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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10975506 No.10975506 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do with it? What's your plan of attack?

>> No.10975546

WEll, i'd bE in
clined to
wait until BTc
is jus
t 5800
but ,, were
a Whale
large and
Well Spoken,w
ith mny othErs like me speaking
to me speaking,
i would Be A Trickster
I would Show an oBvious Pattern in the waves
a Fly trap, for little
drip by
Again 5800 Must Must
be the bootom Of course!
It has happened tenfold times afore!
But when say I, Btc they buy, perhaps
may it go lower than before...

>> No.10975561

munis, live off the interest.

>> No.10975567

Only spend it on food and a cheap comfy place to live. Spend all my free time mastering a skill. Don't know which one yet. Maybe drawing.

>> No.10975574

I would not rather not wake up under attack thank you.

>> No.10975601

i'd put 100k into bitcoin

>> No.10975612

kms cause i've lost 2mio

>> No.10975636

So why haven't you done it yet?

>> No.10975648

Purchase a house with space to have a workshop and office, ensure that I have enough left over to cover 1-2 years worth of bills and expenses ($550,000).
The rest will be split between stocks, property and crypto (50%, 40%, 10%)

>> No.10975653

>You wake up tomorrow with $1,000,000

>> No.10975666

I had a dream I woke up with 58 bitcoins kek must be real

>> No.10975667

400k in bluechip bonds
200k in crypto
150k in gold
100k in silver
100k to me for settling debts and wasting
50k on puts on tech stocks/etfs

>> No.10975670

I would give half to my parents, seriously. They're always broke as hell and I feel bad for them. As for the rest of $500k, that's already enough for me to live frugally for the rest of my life. I already did the math and minus the cost of a place to live in, it will only cost me $200k to live simply for the next 40 years of my life left.

>> No.10975681

Start looking for cheap homes in my city( a capital city in Canada)
Find two homes where asking price is 150k or less.

Low ball the owners with 100k cash ready to go for each one. 50k max for materials and I do 95% of the work. (Am a small time contractor)
Within 4 months both homes are complete and on the market for 300k and willing to take 280.
Or if the houses work for it, 3 story with a flat on each floor and rent each unit for 1200 a month bringing me 3600 per home a month.
7200 a month income for life.

Repeat process until I have cash flow coming in every month, hire employees and operate flipping and renting/ Maintance.

Finally live stress fucking free. I'm fuckin tired of this shit holy fuck

>> No.10975713


Put it all into solid old dividend paying stocks. You should be able to get a safe 5% from them.

That gives me 50k per year forever. Live on 30k/year, then use the other 20k per year for riskier investments.

>> No.10975786

Where do you live? 3rd world?

>> No.10975810

I have a feeling that in 10 years bitcoin will fail, until then you will have that 1 mil from bitcoin, but keep in mind this time to be smart and sell at the top. Crypto as a whole will be much bigger than we imagine. There will be another coin/token that will receive the institutional money as it was build from the ground up so this time it will not leave gov/big companies with the eyes in the sun. I know what coin/token will be. And 4chan also knows

>> No.10975811
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>coffee, black- no sugar
>head to local bakery and pick out a bakers dozen good donuts
>eat the donuts as I walk home, hand the guy begging on the corner a jelly-filled one
>get home, heat up another cup and browse /biz/ after posting a thread of me with my cash
>shitpost till noon
>break for lunch- make myself a sandwich with chips and an apple
>after lunch, book my one way tickets to Luanga, Angola for less than $700
>apply and receive tourist visa
>weeks later, the plane touches down in Angola
>I rent an inconspicuous hotel room on the outskirts of Luanga, sample the local cuisine and visit the beach.
>Wake up the next day, charted a van to the eastern provinces
>travel to diamond rich area
>purchase slightly less than $1,000,000 or whatever left at this point worth of uncut diamonds
>next I travel to Zambia, bribing the border guard with a few stones to keep him happy.
>I obtain a Zambian diamond export certificate easily for less than $100 in bribes
>Relax in Lusaka and wait for my flight, avoiding attention
>Fly out to Denmark and sell the stones at 40x profit
>shit-post on /biz/ even harder

>> No.10975827

All into link. I can't retire on 1m.

>> No.10975832

>I know what coin/token will be

Why don't you enlighten us?

>> No.10975842

Uh, have you heard of a thing called inflation? Whatever you have left will be worth 1/3 or less of what it is right now.

>> No.10975849

buy a couple of houses and rent them out for passive income

>> No.10975855
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>> No.10975884

1. The golden king shall fall to bits

>> No.10975891

>$550,000 for 1-2 years bills and expenses
Are you serious? What the fuck are you spending money on? Are you a gambling addict or something and consider it a "bill"? I'm living off of 10k or so a year.

>> No.10975907

2.Grown men cry out despairing

>> No.10975918

I've always wondered how much of a return you get from managed properties.

>> No.10975922

i would be happy that i got 50% of my losses

>> No.10975928

3.The cubic coin found linked to heaven

>> No.10975942

It's rise cannot be halted.

>> No.10976044

work on getting to $2m

>> No.10976056
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work until it hits 2M and retire early

>> No.10976057

>Pay off the taxes from it before the goverment sanctioned killers arive
>put 10% into my retirement fund, 20% into my parents'.
>from 150k build a house on the property i already own, with a garage/workshop. Let my girlfriend furnish the rest.
>buy 4-5 apartments in the capital (round 60k to buy one but fucking expensive to rent), renovate them and rent them out, live off of tax free returns.

Any critique?

>> No.10976127

I think the secret is to buy a few properties close together in a popular spot and hire a property manager to take care of everything for you. If you have 3 houses ranking in a total of $100,000 a year ($1,000/week * 60% occupation rate, pretty conservative) and pay someone to come by every Saturday when the house changes hands to clean and change the sheets say $40k a year? You'll be pocketing $50k easy after property taxes for absolutely 0 work. Plus if you buy at a lull in the market in the right place you can probably double your money in 10-15 years just holding the property.

>> No.10976142

based and redpilled

real estate is a great option if you do your DD and choose the right market

>> No.10976155

1 million worth of link

>> No.10976173

>I think the secret is to buy a few properties close together in a popular spot and hire a property manager to take care of everything for you. If you have 3 houses ranking in a total of $100,000 a year ($1,000/week * 60% occupation rate, pretty conservative) and pay someone to come by every Saturday when the house changes hands to clean and change the sheets say $40k a year? You'll be pocketing $50k easy after property taxes for absolutely 0 work. Plus if you buy at a lull in the market in the right place you can probably double your money in 10-15 years just holding the property.

lol, your figures are ridiculous. You don't need a full time manager for three houses, and I don't think you'll get $1000 a week for anything. I live in the UK and I own two rental houses which I let to students. Each month they net around £1200 combined, after mortgages and all expenses. The amount of work I have to do with them is absolutely minimal. If I had more than 5 I would get help around changeover times, and more than 10 I might consider a manager but unlikely, as 10 x no effort is still no effort.

Generally you are right that property is a brilliant thing to do, renting it and stuff. If you enjoy DIY and "being a landlord" then it's the best thing ever. I am very lucky to have my houses. If I had cashed out in Jan I could have bought four more, instead of trying to kill myself and aging 5 years in 6 months.


>> No.10976236

Take 100k and dollar cost average it into bitcoin, take 100k and buy precious metals, put 800k into a 3 year CD ready to buy the stock market dip in 3 years when we're mid recession

>> No.10976623

Haha I was figuring for vacation rentals on Florida’s west coast

>> No.10976632


>> No.10976783

buy 1 btc spend the rest on hookers and cocaine

>> No.10977263

go see my therapist and tell them im not suicidal anymore, then laugh at them and mercilessly ridicule them for not buying LINK when i shilled them on it for the last 6 months.

>> No.10977372

Immediately talk to the CFO of my company and as if he could refer me to an accountant. Take 50k and pay all my debts in full. Put 4-700k in index funds/bonds. Take 200k and invest in land/home (probably South America). Use the 100k to do crazy shit for a few years like travel.

Besides the few years of traveling I don't see my life being too different.

>> No.10977606


The thing you'll be mastering is jerking off to porn.

>> No.10977909

buy 100k worth of DUK.

>> No.10977924

Come here so you guys tell me what to do. You're all the smartest people. I'm dumb

>> No.10978190

the secret to this board is that real millionaires use it and shitpost to it.
once you see the patterns emerge, then you know what to buy and ride the rocket with everyone else.
its so easy even i could do it and im literally mentally ill and clinically terminally autistic

>> No.10978254

I'm about to lose everything and my passtime is watching wealthy people get wealthy when I'm not. I don't know why but I enjoy that.

>> No.10978275

This but mostly bluechip bonds

>> No.10978278

All in bitcoin, sell when it goes down 80%.

>> No.10978279

first thing to do would be to stake my link because mainnet is now out

>> No.10978432

Put half in money markets yielding 2% and the other half in a dividend stock fund yielding 3%. Then I'll move to a cheap area and live off the $25k yearly interest and dividend payments.

>> No.10978455


>> No.10978540

invest in amd

>> No.10978583
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All in ChainLink, unironically.

>> No.10978604

you realize that btc competes against the institution by devalueing thier money. so an institution putting money into coin x does not help them or hurt btc 2 the protocol will be around in 10 years.

>> No.10978673

how expensive r the properies u purchased?

>> No.10979326

Considering I'm all in on LINK, I'd help family and friends who have interest in passive income set up nodes to support the network.

>> No.10979367
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70% boomer high-yield vanguard fund
10% BTC
10% XMR
5% metals

>> No.10979376

By the time I get done paying taxes, tags, freight, postage, shipping, handling, fees, surcharges, deductions, inductions, exemptions, etc. there won't be anything meaningful left.

>> No.10979552

pay off my debt, put it in a fixed index annuity with guaranteed >5% interest payout per year. live off of half of the interest and reinvest the rest into the principal

>> No.10979584

Invest it all in link and be a trillionaire

>> No.10979621
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move in to big house

home gym

swimming pool

sports car

big speakers

do drugs and have parties (occasionally)

thats about it

>> No.10979640

Wonder where the rest of my money went.

>> No.10979704

t. broke in 1 year

>> No.10979757

Lol that guy is cucked

>> No.10979785

buy 800K worth of QQQ and a house for 200k

>> No.10979805

10% gold, 10% crypto swing-trading the rest in cash waiting for stock market crash.

>> No.10979849

live the rest of my life like I do today NEET, doing this I will catch onto a hobby that will make me income because of my unstoppalbe confidence knowing I am rich

>> No.10979992

Most of it would sit in my bank.. for now. here's what i'd do.

100k in crypto immediately
500k in realestate, single & multifamily (in next realestate downturn)
100k savings
400k vanguard S&P500 mutual fund & high yield dividend stocks (in next stockmarket downturn)

>> No.10980033


put the rest (500k) into bank and live frugaly off the interest

maybe work once a week to keep myself mentally stable

>> No.10980038

You sound retarded. Wagie mentally.

>> No.10980053

the interest in a bank doesn't even beat the (((reported inflation))) let alone actual inflation
is this bait?

>> No.10980064

Don't really know m8 my parents always told me you can live off interest if you put 1mill in the bank

failing that, id buy another house and rent it out for a cash flow

>> No.10980184

$1,000,000 in Vanguard ETFs.

>> No.10980198

your parents are retarded
and so are you

the absolute state

>> No.10980342

Niggers still don't get that bitcoins will outlive everyone posting in this thread.

>> No.10981174


Probably the exact same thing I'm doing now. Go to the job I like to continue developing my craft, hang out with my partner in the evenings, see friends and family on the weekends, read books for leisure.

Only difference would be buying a modest home with cash instead of waiting for a good buy in my local market.

>> No.10981217

Typically you'll get around 2% interest if you chuck it in the Jew bank. Can you live off 20k a year Anon?

>> No.10981220

All in doge

>> No.10981276

All in on some ultra low cap shit coins, as in $100k mcap with $300 daily volume, and then crash them to the depths of hell. Just for keks.