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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 155 KB, 2500x1715, ethereum-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10985259 No.10985259 [Reply] [Original]

There are several possibilities of a violent market move on the horizon.

1) There are far more longs than shorts put on ETH and 99% of them are underwater. Check it out yourself if you don't believe me. If these get squeezed, ETH is unironically going to dump hard, which would also of course prompt a bounce back up. Even if you do short it, there will be a short window to close it for a good profit.

2) A shit ton of shorts have been created in the last 2-3 days. These are most likely short term traders and can start closing their position to take profits once they see any signs of ETH going up from here. ETH shorts just entered their all time highs.

ETH margin trading is very dangerous right now. If you are not an adrenaline junky, you should take some other coin to margin trade at this point.

>> No.10985278


>> No.10985280


>> No.10985292
File: 23 KB, 500x385, 1514264807280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ponzi will dump hard.

>> No.10985310

ETH is dead anon. Vitalik does not know how to implement POS or sharding. you are going to be bagholding until 2021-2022 for a fix. tjis goose is cooked

>> No.10985319

kek, this >>10985310 faggot thinking he can make money trading crypto with fundamentals

>> No.10985360

you just don't get it do you faggot - everyone knows that ETH cannot scale and is fucked, that is why it is dumping. Vitalik is so high on drugs that he is shitposting on his own fucking coin telling the world that a fix is years off. he's pulling Trump tier twitter fiascos. the fundmentals are common knowledge this time. sell or stay poor

>> No.10985373

thanks, bruh, but really nobody cares about fundamentals
Also, I didn't claim that ETH is going to go up or down, so I don't know who you are trying to convince here.

>> No.10985376
File: 826 KB, 1365x2048, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold all my ETH after the DAO fiasco

>> No.10985396

Sold my eth at $1200

>> No.10985495

The situation is growing more and more tense every day. I'd be dissapointed if there wont be a liquidation pop in any direction and it gets resolved peacefully. I definitely don't have the balls to margin trade ETH right now. A fucking lottery is what it is at this point.

>> No.10986061

I have my popcorn ready. Sadly, the liquidation event might easily happen when I am sleeping. Wouldn't want to miss the panicking/partying here in /biz/.

>> No.10986173

Vitalik is desperate.He even invested in Starkware Industries hoping that those ones will solve scalability.Blockchsin cannot scale because it requires consensus.Bigger the network ,slower the speed...simple as that.Blockchain is dead

>> No.10986321
File: 281 KB, 640x453, HBifhU4mQGLYCaP1GQDV_kaQQeyUoAYRltLn6B3wj5Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone who claims to know about shorts/longs for a given currency is LARPing as an exchange employee. Sage and move on.

>> No.10987177

ZIL will overtake eth

>> No.10987214

Yeah, sure

>> No.10987231

Lul, Bitfinex has the info open to everyone.

>> No.10987245

I mean even Vitalik admitted he did Ethereum wrong.


EOS train or bust.

>> No.10987246

Sold mine at $1000. Shame I bought other alts with the money instead of staying out.

>> No.10987263

fucking every thread about ETH some miniscule shill creeps out under his rock and announces that his "ETH killer #27" will overtake Ethereum
no stats, no real reasons given, no explanation, nothing

Make you own thread about your specific ETH-killer™ and contain your 3 man community over there.

>> No.10987313
File: 65 KB, 392x429, 1536197773546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into single digits it goes!

>> No.10987355

It's true, kek. Then you also have the cunts you say they told you to buy shitcoin X two weeks ago (without any supporting evidence or reasons) and you're an idiot because you didn't listen. Like, yeah, okay, guy. lol

>> No.10987372


like wtf 100 eth threads pop out of no-where on /biz/ all of a sudden