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10984811 No.10984811 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically have $1000 to invest. Been thinking about - $300 BTC, $200 XMR, $200 EOS, $200 LTC, $100 NEO

Is this good enough for a normie, autistic c*nt like me?

>> No.10984823

free moonshit advice from me for you poorfag:

buy Smartlands SLT from the SDEX and enjoy your 10k USD EoY.

>> No.10984837

I will not buy tokens, thanks for the reply tho

>> No.10984893
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Please guys, I need your expertise on the matter!

>> No.10985539

$1000 INS
Wait 3 months
Invest fresh $10000 in INT
Wait 3 months
Cash out $1000000

>> No.10985580
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>I will not buy tokens
Since youre asking for advice I assume youre a budding investor. I suggest you stop with the absolutism and have an open mind without emotions when investing in crypto. There are many tokens which you deem uninvestable that would likely return a nice profit. Nevertheless at the end of the day its your money and do as you please.

>> No.10986211

Yes it's good enough have fun anon
well it's kept him out of trouble so far

>> No.10986335

Too much EOS.

Other than that good to go.

>> No.10986345

$100 or $150 EOS then?

>> No.10986540

Take out EOS and LTC, redistribute excess funds to other coins

>> No.10986548

To BTC, XMR and NEO you mean or some other coins?

>> No.10986555

All in holo. It’s your only chance. With tour port-o-folio you may come out with -50% in a month

>> No.10986653

Mainly BTC and XMR

>> No.10986790

I agree. EOS is centralized and LTC has no purpose now with LN implemented on BTC. XMR a good buy for sure if it's a long portfolio.

>> No.10986869

Go download RobinHood and learn to invest properly. You will make some mistakes (just like you will in crypto) but instead of losing 80% of your portfolio, you will lose 20%. Then you will learn how to make money from what you're doing in a safer way due to the regulation. You can still 5x your money in a day using options like puts and calls if you are able to predict prices (which, might I add, is much easier to do than with crypto being that you're betting on an actual company as opposed to pure speculation). You can Diversify your portfolio by percentages (say, if you want to be a risk taker, you can do 30% options, 30% higher risk stocks, and 40% low risk blue chip stocks.
Or you can gamble your money by trying to catch a falling knife on crypto and make no profits. It's down 70% from ATH and still falling. That means that you, on average, will lose money as opposed to the stock market which has been growing consistently for years.
It's your choice

>> No.10986900
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So much stupidity in so few words. When will the reddit migrants leave?

>> No.10986917

Might I add, the only thing more important than money in investing is time. Just so you know, this may be the worst time to enter crypto. If you won't go to stocks, then at least until it hits a bottom on crypto. It has a ways to go, at least this week. It will have another red candle in the weekly before it goes green (for a bit). In my opinion, crypto is a fantastic idea, it's just overvalued at the moment.
There is money to be made in it (even now), but just not the way you're thinking. Swing traders will make bank during these times, but they are better at trading than you and will swindle you out of your money - I promise. I made some great gains when I cashed out december. Reinvested about 30% of my gains a few months ago and lost nearly half tryign to swing trade to more experienced swing traders.
Just be smart and patient. You will make money with patience. FOMO is the only thing telling you to invest right now

>> No.10986937

please delight me

>> No.10986944

No. I want you to buy my bags after they moon.

>> No.10986947

Also another tip, you're over diversifying for crypto at those ratios. The hope in crypto right now is for a moon - bet on 3 coins you think have great potential if you want to make any real money (look at my other posts to see why you shouldn't invest in it anyways)

>> No.10986969

>EOS retard gets triggered by simple truths
That guy is spot on

>> No.10986976
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> Just so you know, this may be the worst time to enter crypto.
Yeah you know the worst time aside from literally any other point this year when the price was higher.

pic is you

>> No.10986985

Stupid whores

>> No.10986993

I'm talking short term worst time. It's about to drop again, after it will dead cat bounce and you will be able to pull some profits. If you just wait maybe 2 or 3 days you yill have a better chance of making money.

>> No.10987023

If you're investing long-term then the next three days are entirely irrelevant. That's aside from the fact that you're basically just flipping a coin while pretending to know the future like every other mouth breathing idiot on this board.

>> No.10987038


>> No.10987042

OP here. What's your opinion on EOS and LTC?

>> No.10987065

I don't invest in crypto and I don't pretend to know how to swing trade. I know minimal information on it. But I do know crypto has a ways to go. Next 3 days are not irrelevant if you could make more money by waiting for a better time to enter. If I put in 1000 now and it drops 10% tomorrow then goes up 300% I will have 3600 dollars. If I waited until tomorrow to invest, I will have 4000 dollars after the same increase. 400$ is not a negligible sum

>> No.10987084

LTC was a fad and will never be worth money again, people telling you to buy it are just trying to dump their bags.
It has the same usability as shit like dogecoin

>> No.10987093

OP here. I forgot to mention maybe that I would like to put $1000 into this and forget about it at least for next 6 months. I am not really looking to trade, as I do not have neither the skills, nor the time.

>> No.10987100

Also how would this be flipping a coin? It found support at it's previous low (just like it has done 4 times since december). it has 1-3 days before dropping again (like it has done 4 times since december). Learn to be logical and follow trends. This is a bear market.

>> No.10987111

Look at how HODL has worked in crypto the last 9 months and work out what is most LIKELY to happen to your funds if you just drop them in a wallet and forget about them. Anything besides what I'm saying is speculation and a gamble

>> No.10987131

If you bough April last year and sold January this year you would've made sick gains. It kind of goes both ways I guess.

>> No.10987152


Stop reading boomer shit on Twatter. Ltc etc are has-been coins. XMR is great, but it's really not a speculative instrument anymore the way the others are, since its got organic use. That's a good thing for stability, but it won't do a x100 or something. Btc is still worth holding for obvious reasons. Honestly, stop falling for the "muh ERC20 tokens are all shit" meme - nobody is going to run 1000 different dedicated wallets & chains for dapps or whatever - yeah, most of them are shit (obviously, even a non-coder can follow the Hello World and release one) but there's specific ones that are fantastic. EOS is also garbage by the way, it's not a dapp platform - just a regular database basically. And it used to be an ERC20 token - maybe you should take a look at a few others, see what might have value when its own network launches.

>> No.10987155

Right, because it entered a bull run. It is not bull running right now; wait until it does to invest. It does not go both ways. The only way you make money right now is if it magically flips to a bull run - especially if you are going long!
The smart thing to do would be to wait right now with all your money and wait until the first signs of a bull run appear and then invest. Right now there is no reason to believe it will even start going up! Just be PATIENT.

>> No.10987199

Well the ones I have taken a look at are Nuls & Enigma.
I basically went for top15 coins to pick from.

>> No.10987212

>I unironically have $1000 to invest

Holy shit, OP UNIRONICALLY has ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS to invest!! Someone call this man a limousine and hire him a butler!

>> No.10987213

Too safe OP. Live a little.
$500 ZIL (ERC-20 for now, mainnet in Q1 2019)
$400 NANO (easy 10x on the next bullrun of 2019-2020)
$100 HOT (high risk high reward)

>> No.10987236

Oh well, I am a poorfag from South-Eastern Europe...what can I say?

>> No.10987266

>200 EOS, $200 LTC,
If you are this dumb, don’t bother. Seriously anon, don’t buy their bags. Especially LTC.

>> No.10987301

I will most likely drop the LTC but I'd like to have a platform coin and currently EOS seems cheap(?) and most importantly I've read that it is the most active blockchain and with ETH dropping, idk...it seems tempting to get some.

>> No.10987375
File: 22 KB, 1055x120, eosnolaunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is one of the safer bets in crypto right now. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the ideas behind it, there's too much institutional money and power behind it at this point, and it already has momentum being the most used blockchain with the highest volume dapps by far. Reddit and /biz/ hate EOS because they missed the moon mission and are holding heavy ETH bags that are threatened by the competition. EOS fud is ever-moving goal posts.

LTC is kind of pointless, but it does its job and it's not going anywhere any time soon. Personally I'd rather invest in BTC.

>> No.10987395

XMR all the way

>> No.10987435

Buy 5 shares of AAPL stock and reinvest the dividends and wait 10 years and you'll have a bunch of money.

>> No.10987446

Alright thank you for the input. I will put my LTC money into BTC then. $550 BTC, $250 XMR, $200 EOS.

>> No.10987494

That's about as safe of a portfolio as you can have in this shitfuck of a market. Whatever you do, don't let /biz/ shill you into some meme coin like HOT or LINK or any "guaranteed 100x" low MC coin.

>> No.10987509
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Safe? That portfolio will be worth $0. Pic related.

>> No.10987520
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Thanks for the laugh m8

>> No.10987545

You’ve done a great job. Your portfolio will outperform what the majority of people here will do. And you’re right to not buy tokens.

>> No.10987569

100% in DAI
thank me later

>> No.10987638

mentioned a billion times but XMR