Need a degree but I'll be starting 50knamd moving up to 80k in year and a half.

>> No.10993494

It sucks, like every type of job in that general field asks for 2+ years of experience, even help desk 1 stuff. I just want to get out of the retail trap. $9/hr arranging items on shelves and dealing with asshole customers is killing me inside

>> No.10993541
File: 14 KB, 680x134, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting out of this shit hole as soon as I can, no way I can stay here, especially with the Canadians and Haitians. I recommend you do too.

>> No.10993547

I don't want to get a job. I would rather be poor and free

>> No.10993570


Freedom is subjective, you're just poor.

>> No.10993584

Good luck man, I'll try escaping once I finish my degree.

>> No.10993602
File: 341 KB, 749x650, 1506525341725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to you too. Sad to know I'm gonna have to leave what I know to be home, but that's life.

>> No.10993645
File: 338 KB, 700x490, hK007 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work 9-5
>Low stress
>Can exercise/cook every day
>Buy fun things every now and then like pic related
>Earn around $5000/month after taxes
>No fear of bills
>Can treat people to dinner or drinks
>First job out of college with no connections, just lots of sent resumes and great interview skills
Feels nice
All I needed to do was get a finance degree from a decent school, work smart and not be autistic

Try it sometime you guys

>> No.10993665

>low stress
what's your job? not memeing, reason I strayed from that major was specifically the high stress I was told about from a fuck ton of guys I talked to in the industry

>> No.10993674

>just build a time machine to when everyone with a pulse got a great job

Fuck off boomer

>> No.10993686

>"freedom is subjective"
>he says while sucking his boss's penis because he NEEDS this job

>> No.10993689

You've shot that before right? Pls tell me that's a troll round.

>> No.10993704
File: 156 KB, 642x437, Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporate Finance, FP&A for a very, very large company
Stress is seriously overstated
You find that sort of painful life in M&A/PE/VC/HF/IBD in major cities
I live out in the country but we have a presence here, so all of my expenses (rent, food, booze, electric, water, gas, etc) are like $1400/month
Lots of companies are looking for competent young people because of their aging workforce but most arent in the BIG CITY where everyone flocks to and will pay $3k a month just for rent and cram into the subway and pay $12 for a coors lite

Avoid the big city meme unless you want a high stress job with a high washout rate but big $$$ potential
Finance is a good degree, what did you end up studying?

>> No.10993727

Every job I apply for = this message. Fuck it boys, I’m going full welfare NEET.

>> No.10993738
File: 412 KB, 5000x5000, xXtBhav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 23 and went to a large state university ranked between 50th and 75th in the country
I worked really hard, had a 3.94GPA, headed clubs, engineering projects, a student equity fund of serious dollars and have a number of applicable skills that helped make me competetive
Most of my peers who are my age are much less qualified and skilled
You really just need to be sociable, hardworking and persistent to get a job - it really isnt hard
What issues have you been facing? Might have some advice
Look at the condition of the extractor buddy, and the backwords round is an old HK meme from a magazine advertisement they had in the 90s

>> No.10993748

last year of MIS major/CS minor. I like the courses, so I'm not bitter about it. After taking all of those accounting classes and financial classes, I can say I'm not mad about it, I like my professional outlook.

>> No.10993760

accidentally typed the same sentence twice essentially, but you get my point

>> No.10993765

How do I into welfare?

>> No.10993792
File: 193 KB, 1916x1118, Big_Bunny_web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep applying
I applied to 10 or so companies before getting a good response
Once I did and tweaked my resume to fit what they were looking for in the face to face interviews I almost always got an interview sending out my revised resume

It really comes down to talking their talk - and they'll see your value through their warped lense
Its an unfortunate reality of working for big companies

>> No.10993807

I feel better now. Cobwebbed part of my brain was telling me it was a meme/troll but I was also worried for your safety.

>> No.10993814


You realize that if fathers take full custody of their children, the mother can be required to pay child support too? If you have zero custody of your child, you either don't give a shit about them or are a deadbeat who's a proven shithead. Neither possibility means that you shouldn't provide financial support for a kid you were 50% responsible for. If you're a shithead or don't care for kids, use some goddamn birth control fuck

>> No.10993822
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I think corporations are inherently evil because they limit my freedom and the freedom of my loved ones

whats your advice?

>> No.10993859
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I mean if that's how you feel you are inherently going to make your life in the business world harder
There are lots of startups and ethical firms but they require a high degree of talent, specialization, education and self-starting and creativity that you probably don't have
If you do, please go and make a difference for the better
If not - its a pretty straightforward world that you can leverage to your advantage in a short period of time
I like the work I do and the products I produce
If you can find work that you enjoy on a personal level that incorporates your skill set you'll have a great career

>> No.10993901

I live in Texas and even in the best economy I don't see how you can live with any degree of comfort completely on your own.

>> No.10993903
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It's imperative I don't feel alienated from the labour I produce, got it.

>> No.10993935

Don't you marx me boy
You gotta do, what you gotta do
If that's something you like, like me, great!
If not, you are implored by society to get out from under the shadow of your parents, make a living, be socially, physically and economically attractive enough to find a stable partner, marry, reproduce and be a good father to your children so that the world is made better every iteration
Then you die
And that's it, whatever is in between all that is up to you
If you enjoy model cars, or literature or camping - do all that
Allow your work to give you the pleasure of luxury in your time and your mobility socially, economically etc.

It isnt rocket science
If you can clear $60k a year you'll be comfy enough in most places that arent NYC/Chicago/Most of CA/Most of MA

>> No.10993950

What's the best route for chem graduates at the moment? I'm thinking teaching, but I'd like the opinion of someone in my age group.

>> No.10993964

>If you can clear $60k a year
Do you think I can get a unicorn as well?

>> No.10993977

getting the same emails
done 1 in-person interview so far since graduating and now I'm doing some shitty coding challenge for some other company

>> No.10993997
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Petroleum, PhD + research or work in a small firm local to a university, Pharma/BioChem in the Boston area, its poppin' off, competitive as hell but a great place to be

Petrol chemists make good money
Petrol engineers are even more prized

Dude, can you use excel, present well and know the basics of finance?
That's literally all you need to make $60k a year in America
Where have you come into resistance? I promise if you sent out 20 resumes to 20 large companies for an Analyst or Financial Development program right now you'd get a job in weeks if you interview well and have a solid resume
I p r o m i s e
If you fucked around in college and got nothing done and didnt get good grades, thats on you
Companies are DYING for young people that arent retarded, literally begging for decent new employees to develop

I graduated in 2017, the times havent changed that much
Im not that special

>> No.10994000


I had a chem minor in college, so I ran into a lot of chem majors in my o-chem and analytical chem classes I had to take. A lot of them I knew honestly went to grad school or the pre-med ones went to med school. There's not a whole lot of lucrative opportunities for a Chem BS degree, mostly lab assistant stuff that pays under $20/hour. A lot of high paying chemist positions and research jobs want a master's degree.

I was an environmental studies major, and I got into surveying/mapping, so my chem minor has been useless to me. But it was a nice accomplishment, I suppose.

>> No.10994030
File: 677 KB, 575x767, b5266607bdbf33de61f53159b7888397f8519ebdbca19f5c6662033eb782ea05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socio-economic mobility? Perhaps downwards my friend, I'm afraid we aren't all American here

>> No.10994044
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If you aren't American I don't have much perspective
Where do ye hail from poor-anon?

>> No.10994066

in your honest opinion, what do you think sets YOUR resume apart from some other applicant? I think mine is decent, but I'm always happy to see what people who've actually got into the work force with respectable salaries have to say what they found most important.

>> No.10994100


U mean the JOBKEK? HAHA i said it biz i said cuck! Im a true bizzer now just like u guys!

>> No.10994108
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I'm from Portugal. Beautiful place to live in if you have money, not so much to make a living.

>> No.10994114
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I managed a 1.3M equity fund for 2 years and generated a 10.3% return while managing 72 other undergrads, I took a failing racing team from near termination to a top 10 finish (of over 100 teams) in 3 years, I have experience in Real Estate (Licensed, 11 transactions under my belt), so I can be an analyst, a manager, a salesperson and have a broad understanding from valuation and modeling to people to engineering (from Solidworks and Autocad to TIG welding), that's what I sold to my employer
That and I had a 3.9+ GPA and worked my ass off in college outside those activities

Although I'm an exception not the rule, much less involved people get my type of job all the time

>> No.10994119

that bullet is in backwards retard

>> No.10994129
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No, really?

>> No.10994302

if you work for anyone other than yourself 5+ years after graduating you are a NPC wageslave cuck boy

>> No.10994321

well said

>> No.10994547

I'm not finished my cs degree and I've just landed a job that pays 4k/month after tax (in my country taxes are very high) while I study part time. I have very shit grades but decent people skills and I look chadish which the HR people are not used to when interviewing guys in tech. I'll also be traveling fairly often and getting significantly more pay when I do.

Still live at home with mummy and I want 10k in the bank and 40k in investments before I move out.

>> No.10994582

Live in a non third world country which guarantees its citizens basic needs.

>> No.10994691

that doesn't happen bro

>> No.10994700

Bro that's fucking great actually. Most companies get hundreds of resumes for each position.

The fact that you managed to get an interview for 1 out of 3 puts you way ahead of the curve.

>> No.10994710

Depends on your other options. What made you think they want you for cheap? We need more information to make a judgement.

>> No.10994722

Accounting is a good, stable job. If you're looking to be nearl guaranteed employment with a good salary, accounting is good for you.

>> No.10994796

Spoken truly like a teenager living in their parents' house.

>> No.10994983

hiring manager must've been on vacation

never follow up more than once without talking to a person though

my advice: reapply even though it was reposted. maybe they either 1: already had a dozen applicants they wanted to interview, then found out none of them fit, so they relisted it, or 2: the person they thought they wanted backed out of it (due to money or something)

so reapply, email them again, and call - but don't call the hiring manager this time. call the department you're going to be working in (whether it's laboratory or pharmacy or blood bank or whatever), and try to talk to a manager THERE. you should be able to say something along the lines of you've applied and since you're the perfect solution to their problems, you don't want your application to get lost in some pile on a desk in HR (or an email inbox in this case); you should be able to spend some time on the phone totally WOWing this person, hopefully with information and questions that HR would not be able to answer, but they are. assuming that goes well, you can either try to ask them directly for an interview starting to bypass HR entirely, or ask them to check with (name) in HR (hiring manager) and call you back - make sure to get a DAY and TIMEFRAME for them to call you back in, so you arent just waiting for a call for 5 weeks. something like "If I don't hear from you by next Tuesday, I'll call and follow up" works.

dont give up yet. ive worked at hospitals. their HR departments are the most dysfunctional i've ever fucking seen. usually 200+ applicants dont even get looked at. sometimes the job postings are just a formality and they already decided to hire the CEO's niece. sometimes they have job postings for jobs that dont exist, they're just fishing to see if they can get better people to replace who's already there (for less money)

good luck anon. its easy to get discouraged but try to stay up. im sure you'll get hired. its just a question of when and where.

>> No.10994990

>only janny experience.
>would like an accounting firm think I’m full of shit?
they'll just want to call the business owner of the website; if its you that might be easy to pull off, if its not, you'll need a friend to pose as said business owner and talk about how great your website job was

>> No.10994995

underrated; dubs checked

>> No.10995026

fuck you i've had experiences where i applied to 100+ and gotten 11 phone interviews and 7 in person interviews
and no job
so fuck you

>> No.10995034

quads of passing grades are upon you

>> No.10995036

i thought about getting a friend into this. how hard is it to get them started in HIM?

>> No.10995038

Your such a loser. Stop trying to play the victim.
You didn't get a job because you didn't offer something valuable to the job market.
So stop crying and get the qualifications you need to find a job, it's not that hard.

>> No.10995050

>$140k remote.

>> No.10995063

gotta include CT/RI/NJ/most-of-PA in there
probably quality control

>> No.10995072
File: 248 KB, 900x1304, 8kkz5cJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10995080

Go to their website and try to figure out who is head of that department and see if you can contact him directly.

>> No.10995097
File: 287 KB, 1663x1247, 1516153990523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off normie, this board isnt for you

>> No.10995127
File: 87 KB, 540x762, 8e2522b9c49a9d49aef004feed4cdd6a--sakura-manga-sakura-kinomoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm far from a normie
But I can live in their world
This gives me power over both you and them
Learn and thrive

>> No.10995229

3 years of nothing, I know I'm never getting a good job.

>> No.10995267
File: 2.83 MB, 3600x2520, iLL HELP YOU OVER THIS WALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akidamendayo anon-san

>> No.10995855

no you are full blown normie, dont try to convince yourself otherwise