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10977765 No.10977765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So that's what sex feels like. Why does everyone try so hard to have sex and sperg about it feeling like the most amazing thing on earth? I get a better feeling when I make 2% profit on a trade.

Up until recently I had just been recreating the feeling of sex by making Jello and pouring it into pop bottles and cutting the top of the pop bottle off with my dagger. Then proceeding to penetrate the Jello it felt quite nice. I would only do this once every 2 weeks so I didn't lose my testosterone levels. Anyways today I lost my virginity to a prostitute after 29 years. It literally didn't feel that much better than the Jello and I am very confused. Why the fuck do Normies chase pussy their entire lives as the main goal in life? I didn't even care to lose my virginity I just wanted to see what the big fuss was all about.

Correct me if I'm wrong but should I just continue on with my old way of life using the Jello technique? I honestly don't see why anyone would ever want to risk losing 50% of their wealth for a feeling I can create inside a pop bottle.

>> No.10977782

Keep being you OP. Normies are dumb.

>> No.10977785

This is what I've been trying to tell you incels. You're wasting all your time and energy worrying about what it feels like to stick your dick in a hole.

>> No.10977793
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>he thinks anything but having sex to your 8/10+ 16yo glowing girlfriend during the peak years of your life aka teen intense summer years as an ALPHA which is loved intensely by her with an uncut dick counts as sex aka be part of the 20% of genetic lotery winers or kys

>> No.10977802
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>Anyways today I lost my virginity to a prostitute after 29 years.

>> No.10977805

It's impossible to imagine a sane human being making a post like this.

>> No.10977818

My theory is that they don't much porn and the porn they watch is very vanilla. Especially the older generations which grew up before internet porn was widely available.
The conquest feels great but the act itself is just meh, not much better than your hand.

>> No.10977828
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>Why does everyone try so hard to have sex
>Anyways today I lost my virginity to a prostitute after 29 years

you're not gonna make it my man

>> No.10977833

Dude go an Asian massage parlor that does nuru slides and shit. Getting a rimjob feels awesome and the whole experience was dope

>> No.10977846

jello would be pathetic and a bored as fuck prostitute will be as loose and dry as hillary's anus.

>> No.10977859

first few times i had sex it was awful. then you get the hang of it its pretty fun sometimes awesome. usually it okay.

>> No.10977866

jesus christ, try x25 leverage on crypto and cum buckets.

>> No.10977884


It's impossible to imagine a sane human being making a post like this.

>> No.10977914

Idk OP but i went with the prostitute route too when i was 20 years old and it felt extremely amazing, she really was passionate with me and i had an explosive orgasm, got a great memory that im not ashamed of.

However i tried it again later with some other prositute and it felt shitty somehow and left me feel bad about myself that i lost 60 euros lmao.

I think it really depends on the girl man

>> No.10977941
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>not using warm apple pie

jello fag

>> No.10977964

Wtf is going on anon? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.10977999
File: 41 KB, 728x535, jbcouple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, nobody that is sane (that had a sane upbringing, with teen love with a hottie during your key development years) posts on internet forums, let alone on this cesspol.

The fact that you consider sane is a sign of a successful cope. Good for you, keep on coping in the free world.

>> No.10978009


To obsessively chase such a fleeting feeling is insanity.

>> No.10978011

Strongly disagree. Lost it at 25, most amazing shit ever. And literally nothing on earth can compare to cumming inside your loving partner's tight wet pussy. Find a gf ASAP

>> No.10978066

>t. Honeymooning

>> No.10978087

PinkID never going to make it

>> No.10978132

I just woke up from a dream where I was fucking a stack of crumpets

felt good though maybe I am on to something

>> No.10978220

Anons here is the deal: i've had sex with a few partners but nothing out of the ordinary, to be precise i've had sex with 6 women up to date, however i couldnt get myself to cum even once, not even after 2h of excessive fucking. The only way i can actually come is when im beating my meat. Does anyone have any idea whats wrong and moreover what i could do against it? Please help me.

>> No.10978262

wtf is a "nuru slide"?

>> No.10978356
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r9k is that way --->
fuck off faggot

>> No.10978425

Search deathgrip

Just fap SOFT and watch normal porn (best to not watch anything) and you will be fine.

>> No.10978473

The only thing better than bareback intercourse is heroin.

>> No.10978516

You're jerking your cock too fast and too hard. You've desensitized the fuck out of it. I used to have the same problem. You're going to have to abstain from masturbating for a very long time I'm afraid. Not only will you need to restore physical sensation to your penis but you'll need to break the association in your kind between beating your meat and cumming. This will take even longer. Good luck anon.

>> No.10978536

sex is a war
as a white male you have to inseminate the most girls you can
if you don't
then white people will disappear
and this world will burn

you have been jew'ed

>> No.10978588

/r9k/ get the fuck out of my board

>> No.10978670

honestly, just buy a good onahole every now and then it's like $50 and if you take care of it will last you months even if you fuck it daily.

from experience, a good onahole+porn setup is at least as good as a high class prostitute, imo.

just don't cheap out on lube and cleaning supplies.

>> No.10978717

oh to add, best onahole porn is POV where the dude preferably doesn't say shit. why all porn studios don't offer that i have no idea. porn where you see the dude and he grunts and shit will make you a cuck.

>> No.10978764

As a 28 year old virg its not the horniness its the rejection that gets me.

>> No.10978781


It’s not about the pussy lad, it never was. It’s all about the chase.

>> No.10978808


>> No.10978869

you really should go outside for awhile. divest yourself of devices for a few hours.

>> No.10978909
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8/10 larp

>> No.10979574

Fucking older women is the best

44 is my ath